Communication In The Delivery Of An Ultrasound Essay

Communication In The Delivery Of An Ultrasound Essay

Communication is an essential requirement of practice for health care specialists. The role of communication has been liked by healthcare providers worldwide. Effective communication includes the capability to acquire, interpret and answer efficiently and plainly to emails (Craig 1993). Communication in health services is different from normal sociable disclosure because in drugs we discuss very private and hypersensitive issues (Levetown 2008). Communication should succeed which is very important in the health care industry to determine a relationship between your patient and health care providers. Matching to Andy Betts, a nurse Consultant and Professor at Nottingham School boasts that “Studies over last 3 decades identify communication problems as consistent causes for matter in delivery of healthcare” (Ellis et al 2003 pg. 73). In this essay I will discuss the role of communication in ultrasound department.Communication In The Delivery Of An Ultrasound Essay

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A department made up of a group of men and women with different responsibilities and every individual involved in the system is an agent of communication. For example, the staff for booking consultations, the Sonographer’s, managers and doctor’s. Team work and communication among co-workers is also important for owning a successful section. When communication is not good in departments it will cause poor patient care and attention and satisfaction, easily made problems and too little confidence in health care providers. Effective communication is vital for jogging successful health care departments.


Sonographers have an integral role in providing information to patients. For effective communication, Sonographers not only develop communication skill but also their capacity to listen and express interest, compassion, knowledge and information will be the key critical indicators in their practice (Craig 1993). According to a books review, communication in ultrasound is a neglected section of research. Within the last couple of years, there are studies heading on which exhibited patient centred style of communication are to be encouraged.Communication In The Delivery Of An Ultrasound Essay

It is also important that according to the NHS Plan, communication is the centre of effective patient care. In the NHS, according with their standard installation, all trust scanning services should have clear insurance policies and procedure set up for communication of normal and abnormal ultrasound check results (NHS Foetal Anomaly Testing programme March 2009). Matching to Communication standard in NHS (April 1996), ‘communication should most probably, corporate and business, two way, timely, planned, constant, clear, targeted, credible, reliable and involved’.

According to recent media which was publicized in British medical journal, from Apr 2008 to March 2009, there were 14, 866 complaints about clinical attention. Among those there have been 11, 003 grievances that have been about poor communication and frame of mind. Also, in the same journal there was a review commissioned by healthcare quality improvement partnership and they also discovered that most grievances were related to communication between patients and health professionals.

Medical research today is improving and we are experiencing new changes and advancements. In neuro-scientific Prenatal Ultrasound, the continual complex advancements improve our diagnostic and therapeutic capabilities.Communication In The Delivery Of An Ultrasound Essay

As a Sonographer it is our responsibility our patient should be fully informed about the precise reason for the check out and what are the limitations of ultrasound (Chesson 2002). So a verbal or written consent is very important. It is witnessed that if women get assessment before the check, it will increase maternal foetal attachment and can reduce maternal nervousness. The level of privacy of the patient shouldn’t be neglected.

Ultrasound is very appealing to women and households as Ultrasound is a usual part of treatment in pregnancy. The literature on women and companions views with their experiences about this ultrasound technology is positive and women found this as a wonderful experience and it gave them reassurance that the foetus is healthy (Crag – Svalenius et al 1996). We realize that images of 2D/3D foetal scans are extremely very important to parental bonding. Exhibiting fetal images to parents and giving them the photograph are mostly loved by the parents and are a significant take action. In so many clinics the setup for ultrasound scans are like that pregnant female can’t see the screen. If possible there must be an extra screen in the room for parents and Sonographers. Sonographers should explain the items they are looking at so we can get this to a good experience for parents. If it’s not possible at least we can suggest to them the heart beat and profile of the infant. Which is demonstrated in studies that mental impact of ultrasound has beneficial results during pregnancy. It is always a good practice to start with a formal communication and give lessen to patient and we should have the ability to understand the behaviour and feeling of different patients (emotional status such as happy or unfortunate). This can greatly help us in working with the individual. If we think about ourselves, sometimes we have been in the same situations with our co individuals, friends or family. Have a look at what goes on when you talk to each other, how you feel? You can use the same way of developing a supportive dialog and by this you can speak effectively with patients. In my experience, women usually go privately for another opinion because they’re not satisfied. The most frequent reason they provide are that Sonographer was not explaining the things during the check or he or she didn’t give plenty of time for questions. It had been a quick check out or the Sonographer was not confident during the scan.Communication In The Delivery Of An Ultrasound Essay

Communication is not just transmission of words or verbal but nonverbal communication such as vision contact, facial expression, body movement, posture, tone of voice and touch is also important. For instance, if you are doing a scan and when there is a bad information or you detect a Foetal abnormality, then in such situation communication and information point out the need for clarity from the start and value of spouse to be present. There are obstacles that exist and one common barrier is communicating too fast and using slang medical vocabulary. This can make it difficult for a female and her partner to know what you are trying to say (Craig 1993).

