Guide to Critiquing a Research Report Discussion Essay Paper

Guide to Critiquing a Research Report Discussion Essay Paper

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in PTSD

The research team conducted the study to explore the effectiveness of implementing trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy. The strategy aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of this approach and recommend it as an approach for managing patients with traumatic experiences. Children and older adults are often affected and require evidence-based approaches for attaining the best experiences. This paper presents a critical analysis of the research parts, analyzing areas of strengths and weaknesses and recommending the best approaches for conducting similar studies. Guide to Critiquing a Research Report Discussion Essay Paper

Title and Abstract

Researchers chose a clear title that can allow the reader to understand the variables, the study population, and the study area that was used. The article’s abstract presents a clear summary of the major parts of the study, which can allow the reader to have an overview of the purpose of the research, the objectives, the research methodology, the results, and recommendations that can be drawn from the research.



Kameoka et al. (2020) conducted a background analysis of the problem, exploring the findings and recommendations of the earlier researchers to draw key strategies for conducting the study. The introduction section clearly states parts of the research, explains the significance of the research problem, and identifies trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy as the independent variable and effective coping following traumatic experiences as the dependent variable. Therefore, the introduction section clearly identifies this section and recommends measures and mechanisms that can allow the attainment of the best results based on the earlier researchers. Guide to Critiquing a Research Report Discussion Essay Paper

Methods Section

Sample Size and Sampling

The research team clearly defined the sampling methods and the sample size for the subjects included. Researchers used inclusion and exclusion criteria to select variables to select an accurate sample that would represent the characteristics of the study population. The team used a statistical method to determine the ability of the sample to represent the characteristics of interest. The inclusion and exclusion criteria ensured that the research team included subjects with the required characteristics and who would represent the entire study population.

Method: Design, Instruments, and Procedure

The research team clearly stated the research design as a randomized controlled research design to explore the variables in the intervention and the control group.  Researchers identified trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy as a focus intervention for the intervention group, while the control group did not receive any intervention. The data collection and outcome measure tool used was the PTSD section of the Kiddie Schedule for Children/Parent and Lifetime Version). The secondary data collection and outcome measure evaluation tool was the Children’s Global Assessment Scale (CGA). The reliability coefficient for the primary tool was .84, while the secondary tool was .74. Guide to Critiquing a Research Report Discussion Essay Paper

The procedure for conducting the study was clearly stated, allowing the reader to understand the steps and strategies for data collection. Additionally, the research team adhered to the research ethics and sought approval from the relevant authorities before they conducted the study. Before conducting the study, the research team obtained informed consent from the subjects, ensuring that they consented to the study.

Data Analysis, Results, and Interpretation

Outcome measures and results were explored through chi-square and paired t-tests. The two study groups (the intervention and the control groups) were analyzed separately, and the results were compared to determine the outcomes and recommend interventions. The results indicated that implementing trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy in the intervention group resulted in significant improvement in the coping measures. Additionally, a comparison of the outcomes in the two groups during the pre and post-interventions indicated possible improvement in the outcomes of the target population.

Conclusion and Clinical Implications

The research team drew conclusions based on the statistical findings from the study. The explanations are clear and allow the reader to understand the need to implement TF-CBT as an evidence-based strategy for managing traumatic experiences among individuals and populations. This study contributes to significant inputs that can allow the reader to relate the issues and mechanisms and ensure the implementation of strategies and mechanisms that attain the best healthcare experiences in managing the current issues associated with the burden of mental health. Guide to Critiquing a Research Report Discussion Essay Paper


Kameoka, S., Tanaka, E., Yamamoto, S., Saito, A., Narisawa, T., Arai, Y., Nosaka, S., Ichikawa, K., & Asukai, N. (2020). Effectiveness of trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy for Japanese children and adolescents in community settings: a multisite randomized controlled trial. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 11(1), 1767987. Guide to Critiquing a Research Report Discussion Essay Paper

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Title and Abstract:

  1. Title:  Does the title make it clear this is a research report?
  2. Does the title give you a clear idea what the study is about?
  3. Abstract: Does the abstract clearly summarize all the parts of the study: research questions, method, sample, analysis, results, interpretation, and conclusions? The abstract should concisely summarize the various sections of the research report. Guide to Critiquing a Research Report Discussion Essay Paper
Introduction: (background and significance):

