Inductive Bible Study Example Essay Paper

Inductive Bible Study Example Essay Paper

Rightly Divided:  Studying the Bible to Teach the Bible

  1. James 4:4-10:

4 You adulterous people, don’t you know that friendship with the world is hatred toward God? Anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God.

5 Or do you think Scripture says without reason that the spirit he caused to live in us envies intensely?

6 But he gives us more grace. That is why Scripture says:  “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.”

7 Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

8 Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double- minded.

9 Grieve, mourn and wail. Change your laughter to mourning and your joy to gloom.

10 Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up. Inductive Bible Study Example Essay Paper


  1. Observation: What does it say?


  1. Context Questions


  1. What literary form is being employed in this passage?

James is written as a letter to a Hebrew audience. The writing is distinctively Jewish (Zondervan 1803). James uses rhetorical questions to emphasize his point. In verses 7-10 James also uses a list of couplets to emphasize his point. There is also an interesting parallelism between chapter 1 and 4:11-17, chapter 2 and 5:1-6, and chapter 3 and 5:7-12.


  1. What is the overall message of this book, and how does this passage fit into that message?

This message of James is one of seeking God’s wisdom (Sailhamer 574) through all the trials the early Jewish believers were enduring. James’ wanted to encourage the scattered tribes in their faith and walks. This passage talks about not being friends of the world, but rather humbly submitting to God in all things. This fits in with the message of the whole book in that it encourages the believers to submit to God’s divine authority. Inductive Bible Study Example Essay Paper


  1. What precedes this passage? What follows?

The first three chapters of James talk about the need to endure through temptation (1:1-16), to be a doer of the word (1:17-27), to show your faith by your works and by not showing partiality (2:1-26), controlling your tongue (3:1-12), and seeking wisdom from above (3:13-18). A common thread throughout the first three chapters and this passage is humility. Immediately before this passage in chapter 4 is an admonition to the believers about their quarrels and conflicts. James asks what is causing these quarrels and then answers by saying that the believers do not have the right attitude. This leads right into our passage. Immediately following James 4:4-10 is a passage about not judging others or making plans for the future (4:11-17). This seams to be an extension of what our lives will look like when we are submitted to God. The final chapter of James calls for the rich to treat the poor fairly (5:1-6), for the brothers to endure through hardships (5:7-12), and for prayer for healing and forgiveness (5:13-20).


  1. Structural Questions



  1. Does the author raise any questions? Provide any answers?

James asks two rhetorical questions in this passage. He first asks the believers if they do not know that friendship with the world is hostility with God. The answer to this is obvious and James gives the answer in the same breath. James also asks about a scripture passage that the brothers knew about and asks if they really believe it. This question again has an obvious answer and is used to show that the brothers already agreed with James (Hartin). Inductive Bible Study Example Essay Paper


  1. Does this passage have a climax?

The climax of this passage comes in verse 7 “Submit therefore to God.” James has been leading up to this in the six verses before by challenging the believers to change their attitude toward the world and each other. After this exhortation to submit to God, James lays out some practical ways that the believer can show his submission to God.


  1. Is there a pivotal statement or word?

Verse 7 it the pivotal statement as an encouragement to submit to God. The quarrels and conflicts that the brothers were experiencing (vs. 1) would only cease if the brothers would submit to God.  This concept of submission is the only way that the believers could truly be exalted (vs. 10). Inductive Bible Study Example Essay Paper


  1. What linking words are used? What ideas do they link?

The word therefore is used in verse 4 to like the rhetorical questions with its answer. Because the believers knew the answer they should want to be an enemy of the world and friend of God. The word but is used in verse 6 to show the grace of God despite our friendship with the world (Moo 145). And the word therefore is used again in verse 7 to show that the reason we are to submit to God is because of His grace.


  1. What verbs are used to describe action in the passage?

Verses seven through ten have several imperative verbs. The first is submit. This is to be the first response to the grace of God. The second word is resist; this describes our fight against the devil. The third verb is draw near. In order to resist the devil we are to draw neat to God. The next two verbs are cleanse and purify. These verbs bring to mind the priestly roles from the Old Testament (Moo 149). The believer is to clean up his life as he draws near to God. In verse nine James uses the words mourn, weep, be miserable, and gloom to describe the action a believer ought to take in response to the sin in his life. These verbs paint the picture of the prophet’s role in the Old Testament (Moo 150). Finally verse ten tells the brothers to humble themselves before the Lord. This verb links back to the first one of submit and ties the whole passage together. Inductive Bible Study Example Essay Paper

Interpretation:  What does it mean?


