Psychopharmacology Treatment Logarithm For Depression Assignment Paper

Psychopharmacology Treatment Logarithm For Depression Assignment Paper

The client is a 28-year-old male client who presented with the signs and symptoms of compromised mental health and wellbeing. His mental health assessment indicated a flat mood, decreased speech, and decreased motivation to engage in activities of daily living, including occupational, physical activities, and exercise. Medical history indicates no significant medical conditions. The client does not have any history of physical trauma, accidents, or surgical interventions. She reports that she started experiencing demotivation, suicidal ideations, and social withdrawal about three months ago after a breakup with her spouse. Research by Wang et al. (2022) demonstrate that a comprehensive mental health assessment in such cases provides a significant strategy for improving coping and enhancing disease management outcomes. Psychopharmacology Treatment Logarithm For Depression Assignment Paper


During the initial visit, the patient was assessed and recruited into a non-pharmacological therapy that utilized cognitive behavioral therapy to help the client cope with stressful experiences and thoughts (Gautam et al., 2020). In the second visit, the client presented with similar features after two weeks of unsuccessful CBT. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are often indicated as the first-line treatment for depression in adults (Grover et al., 2017)Psychopharmacology Treatment Logarithm For Depression Assignment Paper. Therefore, an initial 10mg dose was prescribed for the patient to be taken orally every morning. The client was requested to take the prescribed medications and then return after two weeks for a follow-up evaluation. However, after two weeks, the client returned with worsening features of depression and requested a change of therapy.

Upon evaluation, the healthcare team prescribed a 10 to 20mg dose increase. Increasing the dose requires patient education to promote understanding of the critical features and strategies and minimize complications or adverse drug events (Eugine et al., 2022). Upon return at the third visit, the client did not indicate any signs of improvement and was regarded as a nonresponder for the initial and subsequent fluoxetine therapy. On the third visit, the dosage was adjusted to 40mg daily with monitoring for adverse events and toxicity, including extreme anxiety, agitation, and insomnia (Edinoff et al., 2021). However, upon return for follow-up, the patient did not demonstrate improvement; olanzapine 10mg was added and used concurrently with fluoxetine. After two weeks and one month of therapy, the patient was evaluated and demonstrated improved features and coping. Research by Vázquez et al. (2021) demonstrates that the combined therapy is well tolerated and effective in achieving the desired therapeutic effects. Therefore, combining the treatment may achieve the desired effects among patients who have previously experienced treatment failure. Psychopharmacology Treatment Logarithm For Depression Assignment Paper


Edinoff, A. N., Akuly, H. A., Hanna, T. A., Ochoa, C. O., Patti, S. J., Ghaffar, Y. A., Kaye, A. D., Viswanath, O., Urits, I., Boyer, A. G., Cornett, E. M., & Kaye, A. M. (2021). Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and adverse effects: A narrative review. Neurology International, 13(3), 387–401.

Eugene, A. R. (2022). Fluoxetine pharmacokinetics and tissue distribution quantitatively support a therapeutic role in COVID-19 at a minimum dose of 20 mg daily. F1000Research, 10, 477.

Gautam, M., Tripathi, A., Deshmukh, D., & Gaur, M. (2020). Cognitive behavioral therapy for depression. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 62(8), 223–229. Psychopharmacology Treatment Logarithm For Depression Assignment Paper

Grover, S., Gautam, S., Jain, A., Gautam, M., & Vahia, V. (2017). Clinical practice guidelines for the management of depression. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 59(5), 34.

Vázquez, G. H., Bahji, A., Undurraga, J., Tondo, L., & Baldessarini, R. J. (2021). Efficacy and tolerability of combination treatments for major depression: Antidepressants plus second-generation antipsychotics vs. esketamine vs. lithium. Journal of Psychopharmacology (Oxford, England), 35(8), 890–900.

Wang, W., & Wang, X. (2022). Construction of a comprehensive mental health evaluation system for clinicians. Journal of Healthcare Engineering, 2022, 1–7. Psychopharmacology Treatment Logarithm For Depression Assignment Paper

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Signature Assignment (Psychopharmacology Treatment Algorithm)

Using your learning experience from your clinical experience, preceptor input and evidence-based literature, develop a pharmacology treatment Algorithm of a patient with a DSM diagnosis. You can use your readings to change and add to your work, but it must be an original and not a copy of an algorithm from someone else. This is an algorithm developed specifically for this client to demonstrate your critical thinking throughout the treatment planning.  The following areas must be covered in the assignment. Psychopharmacology Treatment Logarithm For Depression Assignment Paper

  • Overview of your initial patient clinical assessment including Chief compliant, medical history, psychiatric history, psychosocial, mental status examination.
  • Using the information from the assessment, reading materials and textbook, develop an  evidence-based algorithm for four treatment stages, tailored to this individual. The information must include interview questions needed to guide decision-making at the different stages, length of treatment in trial/initiation period, dosage titration schedule and duration of time the client should stay on the medication, factors that might influence the effectiveness of the medications, necessary labs and test, and patient education. Include pertinent side effects profiles that would warrant a change in the medication being prescribed and a brief reasoning for your decisions.
  • Stage 1:     initial visit
  • Stage 2:     non-responder to stage 1
  • Stage 3:     non-responder to stage 2
  • Stage 4:     non-responder to stage 3
  • It must be in an APA format not less than 5 reference.

Using your learning experience from your clinical experience, preceptor input and evidence-based literature, develop a pharmacology treatment Algorithm of a patient with a DSM diagnosis. You can use your readings to change and add to your work, but it must be an original and not a copy of an algorithm from someone else. This is an algorithm developed specifically for this client to demonstrate your critical thinking throughout the treatment planning. The following areas must be covered in the assignment.

Overview of your initial patient clinical assessment including: Chief compliant, medical history, psychiatric history, psychosocial, mental status examination.
Using the information from the assessment, reading materials and textbook, develop an evidence-based algorithm for four treatment stages, tailored to this individual. The information must include interview questions needed to guide decision-making at the different stages, length of treatment in trial/initiation period, dosage titration schedule and duration of time the client should stay on the medication, factors that might influence the effectiveness of the medications, necessary labs and test, and patient education. Include pertinent side effects profiles that would warrant a change in the medication being prescribed and a brief reasoning for your decisions.
Stage 1: initial visit
Stage 2: non-responder to stage 1
Stage 3: non-responder to stage 2
Stage 4: non-responder to stage 3
It must be in an APA format not less than 5 reference. Psychopharmacology Treatment Logarithm For Depression Assignment Paper