  1. Does the introduction section clearly state the purpose of the study?  What was the purpose, and is it an important purpose?
  2. Does the introduction explain why doing this research is important? Example of sources of human significance include (but are not limited to):  It will reduce the incidence human disease or suffering.  It will reduce the complications of disease, or speed recovery.  It will lead to a reduction in the cost of care.  It will improve the morale or welfare of nurses who provide patient care.  It will improve the delivery of care. There are other sources of human significance, but these are a start.
  3. Are the research terms explained (either in the introduction section or in the methods section)?
  4. What are the Independent Variable(s) and Dependent Variable(s) and are they clearly specified?
Method Section (Sample, Design, Procedure, Data Analysis)    

Method:  Sample:

  1. Subjects:  Was key information about subjects fully described, such as:
    1.  their age range and mean, the gender and ethnicity mix, and where did they get subjects, and how subjects were recruited?
    2. Is it very clear what the sample size was? Was it stated that a power analysis was done to justify this sample size? Guide to Critiquing a Research Report Discussion Essay Paper
  2. If there were 2 or more study groups, was group assignment random? If not, was the reason for non-random assignment clear? (Randomization is the most powerful way to keep bias out of the study).
  3. Were experimental and control groups handled exactly the same way except for the experimental treatment?
Method:  Design:

1.      What was the Research Design, and do the authors explicitly name the research design, such as, “Two Sample randomized clinical trial” or “Survey” or “Correlational Design”, etc.



Method:  Instruments:

1.      Did the researcher identify the instruments used in the study?

2.      Were these valid and reliable instruments (i.e. had validity and reliability coefficients above .75 and ideally above .80)? Guide to Critiquing a Research Report Discussion Essay Paper


Method: Procedure:

  1. Was the procedure (that is, how they implemented the intervention) described so well that you could generally replicate this study?
  2. How did they collect their data, and was their method clearly described so that you could do that collection if you wanted to?
  3. Was the study approved by an IRB?  How was informed consent was obtained from subjects?

Method: Data Analysis:

1.      Were appropriate descriptive statistics were used to describe the key variables? (e.g., Mode used for nominal data, median used for ordinal data, etc.)

2.      Did the statistics seem appropriate to test their research questions or hypotheses?


Results and Interpretation:

1.      From what you can see, did the researchers correctly report and interpret their statistical results?

2.      Is there enough detail so that you can see exactly what the results were?

3.      If the researchers presented data or results using tables, statistical tables, results tables, or, graphs, how good/useful were these? Guide to Critiquing a Research Report Discussion Essay Paper

Conclusions and Clinical Implications:

  1. Did the researcher’s conclusions match the statistical results? For example, if a result was non-significant, did the researcher report that the null hypothesis was supported?
  2. Did the researcher explain in a clear and logical manner the meaning of the results?

3.      Did the researchers explain how these results can/should (or should not) change clinical practice?  What do you think about implementing these results in YOUR clinical practice?

Reference Section

1.      Is the literature cited mostly from the past 5 years (prior to publication of the article).  Or, if older research is cited, is the need for that older work made clear in the narrative.

2.      Be sure your reference section uses APA formatting

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Conduct a literature search to identify an intervention that you are interested in and find at least one article reporting research that was done on the intervention of interest.
Make a list of other relevant articles you find to create a short bibliography of your intervention. Select one research article investigating your intervention. This is the article you will critique for this assignment.
Despite research on the prevention and treatment of mental disorders, new emerging issues such as dementia, mood disorder, physical, mental, and psychological trauma continue to pose challenges to our Veterans, people in the communities and older adults. There are many new and older interventions used to treat various diseases and symptoms of mental disorders, including medication therapy, talk therapy, and physical interventions such as electric shock treatments, magnetic treatments, baths, massages, etc. Guide to Critiquing a Research Report Discussion Essay Paper

Note: If you already have an intervention of interest to you but you can’t find any research on it, you will have to select a different intervention. Very new interventions might not have any published research yet. Your intervention must have research done on it. 0.25 pts for the intervention and the bibliography. This translates to 5% of your grade on the paper critique assignment. Guide to Critiquing a Research Report Discussion Essay Paper