Theory Analysis Worksheet Essay Paper

Theory Analysis Worksheet Essay Paper

Assignment #4:  Theory Analysis Worksheet

Objective:  Demonstrate how the combination of concepts, theories, and empirical indicators can serve as a foundation for advanced nursing practice and guide clinical practice change.

Please complete each of the following components of this assignment. Worth (100 points or 15% of NUR700 final grade. Theory Analysis Worksheet Essay Paper


Student Name                                                             Date



In advanced nursing practice, the integration of concepts, theories, and empirical indicators forms a robust foundation that not only informs decision-making but also guides transformative clinical practice changes. Concepts in advanced nursing practice may include patient autonomy, holistic care, evidence-based practice, and cultural competence (Mills et al., 2022). Concepts serve as guiding principles, aligning the advanced practice nurse with fundamental values and overarching goals. Theories, such as middle-range theories, offer focused perspectives applicable to specific clinical situations or populations. Theories guide advanced practice nurses in understanding complex issues, predicting outcomes, and strategizing interventions. Observable and measurable phenomena provide evidence for theory validation. Empirical indicators are drawn from research, clinical observations, and literature, offering tangible evidence to support decision-making. Indicators inform advanced practice nurses about the effectiveness of interventions, influencing decisions to maintain or modify practices (Mills et al., 2022)Theory Analysis Worksheet Essay Paper. The combination of concepts, theories, and empirical indicators facilitates evidence-based decision-making. For example, a nurse aiming to implement a patient-centered care model may draw on the concept of patient autonomy, theories related to effective communication, and empirical indicators validating successful implementations. Advanced nursing practice requires a commitment to continuous improvement.


Theory selected

Health Promotion Model- Middle-range theories



Theorist name

Nola Pender



Nursing or Borrowed (identify discipline)



History of selected theory (present its development – where, when, how)


The Health Promotion Model (HPM) was developed by Nola Pender, a nurse theorist, in the 1980s. Nola Pender, PhD, RN, FAAN, is a distinguished nursing theorist and professor. The HPM was initially presented in the “Health Promotion in Nursing Practice” in 1982 and later revised and expanded. The HPM was introduced in 1982 and has undergone several revisions since then. Nola Pender developed the Health Promotion Model in the United States, drawing from her background in nursing, behavioral sciences, and public health (Smith et al., 2023). The model was developed as a framework to guide nurses in understanding and implementing health promotion and disease prevention interventions. Pender synthesized concepts from nursing, behavioral sciences, and the ecological model to create a theory that addresses the multifaceted nature of health behaviors (Smith et al., 2023)Theory Analysis Worksheet Essay Paper. Personal factors such as biological, psychological, and sociocultural experiences influence health behaviors. The model incorporates perceptions, values, and emotional factors that influence the adoption of health-promoting behaviors. The expected outcomes of health-promoting behaviors are considered in the model, emphasizing positive behavioral changes. The HPM recognizes external factors, including interpersonal, situational, and societal influences, that can affect health behaviors. The model emphasizes the importance of an individual’s commitment to taking action to improve health. The Health Promotion Model has been widely used in nursing research and practice to guide interventions related to health promotion, disease prevention, and behavior change. It has been applied in various healthcare settings to address diverse health issues, including chronic disease management, wellness promotion, and lifestyle modifications.




Concepts (describe the words or groups of words that represent objects, properties, and / or events within the theory)


Personal factors include biological, psychological, and sociocultural experiences. examples Age, gender, self-perception of health, and socioeconomic status. Perceptions, values, and emotional factors influencing the adoption of health-promoting behaviors including Beliefs about the benefits of exercise, and emotional responses to dietary choices (Smith et al., 2023)Theory Analysis Worksheet Essay Paper. The expected results or changes in behavior as a result of health-promoting actions. for example, Increased physical activity, adherence to a balanced diet, stress reduction. External factors affecting health behaviors, including interpersonal, situational, and societal influences such as Social support, environmental factors, and cultural norms. The individual’s dedication to taking action to improve their health by Creating and adhering to a personalized wellness plan.



Structure/ relationships (describe the linkages among and between the concepts associated with the theory)



The concepts within the HPM are interconnected, reflecting the dynamic and holistic nature of health behaviors. Individual characteristics influence behavior-specific cognitions, which, in turn, impact behavioral outcomes (Smith et al., 2023). The relationships are bidirectional, meaning that individual characteristics can influence behavior, and positive behavioral outcomes can, in turn, impact individual characteristics and experiences. The influencing factors, including interpersonal, situational, and societal influences, interact with individual characteristics and behavior-specific cognitions. This interaction shapes an individual’s commitment to a plan of action. Theory Analysis Worksheet Essay Paper





The HPM assumes a holistic approach to health, recognizing the interplay between individual characteristics, behaviors, and the environment. The model assumes that health is dynamic and influenced by ongoing interactions between personal factors and external influences. Individuals are assumed to have the capacity for personal empowerment, allowing them to make choices that positively impact their health (Blustein et al., 2022)Theory Analysis Worksheet Essay Paper. The model assumes that positive behavioral outcomes contribute to improved overall health and well-being. The HPM assumes cultural sensitivity, acknowledging that individual characteristics and behaviors are influenced by cultural norms and values.



