Effects of Health Literacy Interventions on Health-Related Outcomes Essay

Effects of Health Literacy Interventions on Health-Related Outcomes Essay

A major health concern arises in a predominantly black and hispanic rural community in Leon County, Florida, which is overcoming of the vaccine hesitancy, procrastination and rejection of Covid-19. Although the community itself knows the virus and it is directly related to someone’s friends or relatives, but, for some reason, a lot of people still do not want get vaccinated against COVID-19. Such a low vaccination presents a hindrance towards ensuring safety levels of immunization within the neighborhood, as well as on the state and world maps (Tzeng et al., 2023). Effects of Health Literacy Interventions on Health-Related Outcomes Essay
The health behavior issue can be understood through the lens of health promotion and its three levels: In terms of primary health behaviors, primary prevention could be considered on low COVID-19 vaccination rate. Encouraging vaccination is essential to prevent new COVID-19 infections within the community, which is the cornerstone of stopping the virus’s spread. Secondary Prevention: It is noteworthy that many concerning health statistics have come up as well such as high blood pressure and elevated glucose levels that suggest uncontrolled chronic disease. Secondary prevention focuses on early detection and intervention, which involves regular health screenings and the management of existing health conditions to prevent complications. Tertiary Prevention: During tertiary prevention process, it ensures that the patients are well cared for to avoid complications while also mobilising communities on the need of vaccine against coronavirus in order to reduce subsequent cases.


Health Professions Shortage Area (HPSA): In many such areas, there is an acute scarcity of health personnel especially in outlying communities. The shortage limits access to healthcare services, including vaccinations and chronic disease management. Medically Underserved Populations (MUPs): It also means a large number of people who cannot get proper treatment at health centers. In the predominantly Black and Hispanic rural community, this translates to barriers in accessing healthcare services, leading to lower vaccination rates and suboptimal management of chronic diseases. Medically Underserved Area (MUAs): The referred to as MUAs are those geographical areas that have no or inadequate health care accessibility. This is especially possible for the rural community of Leon County, which has geographical obstacles that prevent health care resources accessibility. Effects of Health Literacy Interventions on Health-Related Outcomes Essay

These designation bring serious implications. The provision of limited healthcare resources coupled by low numbers of health care personnel, coupled with socio-economic characteristics limit health promotion initiatives targeting attaining safe levels of immunity. Some of the key SDH in this community are socioeconomic status, education, access to healthcare, and community support (Chelak& Chakole 2023). While economic disparities may limit accessibility of health care services there are needs for health insurance. Given the poor health literacy, people can be vaccine-hesitant necessitating culturally sensitive health education. Healthcare should be made more accessible by improving infrastructure and service provision. In order to obtain this level of cooperation, it is important to engage in a partnership with members of leadership within the community as well as various organizational groups (Stormacq et al., 2020).

Such health, prevention, and intervention models include the Health Belief Model. Susceptibility, severity, benefits and barriers related to vaccinations and chronic illness are measured in this model for better targeted intervention strategies. This involves offering plain and culturally appropriate information that users of health literacy skills need. Effects of Health Literacy Interventions on Health-Related Outcomes Essay
It is important for a health planning process which include assessment, planning, implementing and evaluation. Such health technologies or resources such as telehealth or the use of evidence based health promotion materials and community health information systems can map current state or the extent of present health promotional requirements and help design the proper interventions. Therefore, considering the health promotion levels, social determinants of health, health and promotion models and use of evidence based tools would serve the purpose to address the primary health behavior need for this community. The complete approach for reaching safe levels of immunity among the Leon counties in Florida could be achieved to boost their health as well as general well being.


Chelak, K., & Chakole, S. (2023). The role of social determinants of health in promoting health equality: A narrative review. Cureus. https://doi.org/10.7759/cureus.33425 Effects of Health Literacy Interventions on Health-Related Outcomes Essay


Stormacq, C., Wosinski, J., Boillat, E., & Van den Broucke, S. (2020). Effects of health literacy interventions on health-related outcomes in socioeconomically disadvantaged adults living in the community: A systematic review. JBI Evidence Synthesis18(7), 1389-1469. https://doi.org/10.11124/jbisrir-d-18-00023


Tzeng, R., Huang, F., & Lee, J. (2023). Compliance, procrastination and refusal: American COVID-19 vaccination trust and value orientation. Vaccine41(34), 4950-4957. 

This assignment involves a written paper report. You have been asked to prepare and submit a written response to address a primary health promotion need addressing the issue of vaccine hesitancy. Refer below to the unfolding case scenario of a Leon County rural community introduced to you in Module One. Effects of Health Literacy Interventions on Health-Related Outcomes Essay



Overcoming COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy, procrastination, and rejection continues to pose a great challenge for reaching safe levels of immunity locally, nationally, and globally. During a recent health event organized in a Leon County Florida rural community of predominantly Black and Hispanic groups, a significant number of adults and families reported on the survey that they have been impacted by the COVID-19 virus either through personal infection or family members and significant other. A significant number also reported that they have not received the COVID-19 vaccination. Screening data revealed average group blood pressure of 159/110 mmHg, fasting glucose meter of 250 dl/L (obtained from most recent home glucose meter storage memory). Brown bag medication assessment identified multiple prescriptions for managing multiple chronic disease conditions among the adults.
The following key items must be addressed in your response:

Explain the primary health behavior need/s or problem identifiable for this community? Apply your knowledge of the levels of health promotion and concepts to explain the problem/s. Effects of Health Literacy Interventions on Health-Related Outcomes Essay
Describe the meaning and provide specific scores of following three listed health status designations for Leon County. What are the challenges of these designations and the implications of the currents status for meeting the health promotion needs for the populations in the case?
Health Professions Shortage Area (HPSA)
Medically Underserved Populations (MUPs)
Medically Underserved Area (MUAs)
Referencing HealthyPeople 2030 goals, analyze how social determinants of health (SDH) can be used to create an intervention plan to reduce health disparities associated with this rural community. Identify specific SDH in your response.
Explain how you would apply a health promotion model reviewed in this module and health literacy skills to support a health behavior change in this community. Include a health planning process with specific steps.
Explain how would you utilize appropriate health technologies, evidence-based tools, and information to map the course of the current health promotion needs of the community and to develop an appropriate plan for intervention? Effects of Health Literacy Interventions on Health-Related Outcomes Essay

MacDonald, N. E. et al. Vaccine hesitancy: Definition, scope and determinants. Vaccine 33, 4161–4 (2015)Links to an external site.
Badr, H., Zhang, X., Oluyomi, A., Woodard, L. D., Adepoju, O. E., Raza, S. A., & Amos, C. I. (2021). Overcoming COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy: Insights from an Online Population-Based Survey in the United States. Vaccines, 9(10), 1100.Links to an external site.
Simas, C., Larson, H.J. Overcoming vaccine hesitancy in low-income and middle-income regions. Nat Rev Dis Primers 7, 41 (2021).Links to an external site.
Hesitancy in the time of coronavirus: Temporal, spatial, and sociodemographic variations in COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy
Evidence-Based Strategies for Clinical Organizations to Address COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy
https://famu.instructure.com/courses/34239/files/4213894?wrap=1 Effects of Health Literacy Interventions on Health-Related Outcomes Essay