Poster Review Assignment Essay

Poster Review Assignment Essay

You will also evaluate and reflect upon another student’s presentation, as described below. This is an out-of-class assignment that is also worth 10% of your course grade.
Please follow these steps to evaluate/reflect your peer’s presentation:
1. Prepare a one-paragraph summary of the presentation using the PICO format;
2. Explain what you found most interesting about the presentation;
3. Provide at least one example of what was good about the way they presented their work; Poster Review Assignment Essay



4. Respectfully explain one way you believe your peer could have improved the presentation;
5. Consider at least one question you would have asked the presenters about their work that explores points related to at least one of the following:
1. The background literature and how it justifies conducting the proposed study,
2. The presented position, including how it would address the PICO question, or
3. Ways in which the position could be applied to another area of nursing practice; Poster Review Assignment Essay

6. Reflect on what you learned most from the presentation.
Each of those prompts can serve as as section to your assignment. Your work should be between 750 and 1000 words (give or take). Poster Review Assignment Essay