Pharmacotherapeutics For Advanced Practice Nurses Essay

Pharmacotherapeutics For Advanced Practice Nurses Essay

DC is a 46-year-old female who presents with a 24-hour history of RUQ pain. She states the pain started about 1 hour after a large dinner she had with her family. She has had nausea and one instance of vomiting before presentation. PMH: Vitals: HTN Temp: 98.8oF Type II DM Wt: 202 lbs Gout Ht: 5’8” DVT – Caused by oral BCPs BP: 136/82 HR: 82 bpm Current Medications: Notable Labs: Lisinopril 10 mg daily WBC: 13,000/mm3 HCTZ 25 mg daily Total bilirubin: 0.8 mg/dL Allopurinol 100 mg daily Direct bilirubin: 0.6 mg/dL Multivitamin daily Alk Phos: 100 U/L AST: 45 U/L ALT: 30 U/L Allergies: Latex Codeine Amoxicillin PE: Eyes: EOMI HENT: Normal GI:bNondistended, minimal tenderness Skin:bWarm and dry Neuro: Alert and Oriented Psych:bAppropriate moodExplain your diagnosis for the patient, including your rationale for the diagnosis. Describe an appropriate drug therapy plan based on the patient’s history, diagnosis, and drugs currently prescribed. Justify why you would recommend this drug therapy plan for this patient. Be specific and provide examples Pharmacotherapeutics For Advanced Practice Nurses Essay

Rosenthal, L. D., & Burchum, J. R. (2021). Lehne’s pharmacotherapeutics for advanced practice nurses and physician assistants (2nd ed.) St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.

Chapter 64, “Drugs for Peptic Ulcer Disease” (pp. 589–597)
Chapter 65, “Laxatives” (pp. 598–604)
Chapter 66, “Other Gastrointestinal Drugs” (pp. 605–616)
Chapter 80, “Antiviral Agents I: Drugs for Non-HIV Viral Infections” (pp. 723–743)

Chalasani, N., Younossi, Z., Lavine, J. E., Charlton, M., Cusi, K., Rinella, M., . . . Sanya, A. J. (2018). The diagnosis and management of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: Practice guidance from the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases. Hepatology, 67(1), 328–357. Retrieved from Pharmacotherapeutics For Advanced Practice Nurses Essay