Positive And Negative Points Of a Child Owning a Smartphone Discussion

Positive And Negative Points Of a Child Owning a Smartphone Discussion

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Speech: Should children own and use smartphones?

Smartphones have become a ubiquitous everyday item, and it isn’t easy to imagine a time when we did not have them. Many of us rely on them to stay in contact with friends and family and get information updates. Whether we like smartphones or not, they are an essential part of today’s society, and there is little to no change in their use being curtailed any time soon. Even children are known to own and use smartphones exclusively for contacting family and in emergencies and staying in contact with their friends and social circles (Park, J. & Park, M., 2021). Today, I will present the positive and negative points of allowing a child to own and use a smartphone. Positive And Negative Points Of a Child Owning a Smartphone Discussion

A smartphone is a communication device that offers significant perks and benefits to a child. First, it makes it easier to track the child as smartphones come with GPS applications and software. This enables the parents and guardians to monitor the child’s movement easily while also helping the child trace their way back home if lost or in a dangerous situation. Second, it helps the child keep pace with technology by making them tech-savvy. Interacting with smartphones on a regular basis from a young age makes the child more comfortable with technology while developing skills needed to excel even as technology advances. Third, it helps to create unforgettable memories by taking photos that would then be stored. Smartphones have powerful front and back cameras that enable the child to capture every moment in pictures and keep them forever. Fourth, smartphones have academic benefits by allowing the child access to educational material. Educational applications can be downloaded to aid with learning activities (Radesky et al., 2020). Positive And Negative Points Of a Child Owning a Smartphone Discussion


While smartphones have benefits, they present some concerns among children. First, they can lead to technology addiction from an early age. Too much screen time can overstimulate the child, producing adrenaline dopamine in a highly addictive response. Technology addiction leads to suicidal thoughts, anxiety, and depression, as well as undermining family relationships and concentration. Second, it exposes the child to inappropriate and unhealthy content. A smartphone offers access to the internet and can easily redirect the child to inappropriate content, such as violence and nudity. Some sites may increase reliance on peer validation, thereby creating opportunities for cyberbullying that cause the child to feel ostracised and rejected. Third, it can impair the development of social skills as interactions become technology-mediated rather than real-person engagements. Additionally, it can prohibit the development of problem-solving skills, impulse control and critical thinking (Lai et al., 2022).

A possible solution to leveraging the positive effects while minimizing the negative effects of smartphone use among children is having close supervision. This should be based on a social contract with the child that clearly outlines rules for using smartphones and the consequences of breaking the rules. In addition, the child should be exposed to healthy and responsible smartphone use, such as parents not having their smartphones at family mealtimes. Besides that, smartphones should have parental controls that monitor usage and limit access to features deemed harmful (Lai et al., 2022). Positive And Negative Points Of a Child Owning a Smartphone Discussion

As earlier indicated, a smartphone is an indispensable device that embodies today’s digital age. It has turned from an optional to a convenient tool. There is no doubt that there is no clear answer on whether a child should own and use a smartphone. Still, a child should be given access to a smartphone for the right reasons, with strict controls implemented. If you have a child, then this becomes a highly personal issue. I hope that this speech has helped you think about the positive and negative points of a child owning a smartphone, thereby enabling you to settle on a decision.


Lai, X., Huang, S., Nie, C., Yan, J. J., Li, Y., Wang, Y., & Luo, Y. (2022). Trajectory of problematic smartphone use among adolescents aged 10-18 years: The roles of childhood family environment and concurrent parent-child relationships. Journal of behavioral addictions, 11(2), 577–587. https://doi.org/10.1556/2006.2022.00047

Park, J. H., & Park, M. (2021). Smartphone use patterns and problematic smartphone use among preschool children. PloS one, 16(3), e0244276. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0244276

Radesky, J. S., Weeks, H. M., Ball, R., Schaller, A., Yeo, S., Durnez, J., Tamayo-Rios, M., Epstein, M., Kirkorian, H., Coyne, S., & Barr, R. (2020). Young Children’s Use of Smartphones and Tablets. Pediatrics, 146(1), e20193518. Positive And Negative Points Of a Child Owning a Smartphone Discussion 

ASSIGNMENT: Think about a persuasive speech that you would like to present on a topic of your choice. The speech can be for any context, but it must be persuasive. See the list of example speech occasions and purposes for inspiration, if needed.


  • Product recommendation


  • Presenting academic work (argumentative paper, research, or report)
  • Academic speech and debate


  • Speech at a community gathering (PTA meeting, boy/girl scout convention, town hall, homeowner’s association, athletic league, school board meeting, etc.)
  • Community action speech (asking for something, promoting a policy, etc.)
  • Political speech (on behalf of a candidate, yourself as candidate, etc.)


  • Presenting to colleagues or peers (pitching ideas, etc.)
  • Presenting to superiors (project proposal)
  • Convention presentation (pitching new products, rally speech, teachable moments, etc.) Positive And Negative Points Of a Child Owning a Smartphone Discussion
  1. Directions

Step 1: Plan Speech

Plan your speech, considering what your introduction, main points, and conclusion will include.

Step 2: Organize Speech


Organize your speech, following the structure of Monroe’s Motivated Sequence. Your speech should include an introduction, body, and conclusion. The introduction should contain your key message. The body should cover your main topics and support to back up your main points. Make sure that all support is relevant and from credible sources. Your conclusion should summarize your main points and provide a call to action. Positive And Negative Points Of a Child Owning a Smartphone Discussion

Step 3: Create Notes

Create notes or bullet points that you can refer to while presenting your speech.

Step 4: Practice Speech

Practice presenting your speech. Aim for a speech that is 3 to 5 minutes in length.

Step 5. Review Rubric

Before filming, review the rubric to ensure that you understand how you will be evaluated.

Step 6: Film Speech

Film yourself presenting the speech. Be sure that you can be easily seen and heard, and direct your speech to the camera.

Step 5: Review Video

Review your video to ensure that you can be seen and heard. Refilm as needed.

Step 6: Review Checklist and Requirements

Review the checklist and requirements to ensure that your Touchstone is complete.

Step 7: Submit

Upload your video using the blue button at the top of this page.

Refer to the checklist below throughout the recording process. Do not submit your Touchstone until it meets these guidelines. Positive And Negative Points Of a Child Owning a Smartphone Discussion