Diversity And Health Assessments Discussion Paper
(Please, do not respond to this post. It is just a guide)
Paloma Hernandez, a 26-year-old Spanish-speaking patient, presents with recurring abdominal pain, highlighting the importance of understanding various factors that influence her health. This discussion examines different spiritual, lifestyle, cultural, and socioeconomic factors associated with her. It also looks at the most sensitive issues that need to be considered about her, including the targeted questions that would help to build a better history. Diversity And Health Assessments Discussion Paper
Spiritual, lifestyle, cultural, and socioeconomic factors
One important factor that might affect Paloma’s ability to access necessary healthcare resources is her socioeconomic status. It is critical to consider factors like her insurance coverage, her financial security, and any barriers that might prevent her from getting the medical care she needs as soon as possible (Govender et al., 2021). It is possible to obtain important insights into potential stressors that could lead to the manifestation of her symptoms by investigating her living situation and employment status. To comprehend how Paloma’s spiritual beliefs might influence her healthcare decisions, it is essential to investigate them. It is imperative to adopt a nuanced approach that considers her cultural background and how her spirituality influences her perceptions of her health (Adly et al., 2019). This knowledge helps guide conversations regarding available treatments and the creation of coping mechanisms specific to her needs.
It is essential to consider Paloma’s lifestyle when performing a thorough health assessment. We can find out what lifestyle factors may be causing her abdominal pain by asking her about her eating habits, exercise routine, and sleep patterns. In addition, understanding cultural dietary and exercise preferences enables the creation of customized recommendations consistent with her cultural background (Govender et al., 2021). Also, the significance of cultural sensitivity cannot be emphasized, highlighting the requirement to understand the healthcare beliefs of the Spanish-speaking community. Potential misunderstandings can be successfully addressed by ensuring information is culturally appropriate and using qualified interpreters for accurate communication (Adly et al., 2019). This helps to promote a more patient-centred and inclusive approach to Paloma’s healthcare. Diversity And Health Assessments Discussion Paper
Sensitive Interactions
The fact that Paloma depends on her daughter to translate raises questions regarding accuracy and privacy in communication. Establishing measures to guarantee private conversations, like designated areas and qualified translators, is crucial to building confidence and protecting the patient’s dignity (Lakshmikantha et al., 2021).
Five Targeted Questions
Holistically understanding Paloma Hernandez’s socioeconomic, spiritual, lifestyle, and cultural background is essential to addressing her health concerns. Sensitivity to these elements promotes a cooperative and patient-centered approach to her care by guaranteeing that interactions with healthcare providers are efficient, courteous, and customized to meet her needs.
Adly, N. N., Abd-El-Gawad, W. M., & Abou-Hashem, R. M. (2019). Relationship between malnutrition and different fall risk assessment tools in a geriatric in-patient unitLinks to an external site.. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 32(7), 1279–1287. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40520-019-01309-0
Govender, I., Rangiah, S., Bongongo, T., & Mahuma, P. (2021). A Primary Care Approach to Abdominal Pain in Adults. South African family practice : official journal of the South African Academy of Family Practice/Primary Care, 63(1), e1–e5. https://doi.org/10.4102/safp.v63i1.5280
Lakshmikantha, N., Nayak, B. S., Kashinkunti, M., Javali, S. B., & Mukherjee, S. (2021). Sensitivity towards patient’s presence to avoid violent situations in hospitals: An observatory study. Journal of family medicine and primary care, 10(3), 1359–1363. https://doi.org/10.4103/jfmpc.jfmpc_842_20 Diversity And Health Assessments Discussion Paper
Respond to post one and post two separately and each response should have two references. My POST ABOVE is my own discussion post that will serve as a guide to respond to POST ONE and POST TWO.
Respond on or before Day 6 on 2 different days to at least two of your colleagues who were assigned a different patient than you. Critique your colleague’s targeted questions, and explain how the patient might interpret these questions. Explain whether any of the questions would apply to your patient, and why. Diversity And Health Assessments Discussion Paper
Diversity and Health Assessments
Different patient factors, including socioeconomic, lifestyle, spiritual and cultural factors, are critical to building a comprehensive health history for patients with multiple backgrounds (Ball et al., 2023). Understanding and considering these factors are essential in providing patient-defined and culturally informed care. This post describes how some identified factors help build a detailed patient history based on the provided case.
Concerning socioeconomic factors, John is unemployed, which may impact his financial status and access to care. There is also obtaining testosterone from the internet, which may denote financial challenges towards traditional healthcare access. Regarding spiritual aspects, John has just changed or transitioned from female to male. This change might have spiritual implications impacting his sense of self and well-being. Thirdly, there are aspects of lifestyle whereby John is identified as a smoker and uses marijuana, which may pose a health risk. Young & Guo (2016) state that addressing lifestyle issues is critical for successful and comprehensive health assessment. Diversity And Health Assessments Discussion Paper
Additionally, being HIV positive requires John to engage in ongoing medical management of the situation, which may influence lifestyle choices. Lastly, there are cultural factors whereby John’s decision to move back home may denote the importance of the family (Coleman, 2019). Understanding the patient’s family support and acceptance level is key to developing a positive support environment.