Provide two examples for application of this theory to an actual/hypothetical problem you might be considering for your project in your clinical practice setting.


The concepts, relationships, and assumptions within the Health Promotion Model provide a comprehensive framework for understanding and promoting health behaviors. This model has been applied in diverse healthcare settings, contributing to health promotion, disease prevention, and the development of targeted interventions. The dynamic structure of the HPM allows for its adaptation to various populations and health contexts, making it a valuable tool in nursing research and practice. Theory Analysis Worksheet Essay Paper



Example One

Promoting physical activity in older patients

The problem is Low physical activity levels in older adults contribute to health issues such as cardiovascular disease and decreased mobility.

The Concepts

Identify individual characteristics such as age, and health status.

Address behavior-specific cognitions such as the perceived benefits of exercise.

Consider influencing factors like social support, and environmental barriers.

Foster commitment to a plan of action including a customized exercise plan.

The Interventions

Tailor exercise programs to individual characteristics.

Educate on the benefits of physical activity for overall health.

Address social and environmental factors influencing exercise participation.

Support the development of a personalized exercise plan. Theory Analysis Worksheet Essay Paper256409__Nursing-Informatics-Theory_654c7eb6c359c.pdf (3)

Example Two

Smoking cessation programs for adolescents

The problem is High rates of smoking initiation among adolescents lead to long-term health risks.

The Concepts

Understand individual characteristics (age, peer influence).

Address behavior-specific cognitions (perceived risks of smoking).

Consider influencing factors (family and peer attitudes, societal norms).

Foster commitment to a plan of action (smoking cessation strategies).


Design educational programs targeting adolescents’ perceptions of smoking.

Involve families and peers to influence behavior-specific cognitions.

Address societal norms through anti-smoking campaigns.

Provide resources and support for adolescents committed to quitting. Theory Analysis Worksheet Essay Paper


Select another theory.  Compare and contrast at least 3 aspects from this second theory to the first theory selected

Social Cognitive Theory, developed by Albert Bandura, is a widely used framework in nursing that focuses on the dynamic interaction between personal, behavioral, and environmental factors. In nursing, SCT is applied to understand, explain, and influence health behaviors, patient education, and healthcare outcomes (Schunk & DiBenedetto, 2020).  The comparison between social cognitive theory and health promotion model in relation to the focus on behavior, role of environment, and behavioral changes. The health promotion model primarily focuses on health-promoting behaviors and individual characteristics influencing those behaviors. Social cognitive theory emphasizes observational learning and social influence on behavior, with a broader scope beyond health-related behaviors. The health promotion model acknowledges influencing factors but may not extensively explore the social environment’s impact on behavior. Social cognitive theory places a strong emphasis on the role of the social environment, including modeling and social reinforcement in shaping behavior. Health Promotion Model Emphasizes self-efficacy and commitment to a plan of action as key drivers of behavior change. Social cognitive theory highlights the importance of role models, reinforcement, and self-regulation in facilitating behavioral change. Theory Analysis Worksheet Essay Paper


While both the Health Promotion Model and Social Cognitive Theory address health behaviors, they differ in their emphasis on individual characteristics, environmental factors, and strategies for behavioral change. The HPM tends to focus more on individual characteristics and self-regulation, while SCT takes a broader view, considering the social environment’s significant impact on behavior. The choice between these theories depends on the specific context and goals of a health intervention or research project.




References (utilize chapter 8 in Chinn et al. 2022 for overall reference; at least one of the theory citations is a primary source*) Theory Analysis Worksheet Essay Paper


Blustein, D. L., Erby, W., Meerkins, T., Soldz, I., & Ezema, G. N. (2022). A critical exploration of assumptions underlying STEM career development. Journal of Career Development49(2), 471-487.

Butts, J. B., & Rich, K. L. (2021). Philosophies and theories for advanced nursing practice. Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Mills, D., Pudney, S., Pevcin, P., & Dvorak, J. (2022). Evidence-based public policy decision-making in smart cities: Does extant theory support achievement of city sustainability objectives?. Sustainability14(1), 3.

Schunk, D. H., & DiBenedetto, M. K. (2020). Motivation and social cognitive theory. Contemporary educational psychology60, 101832.

Smith, M. J., Liehr, P. R., & Carpenter, R. D. (Eds.). (2023). Middle range theory for nursing. Springer Publishing Company.

Theory Analysis Worksheet Essay Paper