  1. Continuity of the Message – The Law of Non-Contradiction


  1. What does the Bible teach on the subject addressed in this passage?

The Bible has a lot to say about not befriending the world, submission, and humility. In 1st John 2:15 we are told to love not the world and that if we love the world the love of the Father is not in us. We are also told that we are aliens and strangers here on earth, and that our citizenship is in heaven.

In Philippians 2 we are given the prime and perfect example of submission to God and humility. Paul points the Philippians to Christ and tells them to emulate His attitude of submission and humility. He obeyed to the point of death. Jesus told the crowd in Matthew 23:12 that whoever humbled themselves would be exalted. This combination of example and exhortation makes this message very clear. Our only proper way of relating to God is through humble submission.

The use of the word adulteresses in verse four calls to mind the Old Testament unfaithful bride/wife analogies (Moo 144) The unfaithful Israel was befriending the world and not humbly submitting to their God. This concept drives home the message to the readers of James. Inductive Bible Study Example Essay Paper


  1. Is this passage clear on this subject? Is there another passage that more directly addresses this subject?


This is one passage in James that is very clear in what it means. James lays out the problem, quarrels and fighting; explains the solution, humility before God; and tells of the rewards, the Lord will give you grace and exalt you. Another passage that is very similar to this one is 1 Peter 5:5-9 where Peter is encouraging his readers to humble themselves under the mighty hand of God so that they might be exalted. Peter walks his reader through almost the same steps as James does and even quotes the same proverb. Both of these passages are equally clear about the need of believers to humbly submit to God.


  1. Is this passage intended to teach a truth or simply record an event?


James is writing this passage to teach a truth. He wants the believers who are being persecuted and are experiencing conflict among themselves to realize the ultimate aim of the Christian walk: to submit to God. Inductive Bible Study Example Essay Paper


  1. Context of the Material

As you review your observations of the context of the passage (section II, B above), how do those observations help interpret this passage?

The process of determining the climax and pivotal word/idea was very helpful in understanding the main message of this passage. It was fascinating to see how the first few verses really did build up to one idea of humble submission and how the verses after that gave practical application of this idea.


  1. Customary Meaning


  1. Briefly summarize the teaching of the passage giving the passage its most natural, normal meaning.


The teaching in this passage is to not be a friend of the world but rather to submit and draw near to God. The believer is to be encouraged that when he truly humbles himself before his Lord then He will exalt him.


  1. What issues, questions, terms, or teachings are difficult to understand? Read commentaries to help with these and then summarize your findings.


In verse 5 James says he is quoting scripture, but the quotation he uses has not been found anywhere in the Old Testament (Hartin). The various translations of the Bible state this verse differently. New Living Translation says “the spirit God has placed within us is filled with envy.” While the NASB says that “God jealously desires the Spirit which He has made dwell in us.”  Which one is right? Intervarsity Press’ online commentary says that the latter translation is more accurate linguistically, grammatically, contextually, and logically. Inductive Bible Study Example Essay Paper


V. Generalizations:  What is the big idea?


  1. Subject: What is the author talking about?

The subject of this passage is humility. We are not to be friends with the world but rather friends of God. Our appropriate response to sin should be one of misery and mourning because we know when we sin we are not submitting to our Father.


  1. Complement: What is the author saying about what he is talking about?

James presents this as the only logical life for a believer to live. He calls a life of friendship with the world a life of adultery and it is clear through his rhetorical questions that he sees no other way to live.


  1. Generalization: What is the transferable principle?

Our lives should be humbly submitted to God. We should mourn over our sin and turn to God.


  1. Application: What difference does it make? (2 Tim. 3:16-17)


  1. Teaching: Is there a teaching here to be learned or followed?

The teaching here to be followed is one of turning from the world to God and humbly submitting to Him. James clearly wanted his scattered brothers to continue to follow after their God. He saw the desires of the world and the pressures of persecution drawing them away from the God they loved. This principle amazingly applies to us today. The world today is pulling us away from God and we can only over come this by submitting to God. Inductive Bible Study Example Essay Paper


  1. Rebuke: Does this passage communicate a rebuke to be heard and heeded?

James rebukes his adulteress brothers in their love of the world. This rebuke also goes out to all those who value the worldly things over the things of God. Our action is out of line and we are not living the life that God intended for us to live.

