Example of Clinical Significance in Nursing Essay

Example of Clinical Significance in Nursing Essay

Capstone topic: In hospitalized patients on a medical-surgical floor, does bedside reporting compared to reporting at the nursing station enhance patients’ safety and satisfaction after the first week of admission?

write a 3-4-page paper in APA format with a minimum of 3 references.

This paper should address the objectives of your project, the strategies you plan to use for your project and a discussion of the issue. Example of Clinical Significance in Nursing Essay



Take time to describe the clinical topic in depth. Include a narrative statement of the clinical nursing problem, including setting and population.

Provide rationale as to why this clinical problem is important in a clinical setting. Describe background and significance of the clinical problem.

Clearly and logically argue for the need to explore this clinical problem and possible innovation.

State the significance of the clinical problem in terms of incidence and prevalence, morbidity and mortality, cost, etc. Support with citations. Example of Clinical Significance in Nursing Essay