Role of Nutrition in Mental Health Essay

Role of Nutrition in Mental Health Essay

Assignment Information & Instructions
HTHS 1110 Signature Assignment Instructions
HTHS 1110 is a Life Science General Education (Gen Ed) course at Weber State University in Ogden, Utah. A “signature assignment” is required for all Gen Ed courses. These assignments are intended to help students appreciate the broader implications and meaning of the course. Role of Nutrition in Mental Health Essay
The world is full of information. Some of it is credible, promotes solid ideas based in science and research, and helps improve society as a whole. Some information is not reliable, does not have credible sources, is intended to deceive or promote personal beliefs or ideas, and is often harmful to society. Being able to discern what is truth and what is something else is a critical skill for professionals in general, but especially important for those in healthcare. This Signature Assignment will give you the opportunity to scrutinize information, critique and analyze claims, interpret evidence, evaluate situations, and explore different perspectives. These skills are at the core of what we consider the intellectual tools that every educated person should have. Role of Nutrition in Mental Health Essay



In healthcare, we are constantly bombarded with questions about science and medicine. With the current COVID-19 pandemic, these questions have increased in frequency and complexity. For this assignment, you will address the big question, “How can I know that what I am telling others is the truth?”
To begin, you will select a healthcare question that has some kind of personal connection to you. For example, this question could be a personal concern, a social concern you care about, or even an actual question a patient, friend, or family member has asked you. The question should be something that you cannot simply answer by yourself using only opinions or personal beliefs. Try to think of something that needs some kind of evidence or data to support your response. For example, a question like “are vaccines bad?” is really complicated and complex, requires a moral opinion (who decides what “bad” means?), and is fraught with problems if you were to try to give a short answer. A better way to rephrase the question is, “Is the shingles vaccine (Shingrex™) safe and effective?” There are very few limits on the type of question you can ask, but try to keep it realistic. Think of the last time you had a conversation with other people about a medical science topic. What questions came up that you made you feel a little uncomfortable answering without looking up some more information? That is the type of question we are looking for. Role of Nutrition in Mental Health Essay
After deciding on a question, your next step is to find credible information about that topic. Answering the question will not be nearly as important as being able to explain where you got the information to support your answer and how you know it can be trusted. This is where the critical thinking piece comes in. You must use a reliable database tool such as PubMed or Google Scholar to locate a source of information.
This assignment may challenge your previously held beliefs. That’s ok. It is important for any educated person to be able to recognize when they may have been wrong. Being wrong means you followed the data, not your own personal beliefs or preconceptions. Role of Nutrition in Mental Health Essay
The final piece of this assignment is a written description of the answer and your source, as well as why that source is credible. As a part of this, you will need to select an audience. Who are you explaining this to? For example, you could say “Audience: a group of CNA coworkers at the hospital where I work” or “Audience: my aunts and uncles who were arguing about this at the last family party we had.”
Format of your Signature Assignment (APA 7th edition format): Role of Nutrition in Mental Health Essay
1. Student name
2. Question: [Your question here.] Does nutrition play a role in mental health?
3. Data Source: [Data source here. The source must be scholarly peer-reviewed (i.e. from PubMed or Google Scholar or a similar database). BE SURE TO SAY WHY THIS SOURCE IS CREDIBLE AND WHY YOU CHOSE THIS ONE!!
4. Audience: [Your audience here.] Medical and nursing staff. Role of Nutrition in Mental Health Essay
5. Answer to question above: [Answer the question in a few sentences here, explaining how the data source you used addressed the question. Aim for about 200-300 words but this is a guideline, not a firm requirement.]
6. Do not use direct quotes. Paraphrase and cite. Links to an external site….
7. Summary of Steps:
• Think of a healthcare question you have a personal interest in (Nursing). Decide if that question would be answerable with a little research.
• Find a credible, factual source that helps you answer your question. These sources must be scholarly peer reviewed sources. Role of Nutrition in Mental Health Essay
• Click here to watch Jason Francis, the Health Professions librarian, help you find articles using Weber State’s databases. You must use PubMed, Google Scholar, or a similar database tool to find your article.
• Decide the audience you want to write to: Medical and nursing staff.
• Write your question, data source, audience, and answer in the format listed above. Role of Nutrition in Mental Health Essay
• Compile all of it together in a nice, organized document in 7th edition APA format. Must be 250 words but no more than 350 words.
• Include a separate reference page. All references must be cited in assignment.
Article 1:
Rao, T. S., Asha, M. R., Ramesh, B. N., & Rao, K. S. (2008). Understanding nutrition, depression and mental illnesses. Indian journal of psychiatry, 50(2), 77–82. Role of Nutrition in Mental Health Essay