  1. Correction: Is there a correction to be noted?

There is not any doctrinal correction in this passage.

  1. Training: In what way does this passage train us to be righteous?

Verses 7-10 lay out specific actions we can take to draw near to God. Submit to God, resist the devil, draw near to God, cleanse you hands, purify your hearts, grieve over your sins, and humble yourself before your Lord. If we follow these steps, we will be trained up to be righteous. Inductive Bible Study Example Essay Paper


VIII. Implementation:  What Must I Change?


I see several areas that I need to change in my own life. The first area is in loving the world too much. I need to be focused on the Lord rather than on my own desires. This is a hard thing to do because the world often seems so much more attractive than submitting to God. But my adultery must end. The second thing I need to change is my attitude toward submission. This is not just a command that I need to learn to obey. It is the only way that I can really resist the devil and draw near to God. Only through my humble submission to my Lord can He exalt me to where He wants me to be. I need to learn to really grieve over my sin and no longer belittle my sin as something to laugh over. Inductive Bible Study Example Essay Paper


  1. Moo, Douglas. Tyndale New Testament Commentaries: James. Grand Rapids: William B. Erdmans, 2000


  1. Hartin, Patrick. Sacra Pagina: James. Collegeville, Mn: Litergical Press,


  1. Zondervan Study Bible. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1999.


  1. Sailhamer, John. NIV Compact Bible Commentary. Zondervan : Grand Rapids, 1994.



  1. “Commentaries; James 4.” Don’t You Know the Choice to be Made. 1995-2006. InterVarsity Press. 7 Oct 2006 <>. Inductive Bible Study Example Essay Paper

Lesson Plan: The Lord’s Everlasting Invitation

Introduction (Me)

Visualize a solo traveler surrounded by massive trees of a thick forest. The sun shines through the dense covering, casting freckled shadows on the meandering pathway ahead. The traveler, like many of us, faces complex twists and turns, looking for purpose and direction. In the massive blanket of the forest, where each tree and plant looks like it is withholding a secret and every pathway depicts an option, the solo traveler contemplates the human encounter of cruising the intricacies of existence. The massive trees portray life’s problems, and the thick vegetation depicts the many choices we have. As this person looks for a way, we, too, must begin on our journey and quest for purpose and meaning in this life.

Notably, the imagery highlights the all-inclusive nature of our journey – the common need to find sense, purpose, and clarity in life. Verse 13 acts as a guiding light, assuring that the Lord’s invitation is our ambit and that His promises are true and forever. Inductive Bible Study Example Essay Paper

Sticky Phrase

The ministry is about believing the Lord’s promises, which are like evergreen vegetation, life-giving and imperishable.

Exegetical Idea:

In the historical setting of the passage, Isaiah talks to the Israelites who were exiled, highlighting the distinction between the Lord’s wisdom and our comprehension. The Israelites were struggling with the intense problems of banishment and God’s silence amidst the adversity. The prophet’s message encourages them that the Lord’s ways and thoughts surpass human understanding. Isaiah assures them that trust in the Lord’s word likened to snow and rain that nourishes the earth. This symbolism depicts the transformative authority of the Lord’s word. The passage provides a hopeful message, asking people to position their comprehension with the Lord’s wisdom.

Pedagogical Idea:

The Lord’s imperishable invitation is an enduring call surpassing our comprehension, asking us to trust God’s wisdom and knowledge. The invitation reassures transformative modifications like the rain modifies the earth. When people are positioned with the Lord’s promises, they receive joy. Thus, embracing his evergreen promises is excellent. Inductive Bible Study Example Essay Paper

Lesson Aims:

  1. Understanding/Knowledge (Head)

Understand the difference between the Lord’s wisdom and human comprehension in the passage.

  1. Conviction (Heart)

Create an in-depth certainty about the imperishable nature of the Lord’s call and its transmuting authority in one’s life.

  1. Action (Hands)

Employ the lesson by contemplating on individual responses and reactions to the Lord’s call and trusting in His promises for long-lasting joy and happiness.

