Conducting Health Policy Analysis in Primary Care Research Essay

Conducting Health Policy Analysis in Primary Care Research Essay

lolade ogunleye
RE:Main Discussion Post – Week 4
Policy Selected- The Affordable Care Act

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) is an example of a healthcare policy in the US that seeks to improve access to healthcare by increasing the number of citizens with healthcare insurance. A policy analysis framework helps identify and understand the relationship between important variables relevant to the policy issue. The primary concern of policy analysis is the health policy outcomes or the policy’s impact on individuals (Masselink et al., 2021). The fact that a health concern requires an intervention shows that the existing health policy is ineffective. Thus, alternatives should be examined through policy analysis to address the health problem. Conducting Health Policy Analysis in Primary Care Research Essay


I would use Bardach’s framework to analyze the ACA. I selected it because it provides step-by-step guidance for policy analysis and is valuable for professionals with limited time, resources, and experience in policy analysis studies. Besides, Bardach’s framework does not need sophisticated analysis methods since it focuses on the policy issue and can be used to accomplish the goal of policy analysis over a short time (Engelman et al., 2019). The framework comprises eight steps: Define the problem; Search and assemble evidence; Consider different policy options; Select the criteria; Predict the outcomes; Use evaluative criteria to confront trade-offs; Make the decision; Disseminate the results of the process (Engelman et al., 2019). Conducting Health Policy Analysis in Primary Care Research Essay

The Bardach framework offers an approach to address the common limitation in policy analysis of having insufficient data to support changes in practice, even though an important policy question has been identified. A policy analysis framework might also guide in analyzing the policy process and content (Masselink et al., 2021). It can be used to analyze policy formulation and the substance of policy. Policy content analysis explores a significant policy issue and the options to address this issue. Conducting Health Policy Analysis in Primary Care Research Essay


Engelman, A., Case, B., Meeks, L., & Fetters, M. D. (2019). Conducting health policy analysis in primary care research: turning clinical ideas into action. Family Medicine and Community Health, 7(2).

Masselink, C. E., LaBerge, N., & Detterbeck, A. (2021). Policy analysis on power standing systems. Preventive Medicine Conducting Health Policy Analysis in Primary Care Research Essay