Health Promotion Initiative to Address Mental Health Disparities Essay Paper

Health Promotion Initiative to Address Mental Health Disparities Essay Paper

The purpose of the proposed health promotion project is to address the significant and pervasive problem of disparities in mental health among older people who live in low-income regions. The motivation behind this study stems from the understanding of the particular difficulties that the senior population in economically deprived areas faces, where scarce resources and social determinants of health lead to a higher occurrence of disparities in mental health. Health Promotion Initiative to Address Mental Health Disparities Essay Paper

The elderly population 65 years of age and older who live in low-income communities is the target group for this initiative. The reasons behind choosing this particular demographic include the age group’s susceptibility to mental health problems and the aggravating impact of financial difficulties on their general well-being. In order to address health inequities made worse by socioeconomic variables and provide a more inclusive and equitable approach to mental health promotion, the initiative focuses on low-income areas (Mezzina et al., 2022).


The intervention will be developed in accordance with fundamental health promotion concepts, which highlight the significance of cultural competence, community involvement, and a comprehensive understanding of mental health. The efficacy and precision of the intervention techniques customized to the unique requirements of the senior population in low-income neighborhoods will be guaranteed by the use of evidence-based procedures and screening instruments. Health Promotion Initiative to Address Mental Health Disparities Essay Paper

To evaluate the effect and results of the intervention, a thorough assessment strategy will be incorporated into the project. This include tracking changes in mental health metrics, evaluating how health and mobile health technology is used, and examining how the intervention affects health policy (Inal et al., 2020). The study intends to provide important insights that can guide future mental health therapies and policies by utilizing rigorous evaluation methods.

Moreover, taking into account the particular requirements and preferences of the senior population, the incorporation of suitable health/mHealth technology will improve the accessibility and efficacy of the intervention (Garnett et al., 2022). In order to understand how social, economic, and environmental issues are interrelated, the research will also investigate how socioeconomic determinants of health affect mental health outcomes. Health Promotion Initiative to Address Mental Health Disparities Essay Paper

To put it briefly, the proposed health promotion project tackles the crucial problem of disparities in mental health among older people living in low-income regions. The project’s goal is to create focused interventions that not only enhance mental health outcomes but also provide insightful information for the development of more general health policies and practices. This will be accomplished by applying essential health promotion principles, evidence-based practices, and a thorough evaluation plan.



Garnett, A., Northwood, M., Ting, J., & Sangrar, R. (2022). MHealth interventions to support caregivers of older adults: equity-focused systematic review. JMIR aging5(3), e33085.

Inal, Y., Wake, J. D., Guribye, F., & Nordgreen, T. (2020). Usability evaluations of mobile mental health technologies: systematic review. Journal of medical Internet research22(1), e15337.

Mezzina, R., Gopikumar, V., Jenkins, J., Saraceno, B., & Sashidharan, S. P. (2022). Social vulnerability and mental health inequalities in the “Syndemic”: Call for action. Frontiers in psychiatry13, 894370. Health Promotion Initiative to Address Mental Health Disparities Essay Paper 

Final Course Project Assignment to Develop a Population-based Health Promotion Intervention Project. Students are expected to:

Develop course project paper and video presentation incorporating EBP and screening tools; intervention approaches, evaluation plan, appropriate health/mHealth technology, and social determinants of health, impact on/of health policy. Students are required to:

Submit project topic for instructor approval, include 1-2 paragraphs to describe the topic, rationale for the project, and target population. Health Promotion Initiative to Address Mental Health Disparities Essay Paper

Develop a course project outline and draft of approved project. The following are essential elements in the project development – key health promotion principles, EBP and screening tools; intervention approaches, evaluation plan, appropriate health/mHealth technology, and social determinants of health, impact on/of health policy.

Project Topic Idea: The prevalence and impact of mental health disparities among elderly individuals in low-income communities, aiming to design and implement targeted interventions for promoting mental well-being and preventing mental health issues in this underserved population. Health Promotion Initiative to Address Mental Health Disparities Essay Paper