The Poor Housing Quality Assignment Paper

The Poor Housing Quality Assignment Paper

I need a PowerPoint presentation based on the paper that I will be attaching. Below are the requirements for the PowerPoint. Sources are already provided since they are already on my paper.

A clear argument for change in your community (the one you have been writing about throughout the course).
Designed with a specific audience in mind to motivate your viewers to take action or change how they think about the topic.
Slide presentation or video format (contact your instructor for prior approval if you have a different idea for your digital media presentation).
Contains at least 8–10 slides (slide presentation, not including the title and references slide) or lasts approximately 1–2 minutes (video).
Research from at least four reliable sources to support the main message, including graphics. These can be sources from previous units.
Minimally, two information-oriented visuals like a chart, diagram, or infographic (e.g., photo, table, diagram, chart, etc.) to represent key information in your argument. The Poor Housing Quality Assignment Paper


Relevant clip art, stock photos, and design templates that are visually engaging and reinforce the overall theme of the presentation.
Research and visuals are cited in APA citation format, both in-text and on a references slide or in a separate Word document if you create a video. You need to quote material taken directly from a source. The same standards for documenting sources apply to a presentation that apply to an essay.
Note: Do not use the “Notes” section for citation or adding details to help the audience understand. The presentation needs to be clear based on what the audience can see and “Notes” are meant only for the speaker. Your instructor will not review the “Notes” section if you use PowerPoint.
Images that require attribution should have an APA formatted in-text citation and APA formatted reference entry. If using images from a Creative Commons site like Unsplash, please provide the website logo with images that are freely available so that your instructor knows they do not require an APA reference entry.
Noted below are the specific requirements for this unit’s assignment:

Title page/slide with the presentation title, your name, and course information.
PowerPoints must be submitted in .ppt or .pptx format. Turnitin cannot read .pptm files or Keynote files.
If you are submitting a video, Vimeo®, PowToon, Prezi, etc., please submit a separate Word document with the title page, references page, a link to the presentation, and the text for your presentation.
Be sure to copy the link to the presentation from the “Share” option rather than the top of your browser.
References to sources, including graphics, are cited in APA style, both in-text and on a separate references slide. The Poor Housing Quality Assignment Paper

Poor housing quality has become a significant public health concern in the United States, especially in Texas. Overcrowding in Texas and other parts of the U.S. is a severe and persistent problem that requires to be addressed (Donald & Grubbs, 2021). Thousands of Americans residing in Texas do not have shelter or permanent homes. A report released by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) indicated that about 568,000 U.S. persons living in the U.S. by January 2019 were homeless (Donald & Grubbs, 2021). The population of homeless Americans increased by 2.7% between 2018 and 2019 (Donald & Grubbs, 2021). A similar trend was reported in Texas within this period. Approximately 35% decline was reported in the number of homeless Americans in Texas between 2007 and 2019, becoming the second state in homelessness improvement (Donald & Grubbs, 2021). However, Texas reported a 2.1% increase in homelessness between 2018 and 2019 (Donald & Grubbs, 2021). HUD report indicated that Texas had about 25,848 homeless persons in January 2019 (Donald & Grubbs, 2021). In the U.S., chronically homeless persons represented about 25% of the homeless population in January 2019 (Donald & Grubbs, 2021)The Poor Housing Quality Assignment Paper. About 96,141 Americans were homeless, with Texas representing 3,338 of this homeless population (Donald & Grubbs, 2021). This paper focuses on the contributing factors, effects, and policy measures for addressing poor housing quality among married soldiers living in Fort Cavazos, Texas, to improve their health, overall well-being, and quality of life.

Several factors make individuals live in poor-quality housing. The most significant causes of poor-quality housing are unemployment and poverty is a major contributor. Low-income earners cannot afford quality housing since most low-priced housing, including public housing, is poor in quality (Sims et al., 2021). Therefore, most married soldiers from Fort Cavazos, Texas, live in poor-quality housing since their low incomes hinder them from securing quality housing. Secondly, more affordable housing is needed to prevent individuals from poor-quality housing. Donald and Grubbs (2021) reported that lack of affordable housing is a significant issue affecting many Texans. The Poor Housing Quality Assignment Paper

Additionally, Bludworth (2023) reported that Texas is among the six poorest U.S. states in affordable housing. Consequently, it is challenging for married soldiers residing in Fort Cavazos, Texas, to access affordable housing. Moreover, the COVID-19 pandemic contributed to poor housing across the U. S. The poor housing is characterized by high housing, overcrowding, incomplete kitchen facilities, inadequate heating, poor ventilation, cold and humid indoor conditions, and incomplete plumbing facilities (Ahmad et al., 2021)The Poor Housing Quality Assignment Paper. Thus, the COVID-19 pandemic exposed married soldiers from Fort Cavazos, Texas, to these poor living conditions. Lastly, relocating to different areas exposes individuals to poor housing. Most married soldiers in Fort Cavazos, Texas, relocated from other states with their families. Difficulty in securing affordable housing in Texas exposes these soldiers and their families to better-quality housing.