In an interview distributed by Make Russell a Sonographer from Homerton School Clinic in Hackney at BBC News Route on 25th August 2007, he informed the audiences when he was asked “what’s the hardest thing about your job?” and he solved “Breaking bad news when an abnormality is available with the baby or baby has ended growing. There is absolutely no easy way to inform the parents and despite some training at school and counselling lessons which many of us attended, it never really gets any easier”. Conveying bad reports is one of the most important and challenging and there isn’t a lot research has been done in conveying bad news.

A UK study by Simpson and Bar (2001) used interviews with Sonographers at two private hospitals and also questionnaires to 180 Obstetrics Sonographers to explore this issue of offering bad reports. This study demonstrated that problems in breaking bad media were on top of the list and Sonographers find it psychologically distressing.Communication In The Delivery Of An Ultrasound Essay

In another study which was done in Canada 2004 on women tastes of caregiver behaviour when prenatal Sonographer studies are irregular, it showed that ladies attached the most importance to information quality much more so than to promptness. Additionally it is very important and our duty as a health care professional to describe the situation to the girl and her spouse. And we should discuss with them very appropriately because occasionally they need to make one of the primary decision of their lives to consider whether they will continue the being pregnant if there is a significant abnormality in foetus. If we see this area of Psychological and maternal stress less attention has been paid and studies upon this area emphasized the use for health professional to ensure that father or mother should be completely informed prior to the procedures and make informed decisions. For providing parents bad media the important thing is that people should determine that parents are prepared to know. Whenever you think they will be ready to hear bad information then you should discuss your conclusions. It really is a good practice to leave the couple for a few minutes (especially pregnancy related bad news for example, if there is no fetal heart beat found). And come in the area for discourse. Also important is usually that the atmosphere for good communication should be free from disturbance, where patient and you could communicate freely. Usage of cellular phone should be avoided because it can affect communication. It is also important and this will give the few an possibility to discuss their concerns with one another if their concerns remain undisclosed they are likely to become depressed and much more anxious. Like a Healthcare Professionals it is our responsibility that people should avoid false reassurance which is a right of couple to learn in detail about the results and prognosis.Communication In The Delivery Of An Ultrasound Essay

Melisse Piasecki has written a handbook on medical communication and corresponding to her there’s a six step process for providing bad news and is also widely used in coaching communication skill. The standard protocol has pneumonic: ‘SPIKES’. The ‘S’ is for setting which patient should be more comfortable with adjustments. ‘P’ is the notion that solicits the patient’s belief. ‘I’ is to ask and involve the patient in debate. ‘K’ is for knowledge which should be provided to patient. ‘E’ is Emphasizes with expressed sentiment. ‘S’ is summarize, that you should in end summarize the talk. A key process to follow for offering bad news is the fact that you should give the true reports and nothing should be covered from patient and whatever information is obtainable should be conveyed (Piasceki 2003 pg. 87).

In our daily clinics we must see some cancer patients as well. Cancer is no individual problem but it affects the complete family. These patients are quite demanding as a caregiver it’s our responsibility to provide them full mental support as well. A specific and correct communication is very important.

There is increased quantity of elderly people in NHS seeking health services. Dealing with old people is also very important and sensitive. We should provide them with time and entail them in their treatment.


If the patient’s first language is not English, you can ask for help from a trained interpreter. Usually in clinics there are arrangements for such conditions.Communication In The Delivery Of An Ultrasound Essay

As a Sonographer sometimes you will be asked to connect by mobile phone. When you do so be sure to give your name and section details and also ask the same information from the caller.


There is a declaring that “it isn’t what you say but the way you say that is important”. As being a health professional we must show that people care for patients. Our primary goal as health care pros is patient satisfaction. And this can be achieved if we can also effectively speak and properly understand patient need. As well as for obtaining this standard the staff who book consultations should be completely trained, especially in communication and coping with patients. Sonographers and doctors who are executing specific ultrasound scanning should be officially trained and really should have counselling expertise. Departmental minds should ensure carrying on professional development, involvement in team conferences, grand rounds and departmental meetings. And regarding to Nicholas J Toff’s article in United kingdom medical journal (2009), if there is a good backup by good communication and training in institutions, the effect is a versatile and resilient business. Still there is a need of wider research in this field. With communication skills, it is also important that we should become good listeners as well and express knowledge and information in effective manner. If as Sonographers we can talk properly, then we can have deeper satisfaction looked after leads to higher motivation. This may improve our health and wellness attention system which as a healthcare providers, is our extreme duty and should be our goal. Communication In The Delivery Of An Ultrasound Essay.