Disparity and Vulnerabilities Within The Community Essay

Disparity and Vulnerabilities Within The Community Essay


You must submit both journal article and your personal reflection assignment under assignment drop box by your due date (No late assignment will be accepted***)

• Write a brief (approx. 300 word) personal reflection as assigned by topic area

• Utilizing current community and clinical experiences reflect on the topic area and how it relates to your clinical interactions and the experiences you encountered. Disparity and Vulnerabilities Within The Community Essay



• At least one professional, peer reviewed journal (within last five years) should also be referenced within the reflection and attached to the assignment drop box (articles should be obtained through South University Online Library).

• APA 7th edition must be utilized (title page, reflection, reference page, article

Reflective Contents

Reflects upon clinical experience and appropriately discusses topic area


Journal articles

Utilizes appropriate article to topic area, article is from peer and summarize the articles- published within the past five years Disparity and Vulnerabilities Within The Community Essay


APA Format

Paper formatted correctly, title page, content and reference page, appropriately references article in APA 7th ed. Format Disparity and Vulnerabilities Within The Community Essay