Poor quality housing results in poor health and high mortality rates. First, poor housing conditions expose individuals to chronic illnesses, such as cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). Sims et al. (2020) reported that underserved and vulnerable populations, in particular minority groups, are predisposed to psychosocial stress, increasing the risk of obesity or hypertension in these populations. Additionally, poor-quality housing exposes individuals to a humid environment, overcrowding, and poor-quality air, increasing the risk of respiratory diseases, specifically asthma. Moreover, the presence of molds, leads, or asbestos in poor housing environments increases the risk of respiratory diseases among married soldiers living in a slum-like environment in Fort Cavazos, Texas (Schneyer, 2019). Secondly, living in poor-quality housing exposes soldiers to mental health disorders, including depression and anxiety (Lim et al., 2022)The Poor Housing Quality Assignment Paper.

Additionally, Lim et al. (2022) reported that poor living conditions trigger post-traumatic stress symptoms among military officers. Thus, married soldiers living in poor environmental conditions in Fort Cavazos, Texas, are prone to mental health disorders. Thirdly, poor living conditions contribute to behavioral health issues, including substance use disorders (SUDs) and alcohol use disorders (AUDs) among American adults. Hall et al. (2020) reported a high prevalence of SUDs among homeless persons residing in New York. Therefore, married soldiers exposed to poor-quality housing in Fort Cavazos, Texas, are at a higher risk of developing SUDs or AUDs than other Texans. Lastly, poor-quality houses contribute to high mortality rates. The environment is a significant social determinant of health. Individuals living in poor-quality housing are prone to poor health and high death risk (Sim et al., 2020)The Poor Housing Quality Assignment Paper. For this reason, poor-quality housing increases death risk among married veterans living in Fort Cavazos, Texas.

Implementing new policies focusing on addressing poor quality of housing is the most effective strategy for improving health, well-being, and quality of life among married veterans residing in Fort Cavazos, Texas. Living in poor conditions exposes individuals to physical, mental, and behavioral disorders, which eventually lead to high mortality rates. Hall et al. (2020) reported that supportive housing programs should be incorporated into the treatment of homeless persons from New York City diagnosed with SUDs. Thus, the Defense Department (D.D.) should focus on enhancing access to high-quality and affordable housing among married veterans in Fort Cavazos, Texas. Consequently, the veterans and their families will live in better conditions, improving their health status, well-being, quality of life, and lifespan.

In conclusion, living in poor-quality housing is a significant challenge facing married veterans living in Fort Cavazos, Texas. Various factors expose veteran and their families to these poor living conditions. First, low income hinders these soldiers from securing quality housing for their families. Secondly, soldiers are forced to live in poor conditions due to limited access to affordable housing in Texas. Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic predisposed these soldiers to undesired living conditions. Lastly, unplanned transfers from other parts of the U.S. expose married veterans residing in Fort Cavazos, Texas, to poor-quality housing. These living conditions expose soldiers and their families to various health issues, including physical, mental, and behavioral disorders. Additionally, poor-quality housing predisposes these war officers to a higher death risk than other Texans. Thus, the D.D. should implement a policy to enable married soldiers from Texas to access affordable and quality housing to achieve better health status, improved quality of life, and prolonged lifespan The Poor Housing Quality Assignment Paper.



Ahmad, K., Erqou, S., Shah, N., Nazir, U., Morrison, A. R., Choudhary, G., & Wu, W.-C. (2020). Association of poor housing conditions with COVID-19 incidence and mortality across U.S. counties. PLOS ONE, 15(11), e0241327.

Bludworth, N. (2023, May 18). Gap Report: Texas ranks the sixth worst state in the nation for affordable housing. TAAHP – Texas Affiliation of Affordable Housing Providers.

Donald, J & Grubbs, S. (2021). Housing Affordability and Homelessness in Texas: Problem Lingers in Fragile Economy. A Review of the Texas Economy.

Hall, G., Walters, S., Gould, H., & Lim, S. (2020). Housing versus treatment first for supportive housing participants with substance use disorders: A comparison of housing and public service use outcomes. Substance Abuse41(1), 70–76.

Lim, I. C. Z., Tam, W. W., Chudzicka-Czupała, A., McIntyre, R. S., Teopiz, K. M., Ho, R. C., & Ho, C. S. (2022). Prevalence of depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress in war-and conflict-afflicted areas: A meta-analysis. Frontiers in Psychiatry13, 978703.

Schneyer, J. (2019, May 22). U.S. military families are far unhappier with housing than landlords claim. Reuters.

Sims, M., Kershaw, K. N., Breathett, K., Jackson, E. A., Lewis, L. M., Mujahid, M. S., … & American Heart Association Council on Epidemiology and Prevention and Council on Quality of Care and Outcomes Research. (2020). Importance of housing and cardiovascular health and well-being: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association. Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes13(8), e000089. The Poor Housing Quality Assignment Paper