Cardiovascular and Cardiopulmonary Pathophysiological Process Assignment Paper

Cardiovascular and Cardiopulmonary Pathophysiological Process Assignment Paper


Heart failure refers to the pathophysiologic state when the heart is unable to pump blood at a rate appropriate for the tissues it is metabolizing, or can only pump blood at a reduced diastolic filling pressure due to an anomaly in cardiac function, whether perceptible or not. Circulatory failure is always a result of heart failure, although this is not always the case because several noncardiac diseases, including hypovolemic shock and septic shock, can result in circulatory failure even when cardiac function is normal, slightly reduced, or even supranormal. The purpose this paper will be to address cardiovascular and cardiopulmonary pathophysiological process.  In addition, highlight racial/ethnic variables impacting physiological functioning.  Lastly, discuss how these processes interact to affect the patient.   Note each learning objective has its own sentence. Cardiovascular and Cardiopulmonary Pathophysiological Process Assignment Paper

Cardiovascular and Cardiopulmonary Pathophysiologic Process Resulting in Presenting Symptoms

Understanding the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying cardiovascular and cardiopulmonary conditions is the first step toward arriving at a correct diagnosis. It is necessary to have a complete picture of the patient’s general health and to assess any changes. As the patient initially presents with dyspnea and an atypical cough, the cardiovascular system should be the first area of investigation since it is closely linked to Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Due to the lack of oxygen and ensuing increase in blood pressure, the patient in this case is probably in danger of developing heart failure (Zou et al., 2019). The cardiopulmonary system goes through additional processes, such as pressure buildup that causes lung hyperinflation (Wuche, 2022). Blood pressure and cardiopulmonary pressure are hence the processes that are related to the state of the patient.


Racial/Ethnic Variables Impacting Physiological Functioning

The physiological functioning of the patient may be impacted by several unrelated circumstances. The systems can consider these to show how each of them affects the issue. Given that COPD is the main health concern, it is critical to be aware of the potential for problems arising from circulatory and cardiac pathophysiological processes. Hypertension is linked to the onset of the former, and in the scenario of the black race, this is especially noteworthy (Hackler III et al., 2019). One of the risk factors for the latter is being a member of the nation’s Hispanic population (He et al., 2021). Consequently, when evaluating the patient’s risks, these two ethnic characteristics ought to be taken into account as well. Cardiovascular and Cardiopulmonary Pathophysiological Process Assignment Paper

Processes that Interact to Affect the Patient

A further aspect of the subject is the interaction of the above-mentioned cardiovascular and cardiopulmonary pathophysiological processes. It enhances our comprehension of the hazards associated with each unique situation. In the patient’s case, COPD may have led to the development of both lung hyperinflation and hypertension (Wuche, 2022). This idea is supported by a number of symptoms, such as chest pain, shortness of breath, sweating, lightheadedness, and the reported unusual cough. As a result, the procedures being considered may have a detrimental effect on the patient by raising the possibility of cardiac issues or even causing mortality. Predictions must therefore take into account the results of the interaction of the processes.


In conclusion, the 55-year-old high school teacher’s case serves as an illustration of developed COPD problems. They are linked to the pathophysiological mechanisms and proper operation of the cardiovascular and pulmonary systems. It is plausible to presume that the patient has developed hypertension and lung hyperinflation given their current state and their latest symptoms. Given that Black and Hispanic people are more likely than White people to experience these issues, it is possible to measure it more accurately if race or ethnicity is taken into consideration. These elements may have a detrimental effect on potential cardiac issues and mortality. Cardiovascular and Cardiopulmonary Pathophysiological Process Assignment Paper


Hackler III, E., Lew, J., Gore, M. O., Ayers, C. R., Atzler, D., Khera, A., … & De Lemos, J. A. (2019). Racial differences in cardiovascular biomarkers in the general population. Journal of the American Heart Association, 8(18), e012729.

He, J., Zhu, Z., Bundy, J. D., Dorans, K. S., Chen, J., & Hamm, L. L. (2021). Trends in cardiovascular risk factors in US adults by race and ethnicity and socioeconomic status, 1999-2018. Jama, 326(13), 1286-1298.

Wuche, C. (2022). The cardiovascular system and associated disorders. British Journal of Nursing, 31(17), 886-892.

Zou, H., Yin, P., Liu, L., Liu, W., Zhang, Z., Yang, Y., … & Yu, X. (2019). Body-weight fluctuation was associated with increased risk for cardiovascular disease, all-cause and cardiovascular mortality: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Frontiers in endocrinology, 728.

Start with a 1-2 sentence introduction of the topic followed by typing out the following: The purpose this paper will be to address cardiovascular and cardiopulmonary pathophysiological process. In addition, highlight racial/ethnic variables impacting physiological functioning. Lastly, discuss how these processes interact to affect the patient. Note each learning objective has its own sentence. Cardiovascular and Cardiopulmonary Pathophysiological Process Assignment Paper

Per APA, subject headings are not to be in sentence structure. Ensure you bold each subject heading according to APA guidelines.

Consider including the following subject headings for your second paper. Note capitalization of key letters for key words and that each subject heading is in bold font and not sentence structure.


Cardiovascular and Cardiopulmonary Pathophysiologic Process Resulting in Presenting Symptoms (content should reflect the maladaptive physiological response reflective of advanced pathophysiology)

Racial/Ethnic Variables Impacting Physiological Functioning

Processes that Interact to Affect the Patient


Conclusion- should reflect the take-home message for the reader which highlights content from each bullet point. Kindly note, this dose not include copying and pasting identical content but rather what you want the reader to consider as the most important concept from each subject heading. A conclusion that contains intext citation will not be accepted. No need to include generalized content in a conclusion that is concise. Cardiovascular and Cardiopulmonary Pathophysiological Process Assignment Paper


Assigned Case Scenario

A 55-year-old high school teacher begins experiencing a cough after a parent-teachers conference. Initially it was a mild cough and the teacher thought nothing of it since he had a history of asthma. As he was driving home, the cough became more intense, and he began experiencing chest tightness. He used his rescue inhaler as usual but did not get any relief. Minutes later he began experiencing chest pain, unlike the tightness that he experienced with his asthma. He began to sweat profusely, experience light-headedness and difficulty breathing. He attempted to pull into a park but passed out and struck the curve causing his vehicle to come to a stop. A passerby saw the incident and called 9-1-1. On the scene, the paramedic found the man unconscious. His EKG revealed ST segment elevation in the anterior leads (V3 and V4), his pulse was shallow, and respirations were 10 breaths/min. Upon arrival to the ER, a troponin level was 13ng/l and his CK level was 265 U/L. Cardiovascular and Cardiopulmonary Pathophysiological Process Assignment Paper