Causes of Ozone Depletion Essay

Causes of Ozone Depletion Essay

Imagine that you are a policy analyst and your client has just asked you to help explain the landscape of problems and solutions around a specific environmental issue Your job is to recognize that environmental issues can be intensely political issue and therefore likely to lack shared perspectives and, thus, make political awareness a key part of policy rationality. Accordingly, you know that you must start by gaining insight into the kinds of narratives in the debate. Causes of Ozone Depletion Essay

In a 10 – 12 page paper, analyze at least three political narratives related to a political challenge of your choice. To complete your paper, you will use a simplified version of the technique called “content analysis” to identify and summarize the narratives about the problem. The paper focuses squarely on the problem definition step in policy analysis and the more politically-aware assessment techniques.



Divide your paper into these four sections. Causes of Ozone Depletion Essay

Section 1. Introduction (1 page)

As an introduction to your reader, briefly summarize the little disputed details about surrounding your topic. Was there consensus around when the issue occurred or the severity of the problem being addressed? Do this assuming that your reader is intelligent but has not read much news about this issue at all. Causes of Ozone Depletion Essay

Section 2. Narratives (2-4 pages)

The middle section of your memo is the focus of this assignment. It summarizes at least three narratives. Each narrative must include a description of a stakeholder who uses it (e.g., industry, citizen, environmental activist group, etc.), the narrative’s embedded explanation for the policy problem, the meaning of the policy problem based on this narrative, and any solutions to the policy issue likely to be satisfactory for someone using this narrative. (Note: you may need to infer the solutions.) Use the examples in this content analysis guide and Erlingsson & Brysiewicz (2017) as a guide. Causes of Ozone Depletion Essay

Your simplified content analysis means reading and analyzing online materials that offer opinions or “positions” on the oil spill. These can include news articles, blogs, and reports or other resources that you identify. As a starting point, click here to view online resources.

For our simplified content analysis, use these three steps: Causes of Ozone Depletion Essay

Identify Resources: Find a few articles, blogs, etc. that appear to have different viewpoints about the oil spill.
Develop Codes: You will need codes for “the problem,” “responsible parties,” “acceptable solutions,” and “meaning of policy issues”. For example, you might read an environmentalist’s critique of increased Greenhouse Gas Emissions that suggests the problem is “use of fossil fuels” and that argues that the responsible parties are “anyone who drives a car with an internal combustion engine.” A solution consistent with this narrative may be to “shift toward an economy based on alternative energy,” and the overall meaning of the spill may be “bad energy and environmental policy.”
You may identify these positions with the following types of codes. For the problem, you might have “lack of technology,” “unsustainable development,” “slow response,” or “inability to coordinate appropriately.” You would then read texts and determine which of these labels apply. For the responsible parties, you might have “industry”, “government”, or “society” as codes and read texts to see when these labels apply. Further, for causes you might have “bad regulation,” “continued reliance on fossil fuels,” or “company greed.”. Causes of Ozone Depletion Essay

Coding requires at least two passes through your resources. The first one is to develop a set of codes. The second is to apply the set of codes.

Construct Three Narratives: Using online resources and your coding technique, summarize the narratives you have developed. Remember that there should be at least three and you should have at least three sources that help you to construct each of your narratives. Longer resources may contain multiple narratives, but chances are there will be one narrative per resource.
To construct these narratives, you will use a simplified content analysis. Your simplified content analysis means reading and analyzing online materials that offer opinions or “positions” on your selected policy. These can include news articles, blogs, and reports or other resources that you identify. As a starting point, go below to view online resources. Causes of Ozone Depletion Essay

Section 3. Interpretation

As a conclusion to this paper, analyze the extent to which the narratives you identified are convergent or divergent. Namely, offer your reader an interpretation about whether the narratives offer a view of the problem, the responsible parties, and acceptable solutions. Note that narratives could overlap regarding the problem but have wildly different views about acceptable solutions. Similarly, they might agree on the problem and solutions but hold very different ideas about who is responsible and should be paying for the cleanup. Causes of Ozone Depletion Essay

Section 4. References

List your references for this assignment. As appropriate, also use citations in Sections 1-3 of your paper. Causes of Ozone Depletion Essay