Different issues require the care provider to be sensitive when interacting with the patient for diverse reasons. Regarding the assigned case, these include gender identity sensitivity, family dynamics and unemployment, patients’ HIV status, cultural acceptance, and mental health sensitivity. Based on John’s recent transition, it is key to deploy affirming language to ensure he feels respected and understood (Dains et al., 2019). Regarding unemployment, being sensitive to the unemployment status may help reduce the feeling of being a burden. In the case of HIV status, showing respect and being judgmental in communication would be critical. John feels comfortable sharing and addressing concerns. Diversity And Health Assessments Discussion Paper
Different questions would be critical in building a comprehensive patient health history. These would include;
The questions aim to gather comprehensive information about John’s health history, assess potential health risks, and address the broader socioeconomic and cultural factors influencing his current health status. Diversity And Health Assessments Discussion Paper
Ball, J. W., Dains, J. E., Flynn, J. A., Solomon, B. S., & Stewart, R. W. (2023). Seidel’s guide to physical examination: An interprofessional approach (10th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Mosby
Coleman, D. E. (2019). Evidence-Based Nursing Practice: The Challenges of Health Care and Cultural Diversity. Journal of Hospital Librarianship, 19(4), 330–338. https://doi.org/10.1080/15323269.2019.1661734Links to an external site.
Dains, J. E., Linda Ciofu Baumann, & Scheibel, P. (2019). Advanced health assessment and clinical diagnosis in primary care. Elsevier Mosby.
Young, S., & Guo, K. L. (2016). Cultural Diversity Training. The Health Care Manager, 35(2), 94–102. https://doi.org/10.1097/hcm.0000000000000100Links to an external site.
John Green, a 33-year-old Caucasian man, had a gender change two years ago. Since last year, when his transition was recognized by society and the law, he has been living with his parents and has no job. He has been taking suppression drugs via Telehealth for the last three months and self-administering testosterone over the internet. In addition to smoking two packs of cigarettes a day for the previous 10 years, he has a medical history of depressive episodes. He uses three to six joints of marijuana on weekends. For the last six months, John, who also tests positive for HIV, has been under viral suppression. However, he moved back home with his family since he has been feeling weak lately. Diversity And Health Assessments Discussion Paper
Being mindful of John’s financial, spiritual, lifestyle, and cultural aspects is crucial while engaging with him. Probably, John’s life was profoundly affected by his gender change two years ago. Because of his gender identification, he could have experienced prejudice or stigma from other people. Not only that, but John could have felt alone or scrutinized by others because of his HIV condition. Moreover, the fact that he moved back home and became unemployed could add to his sense of burden on his family.
Many transgender persons live outside of society, where they encounter violence, marginalization, discrimination, stigma, and poor health, according to studies (Winter et al., 2016). They often have challenges in obtaining proper medical treatment, whether it is more universal in scope or tailored to their gender’s needs. Although not all countries are doing this, some are taking measures to address human rights concerns and provide transgender persons with more robust legal protection. The prevailing viewpoint in many parts of the globe on mental disorders that informs healthcare services for transgender individuals is being questioned. HIV, anxiety, and depression are among the health disparities that transgender people are more likely to encounter. The optimal patient results can only be guaranteed by healthcare providers and personnel equipped to care for this group (Abeln & Love, 2019). Diversity And Health Assessments Discussion Paper
John would be questioned on the following topics to expand on his medical history and evaluate his health risks:
By asking these questions, I hope better to understand John’s medical history and health risks. Furthermore, I want to ensure John is at ease talking about his health and problems. Because of his gender identity and HIV status, John has probably experienced much hardship, so it is crucial to treat him with respect and understanding when you deal with him. It is vital to provide John with enough resources and assistance to oversee his health and welfare. Diversity And Health Assessments Discussion Paper
Abeln, B., & Love, R. (2019). Considerations for the Care of Transgender Individuals. Nursing Clinics of North America, 54(4), 551–559. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cnur.2019.07.005
Winter, S., Diamond, M., Green, J., Karasic, D., Reed, T., Whittle, S., & Wylie, K. (2016). Transgender people: health at the margins of society. The Lancet, 388(10042), 390–400. https://doi.org/10.1016/s0140-6736(16)00683-8
Discussion post response one
The complex interaction of a number of factors in constructing a thorough medical background for patients is illustrated through the instance of John. Recognizing and considering socioeconomic, lifestyle, spiritual, and cultural factors is essential when tailoring treatment to meet individual requirements (Abeln & Love, 2019). John’s lack of job and his unusual approach to acquiring testosterone highlight the possible financial difficulties and obstacles to accessing conventional healthcare. I agree with you that being sensitive to these concerns is crucial, as it helps mitigate the sense of being overwhelmed and improves the exchange of information between patients and healthcare providers (Coleman, 2019). Acknowledging the influence of John’s gender transition on his spiritual welfare introduces an additional level of complexity thereby demonstrating the significance of using supportive language and comprehension. Diversity And Health Assessments Discussion Paper
The lifestyle factors, including smoking, marijuana use, and HIV positive, pose health concerns that require thorough investigation. The questions presented demonstrate a comprehensive perspective involving financial limitations, family interactions, psychological well-being, and the consequences of John’s recent change. The approach is in line with the recognition that effective health assessments should incorporate all dimensions of a patient’s life (Coleman, 2019). Furthermore, it is essential to take into account cultural elements, such as the importance of family assistance and approval, when establishing a favorable support system as you have stated (Abeln & Love, 2019). The conversation appropriately highlights the importance of sensitivity when addressing gender identity, family relationships, unemployment, HIV status, and mental health. As such, ensures a patient-centered and respectful approach to care are upheld. In a recap, your discussion post offers unique perspectives on the complex aspects of patient care hence revealing a comprehensive and culturally sensitive approach to health evaluations. Diversity And Health Assessments Discussion Paper
Respond to post one and post two separately and each response should have two references. My POST ABOVE is my own discussion post that will serve as a guide to respond to POST ONE and POST TWO.
Respond on or before Day 6 on 2 different days to at least two of your colleagues who were assigned a different patient than you. Critique your colleague’s targeted questions, and explain how the patient might interpret these questions. Explain whether any of the questions would apply to your patient, and why. Diversity And Health Assessments Discussion Paper