Journal of Information Technology Education Essay

Journal of Information Technology Education Essay

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“To be human is to be a user, a creator, a participant, and a co-participant in a richly entangled tapestry of technologies” (Dron, 2022 P1 Para1). Teachers are never alone in creating the machinery that teaches. The technology of learning almost always involves the participation of numerous others, primarily the learners themselves, also the developers of the tools, and environments where learning takes place. The most important organizer of this “stuff” of obtaining an education, is always the learner, we always learn from, and along with many others, instructors, and fellow students alike. Learning technologies are diverse and varied, and every part matters to the success of the whole. Sometimes participation is pre-determined. The participation is proscribed or mandated for one reason or another, meaning the learning serves a designated purpose. In these situations, the technologies when enacted correctly we must play our correct roles in order for them to work. Sometimes, our participation demands creativity or invention.  Journal of Information Technology Education Essay There is little or no correlation between effective learning and either the number of technologies we use or the technical precision with which they are utilized. In many programs much of the teaching is done by the institution itself. Selection procedures help to bring together a group of competent self-teaching students, that augments and enhances formal teaching. Students are pulled from their own environments into an environment that proclaims its purpose is learning and encourages it in all facets and formal and informal interactions. They are surrounded by other students who are like minded, driven, goal oriented. share ideas, discuss and debate information and techniques. They have libraries, common rooms, means of communication for and between students and instructors, credentials to aim for (grades), schedules and calendars to follow, and textbooks. Journal of Information Technology Education Essay



A study by Andrew, et al. (2018) showed that participants “enjoy learning how to use new technology, believe it improves learning, and prepares them for future jobs. Books/paper were the most preferred resources for learning, followed closely by laptops, while tablets and smartphones were much less preferred for specific educational tasks. The data also revealed that respondents preferred learning through a combination of traditional resources (e.g. books, paper) and digital technological tools (e.g. laptops, tablets)”. This demonstrates to educators and higher education administrators the importance of adopting and expanding learning outcomes related to digital literacy in the classroom. This not only helps students become more effective learners, but also more prepared, skilled professionals more prepared to enter the workforce and excel in their working lives. Classroom practices that incorporate both traditional tools and newer technological tools for learning might be most effective because they provide flexibility to find the best learning tool(s) for the task. Journal of Information Technology Education Essay



Andrew, M., Taylorson, J., Langille, D. J., Grange, A., & Williams, N. (2018). Student attitudes towards technology and their preferences for learning tools/devices at two universities in the UAE. Journal of Information Technology Education: Research, 17, 308–343. Journal of Information Technology Education Essay


Dron, J. (2022). Learning, Technology, and Technique/Apprentissage, technologie et technique. Canadian Journal of Learning & Technology, 48(1), 1–11. Journal of Information Technology Education Essay