Understanding And Managing Uncertainty in Health Care Essay Paper
Discussion Question 5
A group of friends were talking about the Affordable Care Act (ACA), illustrating the wide-ranging viewpoints about the law. Calvin, whose daughter Mia is struggling to make a living as an artist, is pleased that Mia has health insurance for the first time since graduating from college. Although Mia cannot stay on her parents’ insurance because she just turned 27, she can now afford a good health insurance plan that she found on her state’s health exchange. While Calvin has not noticed much of a change in his own health insurance coverage, which he obtains through his government employer, his friend Katherine is upset about health reform. She does not want the government forcing her to purchase health insurance (although she always chose to be insured in the past), and she recently found out that her old plan was cancelled because it did not meet the law’s requirements. Katherine found several new plan options to choose from, but none had her exact combination of benefits, providers, and price. In addition, Katherine’s uncle, Ethan, is 55 years old and self-employed. He purchases his health insurance on his state’s exchange and because he has preexisting conditions, he is grateful to be able to find a plan. Even so, Ethan’s premiums will increase by 15% this year and his deductible is $5,000, making health care difficult to afford even with insurance. Another friend, Jara, told Katherine she should be willing to pay a little more or change some aspects of her plan to help the millions of people who can now afford insurance for the first time as a result of the ACA. After witnessing her uncle’s experience, however, Katherine is skeptical that the government is going to be able to keep its promises. Understanding And Managing Uncertainty in Health Care Essay Paper
What are the competing viewpoints about the ACA exemplified by these friends? Which of these friends’ views will be the most pressing concern going forward in the discussions about the ACA?
Case Study, Chapter 7
Question 1
The American Health Care Act (AHCA) and the Better Care Reconciliation Act (BRCA) which were the bills aimed at repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act (ACA) did not gather enough support in Congress to become law. These bills aligned with the healthcare reform priorities of the party and had some elements. They intended to lower taxes as Republicans generally prefer government involvement in healthcare (Chapter 7). Additionally, they aimed to eliminate government mandates, the mandate and decrease federal spending on healthcare aligning with fiscal conservatism. Their goal was to make health insurance more affordable for sicker individuals. This was planned by allowing insurers to charge premiums for individuals and reducing requirements for essential health benefits. However, these bills faced criticism due to consequences such as reduced coverage for populations and uncertainty in the market. Understanding these characteristics provides insights into how Republicans approach healthcare reform. Understanding And Managing Uncertainty in Health Care Essay Paper
Question 2
There are ways to address the mandate, in the Affordable Care Act (ACA) that could help minimize political unrest. One option is for policymakers to introduce rewards or tax credits as a means of encouraging people those with lower incomes to voluntarily enroll in health insurance. This approach has its advantages such as reducing government interference and respecting choices (Williams & Dhillon, 2019). However, it may not be as effective in achieving coverage. In the healthcare sector we have seen examples of incentives like employer sponsored wellness programs and Medicaid expansion incentives, for states, which highlight their potential in promoting enrollment and encouraging health behaviors. However, it is important to acknowledge that there are tradeoffs and complexities associated with these approaches. Understanding And Managing Uncertainty in Health Care Essay Paper
Question 3
The pros of having a public option include increased competition, potentially lower costs, and broader access to healthcare. It could provide a safety cushion for individuals who cannot afford insurance. However, there are concerns regarding government control the possibility of costs if not properly managed and opposition from insurers (Chapter 7). The Office of Personnel Managements compromise was designed to increase competition by partnering with multistate plans accomplishing some of the objectives of an option without relying on government run healthcare. This compromise may have been acceptable to lawmakers because it strikes a balance between private interests addressing worries, about government involvement while fostering competition and affordability.
Question 4
Compromising on the state role in the ACA has both advantages and disadvantages. On the positive side, allowing states greater flexibility can lead to more rapid innovation in healthcare policy tailored to local needs. State legislatures might find it more convenient to cater to a group of constituents which could potentially promote stability (Mackintosh & Armstrong, 2020). Nevertheless, this approach carries the risk of creating a fragmented landscape of healthcare programs and policies across states. This fragmentation could undermine the consistency and consumer protections at the level. The publics ability to access health insurance and healthcare services may greatly vary depending on each states approach. For instance, in states like California or New York where healthcare policy has historically been more advanced Understanding And Managing Uncertainty in Health Care Essay Paper
The Affordable Care Act provides a wide spectrum of quality improvement activities that are divided into three main categories which includes evaluating new models of healthcare, focusing reimbursement from volume to quality, and overall system improvement. As nurse practitioners, we are responsible for fostering these changes in our clinical practice. Chapter seven looks at various key aspects of the ACA and the health reforms it focuses on.
Read chapter 7 of the textbook and complete the case study questions for chapter 7
Your assignment submission should be 200-250 words in length. It should contain proper grammar, be free of spelling errors, and reflect critical thinking. Submit your assignment utilizing the APA 7th Edition format. Ensure all references are properly cited. Remember if it is not your original thought process, you need to provide a reference. Understanding And Managing Uncertainty in Health Care Essay Paper