Importance of Community Strategic Plan Essay

Importance of Community Strategic Plan Essay

For this assignment, identify an area of focus in community health within your own community.

Using Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns framework (p. 130 in your e-text), assess the health risks in your community.

In your community assessment paper, include the following:

Identify resources in your community that would enable you to complete a community assessment and submit a summary of your findings (1-2 paragraphs). Importance of Community Strategic Plan Essay



Refer to Table 8-2: Examples of Community Strengths and Concerns and assess the strengths and concerns of your community (2-3 paragraphs).

Identify potential barriers to implementing community health plans in your community and brainstorm ways of addressing these barriers (2-3 paragraphs).

Plan: Next week, as Part B of this assignment, you will select one (1) identified risk from this assessment to develop a community-focused strategic plan to address that health risk. It is recommended that you look ahead to next week’s assignment so that you can begin framing your chosen community health focus. Please frame this assignment based on” Reducing drug experimentation among young adults†Importance of Community Strategic Plan Essay

Your paper should be 2-3 pages in length, not including the cover and reference pages. Use APA throughout. references 2016-2022

You must include 2-3 sources that are APA 7th ed cited and referenced in your paper. (Sources may include community resources such as flyers, brochures, interviews, news stories, and local research data from credible sources.) Importance of Community Strategic Plan Essay

Review the rubric for further information on how your assignment will be graded. Please have a thorough, concise, and clear introduction and strong conclusion. Refer to box 8-2 from the institute of medicine (2009) The future of nursing: Leading change, advancing health. Washington, DC only use this suggestion reading as a guidance and information tool, not for references, and the AHRQ health literacy Universal Precautions Tool kit and Safe Patient project ( Consumer’s Union) Importance of Community Strategic Plan Essay