Summary Of Case Study For Adolescent Pregnancy

Summary Of Case Study For Adolescent Pregnancy

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Summary of case study

Felicia Walker is a 14-year-old female who presents to the school-based teen clinic, with daily stomachaches for the past several weeks. She lives with her aunt and uncle, who are her legal guardians. Felicia is new to this school, and record shows she frequently misses first class of the day. She reports she has been very tired recently. Felicia is also worried because she has not had her period since moving in with her aunt and uncle 3 months ago. She likes living with them but they are religions and go to church three to four times a week. She reports that she was removed from her mother’s care due to drug use, and her mother’s boyfriend was found to have drugs in the home. She refers to him as a “pig” and reports he would come into her room at night and touch her. Felicia says she can’t sleep and she thinks her aunt and uncle won’t want her if they know. The urine pregnancy test results came back positive. She states she doesn’t want this baby in her. The mother’s boyfriend is 40 years old, and Felicia feels safer now that she is in a different city than him. Summary Of Case Study For Adolescent Pregnancy

Diferential Diagnosis

Adolescent Pregnancy: Pregnancy test detected the presence of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), which is released from a fertilized egg and passes into the bloodstream and urine after the implantation. The test is usually positive by 14 days after fertilization or 4 weeks after the last menstrual period (Schuiling & Likis., 2022).

Ectopic Pregnancy: Although less likely based on patient not having significant pain, it is essential to rule out. Pelvic and abdominal pain and unexplained vaginal bleeding are the primary symptoms of ectopic pregnancy (Schuiling & Likis., 2022). This diagnosis would be ruled out once further questions are asked as part of the assessment, and pelvic exam performed.

Cystitis: The most common type of UTI in women, with symptoms typically including dysuria with urinary frequency and urgency, hematuria and suprapubic pain may also be present (Schuiling & Likis., 2022). Based on patient being sexually abused it will be important to check for UTI and ensure symptoms are not related to her complaints.

Diagnosis Decision was made based on a positive pregnancy test. One in twelve children are sexually abused before turning 18 years old. The abuse can lead to fear, insomnia, post-traumatic stress disorder, dysfunctional relationships, fatigue, gastrointestinal upset, and chronic pain (McNiss, Kalarchian, & Laurent., 2021)Summary Of Case Study For Adolescent Pregnancy. Patient has expressed her mother’s boyfriend touching her at night, calls him a “pig”, feels more comfortable living with her aunt and uncle; has missed many morning classes; and reports stomachaches.

Treatment Plan

-Per state regulation sexual assault needs to be reported

-Referral to Sexual Assault Forensic Examiner

-Counseling for contraception, pregnancy screening, treatment for STI if needed, and social worker/school counselor to help guide

-Notification to legal guardian once explanation and guidance is developed

-Assistance in making next choices once legal guardians on board as teens younger than 18 years of age cannot sign for any other medical or surgical treatment for themselves. Summary Of Case Study For Adolescent Pregnancy

The resources used to find the best practice guidelines were the Walden University and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. All U.S. states require reporting child abuse, although the exact requirements may differ by state. Health care providers should contact the state or local child protection service agency regarding child abuse reporting requirements ( Evaluation of STIs for sexual assault should be conducted in a manner that helps minimize pain and further trauma. Children who are survivors of sexual assault or abuse are at higher risk for future unsafe sexual practices, which is linked to higher risk for HPV ( An HPV vaccination should eventually be part of a discussion.


This unfortunate adolescent patient faces ethical issues, psychological issues, physical issues, and future financial issues. Felicia, her aunt and uncle will have to face the reality of what the next steps are based on their choices. It appears that Felicia wishes to not keep the baby, but options such as adoption have not been discussed. A watchful waiting approach may have to be implemented over the several months to allow patient to engage in follow-up appointments. If during the appointments patient is suffering from alcohol, or drug abuse, depression, psychotic symptoms, suicidal ideation, or if she is self-harming or unable to participate in day-to-day activities, referral to mental health clinician is recommended (Schuiling & Likis., 2022)Summary Of Case Study For Adolescent Pregnancy. Even though there is no certainty of when last sexual abuse occurred, there may be a variety of general body injuries or injuries to the anogenital region (Schuiling & Likis., 2022). Financial burden may occur if there is no insurance and/or patient requires referrals for specialty care. Summary Of Case Study For Adolescent Pregnancy