Teaching Session (You):

Verses 8-9: Comprehending the Lord’s Ways and Thoughts:

Comprehending His ways, as conveyed in these verses, is like finding a solution to a composite puzzle. Our thinking, depicted by the displaced pieces of life’s unpredictability, leaves us incomplete and surprised. The missing piece or puzzle depicts the Lord’s wisdom is significant in revealing the puzzle. Like the mystery needs a holistic outlook and patience to put together, understanding His ways and thoughts requires humility and trust. Inductive Bible Study Example Essay Paper

Verses 10-11: The Lord’s Invincible Word:

This imagery or metaphor depicts the Lord’s word coming down to nutrify our souls and lives like the precipitation and snow revitalize and maintain the land. This transformative authority lies in the resolute influence of the Lord’s word, which softens our hearts and promotes spiritual development. I encountered the revitalizing impact of the Bible during a season when I experienced life’s challenges – the Lord’s promises offered guidance and comfort, showing how the Scripture, like the rain and snow, achieves transformative purpose.

Verse 12-13: Joy and Transformation

The verse signifies the Lord’s promise to substitute life’s challenges with renewal and joy. As the strong trees thrive, people trusting in the Lord encounter similar changes. I witnessed my cousin’s journey of joy despite challenges; by depending on the Lord’s promises, his life was changed, portraying the deep joy and renewal enshrined in trusting in the Lord’s word. Inductive Bible Study Example Essay Paper

Conclusion (We)

The ministry is about believing the Lord’s promises, which are like evergreen vegetation, life-giving and imperishable.

This passage focuses on the massive distinction between human comprehension and the Lord’s wisdom, asking people to trust God’s enduring call. This passage applies imagery, juxtaposing the Lord’s word to snow and rain that nutrify and achieve His divine goals. The transformative authority of the Lord’s promises is signified by thorns changing into fine cypress trees and stinging nettle transforming into myrtles, portraying joy, happiness, and renewal via dependence on God’s word.

Inductive Bible Study

Romans 8: 12-31

Therefore, brothers and sisters, we have an obligation—but it is not to the flesh, to live according to it. 13 For if you live according to the flesh, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live. Inductive Bible Study Example Essay Paper

14 For those who the Spirit of God leads are the children of God. 15 The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship.[f] And by him we cry, “Abba,[g] Father.” 16 The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. 17 Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.

Present Suffering and Future Glory

18 I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. 19 For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed. 20 For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope 21 that[h] the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God.

22 We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. 23 Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption to sonship, the redemption of our bodies. 24 For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what they already have? 25 But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently. Inductive Bible Study Example Essay Paper

26 In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. 27 And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.

28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[i] have been called according to his purpose. 29 For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters. 30 And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified.

More Than Conquerors

31 What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? 32 He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things Inductive Bible Study Example Essay Paper

  1. Observation: What does it claim?
  2. Context Queries
  3. Literary form used in this passage

The chapter is a letter written by Paul to the Christian community in Rome. He uses various literary forms like rhetorical questions for persuasive impact and to engross the reader (Romans 8: 31,33).  Further, there is a parallelism to create a balance and strengthen the message. For instance, in verse 18, he contends, “I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us,” utilizing the parallel framework to emphasize the massive distinction between today’s suffering and future glory. Other devices comprise imagery in verses 19-22.

  1. Overall message of the book

The overall message of the Book of Romans is salvation and righteousness. It tackles God’s strategy of redemption. Notably, the message in the passage aligns with the Book by upholding righteousness. It restates justification by faith, claiming that believers are not indebted to the flesh but absolved by the Holy Spirit.

  1. What precedes and follows this passage

Romans chapter 7 precedes this passage, and it describes the internal grapple with sin and the aim of the law. Further, it also spotlights the anxiety between the desire to serve the Lord and the desire of the flesh. Thus, this preceding chapter highlights the demand for deliverance from sin. Chapter 9 looks at Israel’s place in the Lord’s salvation. It underscores His sovereignty in selecting and rejecting nations and people, leading to the incorporation of Gentiles in the Lord’s covenant. The chapter emphasizes the importance of the Lord’s mercy.

  1. Structural Queries

Does Paul raise any questions? Offer any solutions?

One fundamental question asked in the passage by Paul is whether people should hope for things they already have or not have. The answer to this query is simple: people should hope for something they do not have and must wait patiently. Another query is that if God is on the side of His people, who can be against them? Again, the answer is simple – nobody can conquer God, meaning all those who hope in Him will triumph. Inductive Bible Study Example Essay Paper


Passage’s climax

For this passage, the climax can be concluded to be verse 31 – “What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us.” Paul challenges Christians to hope in the Lord and the Lord only, and nothing can shake them.

