Early Childhood Education Practicum Discussion Paper

Early Childhood Education Practicum Discussion Paper

NUR-665E Practicum Lesson Plan

Please note, this lesson plan will be implemented in the practicum setting. Complete the practicum lesson plan outline below. The lesson plan must be completed using this template.


  1. Description of the Topic, Practicum Setting, and Learners
  2. Topic: The pathophysiology of pulmonary artery hypertension
  3. Practicum setting: Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit (CVICU)
  4. Learners: cardiovascular critical care nurses Early Childhood Education Practicum Discussion Paper


  1. Lesson Outcomes (Include additional outcomes as needed.)
  2. Learners will be able to describe the pathophysiology of pulmonary artery hypertension
  3. Learners will be able to recognize the signs and symptoms of pulmonary artery hypertension
  4. Learners will understand the benefits of early detection and interventions in managing pulmonary artery hypertension.
  5. Evidence-Based Teaching Strategies (Describe the strategies you will use to teach the content and address the diverse learning styles of the students. Include additional strategies as needed.)
  6. Use of visual aids to assist learners understand the theoretical concepts more effectively. According to Lee and Nathan-Roberts (2021) the inclusion of visual aids to written or spoken instructions helps to positively influence comprehension and recall, which is effective in enhancing patient outcomes.
  7. Presenting real-life case studies related to pulmonary artery hypertension for analysis and discussion. Cases studies help learners by encouraging higher-order thinking and facilitate creative resolution. According to Mahdi et al. (2019) the use of case studies as a teaching strategy enhances learners critical thinking by nurturing active learning.
  8. Group activities to work on scenario and promote teamwork and peer learning. Group activities facilitate collaborative learning, which increases the quality of the learning processes (Hawlitschek et al., 2021). Early Childhood Education Practicum Discussion Paper


  1. Content Outline (Outline the content that will be covered in the lesson. Include the timeframe for each activity. Add additional bullet points as needed.)
  2. Opening activities:
  • Pre-assessment quiz to assess baseline knowledge 2-3 days before class ( know the audience)
  • Dividing learners into equally balanced groups (day before class) (1hr) based on preassessment quiz
  • Icebreaker activity to engage learners. Prior to breaking into groups
  1. Teaching and learning activities:
  • PowerPoint presentation about the etiology and risk factors, vascular changes, right ventricular adaptation, hemodynamic consequences, clinical manifestations, and diagnostic criteria.
  • Use of an interactive media to help identify the clinical manifestations in a patient and make the diagnosis. Early Childhood Education Practicum Discussion Paper
  1. Closing activities:
  • Providing summary of the key points (1-2) min
  • Post-assessment quiz to assess the learning outcomes (to be emailed within one week)
  • Q&A session (on going throughout class- 2 hour class)
  • Case Study analysis and presentation
  1. Evaluations (How will the students demonstrate what they have learned?)
  2. Formative evaluation(s):
  • Ongoing Q&A throughout the presentation and discussion sessions.
  • Group activity performance (
  1. Summative evaluation(s):
  • Post-assessment to assess learner’s knowledge retention
  • Case study analysis and presentation


  1. Instructor satisfaction survey (Briefly describe the outcome of your instructor satisfaction survey and include the survey in Appendix A).

The instructor satisfaction survey is tool that is used to collect feedback from students about the instructor’s teaching and the overall learning experience. The instructor satisfaction survey revealed that 90% of the learners rated the content and teaching approach as engaging and relevant. The learners expressed their contentment with interactive media and case studies used. Early Childhood Education Practicum Discussion Paper


  1. Learning needs assessment (Include the learning needs assessment in Appendix B).

Based on the learner’s feedback and performance, there is a need for continued education on advanced interventions and pharmacological interventions for patients with pulmonary artery hypertension. There is need for more training for interpreting advanced diagnostic test.



Hawlitschek, A., Berndt, S., & Schulz, S. (2021). Towards a framework of planning collaborative learning scenarios in computer science. In Proceedings of the 21st Koli Calling International Conference on Computing Education Research (pp. 1-5). https://doi.org/10.1145/3488042.3488044

Lee, K., & Nathan-Roberts, D. (2021, June). Using Visual Aids to Supplement Medical Instructions, Health Education, and Medical Device Instructions. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care (Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 257-262). Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications. https://doi.org/10.1177/2327857921101190

Mahdi, O. R., Nassar, I. A., & Almuslamani, H. A. I. (2020). The Role of Using Case Studies Method in Improving Students’ Critical Thinking Skills in Higher Education. International Journal of Higher Education9(2), 297-308. https://doi.org/10.5430/ijhe.v9n2p2 Early Childhood Education Practicum Discussion Paper


Discussion Question 14

One technique that is capable of being utilized in tandem with statements about outcomes and curricular mapping is the intended degree of learning. The anticipated level of learning denotes the amount of proficiency students should attain for a particular student learning outcome, whereas learning outcomes serve as a means of measuring what is being presented. According to learner feedback and performance, individuals who have pulmonary artery hypertension require ongoing education on innovative treatments and pharmaceutical interventions. Also, to interpret advanced diagnostic tests, additional expertise is required. Thus, the degree of learning for the learners is epitomized by strengthening and supporting the development of knowledge in optimizing health outcomes for pulmonary artery hypertension patients. Early Childhood Education Practicum Discussion Paper

An instructor satisfaction survey was used to collect the assessment data. One method used to get student input on the teacher’s instruction and the overall learning process is the instructor satisfaction survey. Ninety percent of students thought the material and method of instruction were interesting and pertinent, based on the instructor satisfaction survey. Through this survey, administrators can gain an intimate understanding of the experiences students have in the practicum setting, and instructors can receive feedback from their peers.

With data-driven instruction, instructors can enhance the results of instruction and learning by using various data to make well-informed decisions. Planning instructional techniques and interventions more successfully is made possible through the analysis of data from many sources, which also gives a more thorough understanding of the needs of the students. Therefore, the collected data will play a significant role in improving the decision-making and planning process in the near future. The data will be utilized in making future instructions to be more effective in improving learning outcomes. Early Childhood Education Practicum Discussion Paper

After you have analyzed learner data collected from your lesson plan presentation, describe the degree of learning by your learners. Include a description of the method used to gather assessment data and an explanation of how the data will be used to plan further instruction.

I’ve attached my lesson plan Early Childhood Education Practicum Discussion Paper