Difference Between Inerrancy And Infallibility Essay

Difference Between Inerrancy And Infallibility Essay

This assignment consists of two (2) parts. Both parts are to be written and submitted as a single Word document.

Part 1: Provide an eight (8) page double-spaced treatment of the Bible which includes the following information:

A summary of biblical inspiration, inerrancy, infallibility, and perspicuity (one (1) paragraph each) based on the assigned articles from Vanhoozer, as well as various other sources of your choosing.
A discussion of how these four aspects of the doctrine of Scripture are interrelated, as well as how they are related to the formation of the canon. Answer the following questions: Difference Between Inerrancy And Infallibility Essay


What is the relationship between inspiration and inerrancy, inspiration and infallibility, and inspiration and perspicuity?
What is the difference between inerrancy and infallibility?
How does the canonicity of a given book relate to its inspired status? Does canonicity “prove” inspiration or does inspiration result in canonization?

Part 2: Provide a two-to-three (2-3) page double-spaced evaluative summary of the articles listed below:

Douglas W. Kennard’s “Evangelical Views on Illumination of Scripture and Critique” Difference Between Inerrancy And Infallibility Essay

Be sure to include the following in your evaluative summary:

A one (1) paragraph summary of the author’s major argument with a statement of the author’s thesis if available.
A brief discussion of those points in the article with which you agree.
A critique of the article with a discussion of those points in the article with which you do not agree. Difference Between Inerrancy And Infallibility Essay