Alignment With Compassion And Service Values Assignment Paper

Alignment With Compassion And Service Values Assignment Paper

Core values tend to originate from one of three sources. Usually, influential people instill them in us at an early age. Sometimes particular Scripture verses come to mean a great deal to us that may have a common theme. Quite often significant life experiences shape our core values. A good place to start in uncovering your core values is to ask these three (3) questions:


  1. Who have been the most influential people in your life? What values did they instill within you? Alignment With Compassion And Service Values Assignment Paper


Influential People Core Values
Parents Integrity, Hard Work, Compassion
Mentor Innovation, Leadership, Perseverance
Friend Friendship, Joy, Kindness



  1. Which Scripture verses have impacted you greatly? What are the underlying values behind each verse?  Is there a common theme among the verses? Alignment With Compassion And Service Values Assignment Paper


Scripture Verses Core Values
Ephesians 2:10 Purpose, Fulfillment, Service
Psalm 138:8 Trust, Faithfulness, Guidance
Colossians 3:12-17 Love, Compassion, Forgiveness


  1. What life experiences were so significant that they left a deep mark on your life? What values did you learn?


Life Experiences Core Values
Mission Trip Empathy, Service, Unity
Personal Challenge Resilience, Courage, Growth
Loss of Loved One Compassion, Love, Family Alignment With Compassion And Service Values Assignment Paper


Core values guide our behavior, affect our attitudes, and influence our decisions. We filter our conduct, point of view, and judgments through our core values. Although they operate subtly and subconsciously, they shape almost everything we do. You may clarify your core values by reflecting on these three (3) scenarios: Alignment With Compassion And Service Values Assignment Paper


Scenario #1: Behavior

When we violate our core values, or someone else violates them, we experience frustration. Think of a recent situation in your life where you felt frustrated. Peel back the surface layers until you get to the core issue. What were you really frustrated about deep down inside?

Recent Frustration: Lack of Integrity in a Team Project

Core Issue: Violation of Honesty and Teamwork Values Alignment With Compassion And Service Values Assignment Paper


Scenario #2: Attitudes

When we live in alignment with our core values, we experience incredible personal fulfillment. Think of a recent situation in your life where you really felt fulfilled. Peel back the surface layers until you get to the core issue. What made the experience so fulfilling deep down inside?


Recent Fulfillment: Volunteering at a Homeless Shelter

Core Issue: Alignment with Compassion and Service Values Alignment With Compassion And Service Values Assignment Paper



Scenario #3: Decisions

Think of a recent situation in your life where you made an important decision. Peel back the surface layers until you get to the core issue. What underlying conviction or assumption influenced your decision when you strip everything else away?

Recent Decision: Choosing a Career in Ministry

Core Issue: Influence of Faith and Desire for Helping Others

For this final course assignment you will write a Personal Leadership Development Plan based upon class content, IDP, Leadership Interviews, RightPath, TKI, plus other reading and assignments. This is a summation of ALL of the course content, compiled into answering these questions: Alignment With Compassion And Service Values Assignment Paper

What have I learned?
What will I do with what I have learned?
What do I need to do next to continue to grow in my leadership capacity?
Your development plan will be five to seven (5-7) MLA-formatted pages. The Works Cited page(s) are in addition to the five to seven (5-7) pages. Your development plan must be specific with dated goals set. See the rubric for further details.


Loritts, Crawford. Leadership as Identity: The Four Traits of Those Who Wield Lasting Influence. Moody,
2009. ISBN: 978-0802455277. [Loritts]
Scazzero, Peter. The Emotionally Healthy Leader: How Transforming Your Inner Life Will Deeply
Transform Your Church, Team, and the World. Zondervan, 2015. ASIN: 0310494575. [Scazzero] Alignment With Compassion And Service Values Assignment Paper