Pivotal statement

Romans 8:17 is a pivotal statement since it summarizes some themes presented in the chapter. Firstly, it emphasizes the idea of believers being embraced as God’s children. Also, it highlights that as the Lord’s children, believers are co-heirs with Jesus, implying they share blessings and inheritance.

Linking words

Therefore, it has been used in verse 12, and it is utilized to make conclusions and deductions or to instigate outcomes founded on preceding notions. Also, it has been used at the beginning of the chapter. Notably, the phrase links concepts advanced earlier in the letter to the theological ideas advanced in the chapter.

Verbs used

The passage has several verbs. The first verb is led in verse 14, which is what the Holy Spirit does to God’s people. The second verb is bears witness in verse 16, where the same Holy Spirit attests that we are the Lord’s children. Further, the passage also adopts the verb wait, which is what God’s people do when they are hopeful something good will happen. Others include called, intercede, and predestined. Inductive Bible Study Example Essay Paper

III. Interpretation: What it means

  1. Continuity of the Message
  2. What the Bible teaches about hope, the message prominent in Romans 8

The Holy Book provides many passages that highlight the importance of hope. It continuously encourages people to place their hope in the Lord and His promises. For instance, Hebrews 11:1 contends that faith is the affirmation of things hoped for, the certainty of unseen things. Further, Romans 15:13 argues that the Lord is the source and origin of hope. Lastly, in Colossians 1:27, Jesus Christ is viewed as the hope of glory and the origin of salvation. Hope is vital for endurance, even in times of struggle, and it links to fulfillment and eternal life.

  1. Is the passage precise on this subject? Is there another passage?

Yes, the passage is precise because Paul emphasizes hope as a crucial part of Christianity. These people have hope for the future and believe God will make things happen. Jeremiah 29:11 is another passage that can be linked to Romans 8. God tells people that he knows the plans He has for them. This plan is filled with hope and a bright future. The passage assures that even in times of struggle, the Lord’s intentions are for the hope and welfare of His people.

  1. Does the passage teach a truth?

The passage dwells on truths. One fundamental truth is hope and future glory. The passage spotlights this truth, claiming that believers must anticipate a great future that will be shared with Christ. Another truth is the power of the Holy Spirit in empowering Christians. Inductive Bible Study Example Essay Paper

  1. Context of the material

How observations assist in interpreting the passage

The procedure of deciding the pivotal statement and climax was insightful in comprehending the primary message of the selected passage. Further, it was interesting to see how the initial verses build up to the concept of hope and how the subsequent verses provided practical employment of this concept.

  1. Customary meaning
  2. Summary of passage teaching

It highlights the modification via the Holy Spirit, the guarantee of being the Lord’s heirs and children, and the undying love of the Lord that prevails over all struggles, providing believers and Christians security and Hope in Jesus.

  1. Issues, questions, terms, or teachings are difficult to understand? Read commentaries to help with these and then summarize your findings.

Even though the passage is generally precise, the idea of predestination appears challenging to understand as the problematic association between glory and suffering. Further, in verse 15, the word Abba is confusing, but the commentary translates it excellently – it means father in Aramaic.

  1. Generalization: What is the significant notion
  2. Subject: What is Paul talking about?

The subject of this passage is hope. People are encouraged to believe and wait upon the promises of the Lord. When God says He will do it, He certainly will.

  1. Complement: What is Paul saying about what he is talking about

Paul depicts hope as the foundation of a brighter future with Christ. He contends that hope and being in spirit is critical.

  1. Generalization: Transferable philosophy

People should always believe in the Holy Spirit and be hopeful in all their endeavors. Inductive Bible Study Example Essay Paper

  1. Application
  2. Teaching

One rudimentary teaching of this passage is that suffering and agony endured with hope are unparalleled to the redemption and glory that Christians will encounter with Jesus. The passage focuses on the role of hope in enduring tribulations.

  1. Rebuke

It does not provide a direct rebuke but emphasizes the transformative works of the Spirit.

  1. Correction


  1. Training: How passage trains people to be righteous

It teaches individuals to be honest by highlighting the significance of living in line with the spirit, killing the actions of the flesh, and depending on the Lord’s grace and direction for change.

  1. Execution: What I must change

Several areas of my life need change for me to reinforce my hope in the Lord. For instance, I must deepen my comprehension of the Lord’s promises and character via frequent Bible study. Further, I will strive to surround myself with supportive believers who can uplift and encourage my faith. Inductive Bible Study Example Essay Paper