Evaluation of Curriculum Assignment Essay

Evaluation of Curriculum Assignment Essay

Nursing faculty members and administrators are responsible for evaluation of the curriculum for the overall purpose of quality improvement. To ensure that evaluation is aligned with the curriculum intent, planning for curriculum evaluation begins simultaneously with curriculum design. The purpose of the assignment is to delve deeper into all aspects of curriculum evaluation.
In this 4-5 page paper you will discuss the following: (support your discussion with 2-3 peer reviewed resources with one being your textbook) Evaluation of Curriculum Assignment Essay
1. Introduction with thesis statement (Do not use “Introduction” as a heading)
a. Introduce the topic to the reader in 2-3 sentences to grab the reader’s attention.
b. Conclude this paragraph with a clear and concise statement informing the reader of the purpose or primary objective of the paper/discussion.


2. Purpose of evaluation curriculum
a. Formative curriculum evaluation
b. Summative curriculum evaluation
3. Select three (3) curriculum models from the textbook (pp. 427-428). Evaluation of Curriculum Assignment Essay
Iwasiw, C. L., Andrusyszyn, M.A. & Goldenberg, D. (2020). Curriculum development in nursing
education. (4th Ed.). Boston: Jones & Bartlett. ISBN: 978-1284143584
a. Describe the models.
b. Discuss their value in nursing curriculum evaluations
4. Content of an evaluation plan
5. Once you gather the evaluation data, what will you do with it?
6. Discuss the benefits of participation in planning and conduction curriculum evaluation to faculty. To students.
7. Conclusion
a. Summarize the major points of the paper in one (1) paragraph.
b. No new information or references should be included in this section. Evaluation of Curriculum Assignment Essay
8. Scholarship.
a. Demonstrate Graduate Level Scholarship. Follows guidelines in the 7th Edition APA manual
b. Formal, scholarly writing style
c. Writing should be clear and concise.
d. Organize work by headings. Evaluation of Curriculum Assignment Essay
e. Correctly formatted title page included with page numbers formatted according to APA 7th edition standards.
f. Writing should be free of APA errors.
g. Paper to include a minimum of 2 peer-reviewed or scholarly references in addition to your textbook
h. Citations and references follow APA 7th edition format. References should be current, within 5 years.
i. Writing should be free of grammatical and spelling errors.
j. Paper not to exceed 5 pages excluding title page and reference page
k. Additional deductions may apply for late submissions, plagiarism or lack of scholarship and professionalism in the assignment. Evaluation of Curriculum Assignment Essay