Leadership Interviews & Summation Assignment Paper

Leadership Interviews & Summation Assignment Paper

The selection of ministry leaders for interviews was a meticulous process guided by specific criteria, emphasizing extensive experience and dedication to service. Joel Osteen, T.D. Jakes and Beth Moore emerged as contenders each bringing more than ten years of dedicated leadership to their respective ministries. The decision-making process focused on gaining an understanding of their roles and influence (Loritts 23). To determine the interview format – whether it would be in person via phone or through video conferences – the goal was to foster enlightening conversations. The idea, behind this approach was that direct interactions would offer a grasp of the leaders’ perspectives enabling a nuanced exploration of their experiences, beliefs and the intricacies of their ministries. This thoughtful consideration of both selection criteria and interview format aimed to capture the depth and insights these leaders have gained throughout their ministry journeys. In my case, I used phone as the leaders were far away and therefore, they could only be available through phone. Leadership Interviews & Summation Assignment Paper

Summary of Q/A


Leadership Philosophies

The leadership philosophies articulated by Joel Osteen, T.D. Jakes, and Beth Moore offer a rich tapestry of insights into effective and impactful leadership within the ministry. Joel Osteen in his role as the pastor of Lakewood Church emphasizes on the impact that positivity and encouragement can have on leadership. According to him it is not only about sharing knowledge, but also about uplifting people and showing Gods love in practical ways every day. Osteen’s belief aligns with the notion that a leader’s attitude and behavior can significantly influence the experiences of those they guide.

T.D. Jakes, the founder and bishop of The Potters House introduces the concept of leadership. Recognizing the needs of a congregation he highlights the importance of leaders being aware of these needs and adjusting their approaches accordingly. Jakes philosophy embodies a responsive style of leadership that acknowledges both the changing nature of society and the congregation itself. Leadership Interviews & Summation Assignment Paper

Beth Moore known for her influential role in Bible teaching and women’s ministry brings forth the principle of servant leadership. Moore suggests that true leadership goes beyond having power and authority. It involves a sense of responsibility towards those under one’s guidance. Moore emphasizes the importance of being humble, compassionate and genuinely caring for others well-being. These various perspectives come together to form an understanding of leadership highlighting the significance of positivity, adaptability and a servant mindset in managing the challenges that arise within ministry.

Leaders’ Biographies

In addition to serving as the Senior Pastor of Lakewood Church Joel Osteen has gained recognition as a bestselling author. His books, such as “Your Best Life and “Become a Better You ” have resonated with an audience extending his reach beyond the church. Osteen’s televised sermons, which are broadcast globally have solidified his position as a figure in the community. Moreover, he is highly regarded for his endeavors and involvement in charitable initiatives and disaster relief programs. Leadership Interviews & Summation Assignment Paper

Bishop T.D. Jakes, the founder and bishop of The Potters House is not a preacher but also an accomplished author with numerous bestsellers under his belt. Through books like “Woman, Thou Art Loosed!”. Instinct ” Jakes delves into development and spiritual growth connecting with a diverse range of readers. Additionally, Jakes has made contributions to the film industry by producing and appearing in movies that align with his message of faith and empowerment.

Beth Moore is widely recognized for her teachings, on the Bible. Has authored impactful studies and books specifically catering to women’s spiritual growth. She leads Living Proof Ministries which organizes events and conferences worldwide that attract women seeking spiritual nourishment and guidance. Moore’s authenticity and commitment to addressing contemporary issues within a biblical framework have positioned her as an influential voice in Christian circles. Leadership Interviews & Summation Assignment Paper

Challenges in Ministry

The interview process revealed insights from these experienced leaders. Each of them was asked questions about their leadership principles, the difficulties they have encountered and how their faith influences their leadership. Joel Osteen emphasized the importance of maintaining a mindset saying, “Positivity can be a powerful force for transformation.” It is not about preaching, but about uplifting and inspiring individuals to believe in themselves and their potential.” T.D. Jakes highlighted the significance of adaptability by sharing “Leadership involves navigating through change. It requires being able to adjust to circumstances and guiding your congregation through the challenges they face.” Beth Moore stressed the value of being genuine stating, “People connect with authenticity. It is essential to be sincere and transparent, in your leadership; it builds trust and fosters relationships.” Leadership Interviews & Summation Assignment Paper

Lessons Learned

Common themes and recurring insights emerged from the interviews, providing valuable lessons for effective, godly leadership. The leaders consistently highlighted the importance of being humble practicing leadership and having a reliance on faith. Joel Osteen mentioned that humility is crucial as it keeps leaders grounded and reminds them that leadership is not about putting themselves on a pedestal, but instead it is about serving others and staying connected to their purpose. T.D. Jakes added that servant leadership lies at the heart of ministry emphasizing the significance of prioritizing the needs of others before our own and leading with compassion. Beth Moore reinforced these sentiments by emphasizing that faith serves as the foundation for everything. Trusting in God’s guidance and remaining steadfast in faith helps leaders navigate through the challenges they face as leaders (Scazzero 41). Interestingly, during the interviews, resilience emerged as a trait in leadership. All three leaders shared stories of how they overcame professional challenges while maintaining unwavering faith. The interviews also revealed other insights. For example, Joel Osteen shared an anecdote about overcoming self-doubt and stressed the importance of confronting those doubts head on while relying on one’s faith to keep moving forward. T.D. Jakes highlighted the role of mentorship in his journey expressing how having mentors has been vital for his growth as a leader since even leaders need guidance and support like everyone

Personal Reflection

The interviews with Joel Osteen, T.D. Jakes and Beth Moore have given me insights into the aspects of leadership. Seeing their authenticity ability to adapt and their hearts for serving others has completely changed my understanding of leadership in ministry (Loritts 30). The focus on maintaining positivity and resilience combined with a commitment to serving others has had an impact on how I view things now. These interviews have been truly transformative for me as they have challenged me to reassess my approach to leadership and build connections with those I lead. Leadership Interviews & Summation Assignment Paper


The interviews with Joel Osteen, T.D. Jakes, and Beth Moore provided a rich tapestry of leadership wisdom. The main lessons revolved around the impact of having a mindset the essential nature of being true, to oneself the significance of staying humble and the fundamental role that faith plays in being an effective leader. These valuable insights have profoundly influenced my journey, as a leader shaping my goals and strengthening my dedication to leading with a servant’s heart. I feel fortunate to have the chance to learn from these leaders. Their insights have truly inspired me. I am motivated to apply the lessons I have learned in my own leadership journey.


Works Cited

Loritts, Crawford W. Leadership as an identity: The four traits of those who wield lasting influence. Moody Publishers, 2023.

Scazzero, Peter. The emotionally healthy leader: How transforming your inner life will deeply transform your church, team, and the world. Zondervan Leadership Interviews & Summation Assignment Paper

Step 1:
Interview three (3) veteran (10+ years’ experience) ministry leaders (MBI employees or your family members may NOT be interviewed) that you admire. The interview must be in person, by phone, or in a video conference. Do not interview by email or other static forms of communication.

NOTE: Leaders are busy people. If you expect to request his/her time, you will need to set up the date and time of the interview three to four (3-4) weeks in advance to have it completed by the due date. It is suggested that you send the interviewee the questions in advance. You should record your sessions (with the permission of the interviewee).

Don’t be intimidated…be assertive in setting up interviews with notable leaders. Consider (but not limited to) the following types of questions to ask these leaders:

From your perspective, what are the character traits, leadership skills, and personal attributes set effective, godly leaders apart from others? Drill down by asking questions like “Why?”, “How?”, “What?” etc. BE INQUISITIVE!!
What have been your greatest joys and challenges as a leader? What more would you say about this? What should I be aware of regarding these things?
How does one become increasingly self-aware?
What insights would you offer for building biblical, godly ministry relationships?
What are the biggest challenges/opportunities of working with people in the ministry?
What have you learned regarding conflict resolution within the ministry and life in general?
What warnings, admonitions, or exhortations would you offer me as a potential next-generation leader? Leadership Interviews & Summation Assignment Paper
Step 2:

Write a three to four (3-4) page MLA-formatted summation paper based on your interviews. Within this summation, you should:

Provide an overview of the leader selection process, a bio for each leader, a summary of Q/A, and lessons learned.
Cite course texts, Scripture, and other course content to support lessons learned from the interview.

oritts, Crawford. Leadership as Identity: The Four Traits of Those Who Wield Lasting Influence. Moody,
2009. ISBN: 978-0802455277. [Loritts]
Scazzero, Peter. The Emotionally Healthy Leader: How Transforming Your Inner Life Will Deeply
Transform Your Church, Team, and the World. Zondervan, 2015. ASIN: 0310494575. [Scazzero] Leadership Interviews & Summation Assignment Paper