SOAP Note: Immunization Assignment Paper
Patient information
Patient initials: W.E. Age: 6-month-old Gender: Male Race: Caucasian
CC: ‘Six-month vaccination appointment.’
HPI: W.E., a six-month-old Caucasian male, was presented to the health center by his mother for his six-month immunization appointment. There were no reports of fever, sore throat, or runny nose. His mother also denied any food or medication allergies.
Current medication: Seven Seas 2,5ml P.O. QD
PMH: none
Allergy: NKDFA
Immunization: up-to-date and was brought for his six-month shots.
Family history: no significant family history was reported.
Social history: The patient is the first child of the mother. They live in a safe apartment. His mother stated that he has not yet been introduced to solid foods and that she smokes more regularly but never in the vicinity of the child. SOAP Note: Immunization Assignment Paper
General: -ve fever, fatigue and loss of appetite, and weight loss.
HEENT: negative for loss of vision or hearing.
CV: -ve for chest pain
Resp: -ve for cough and night sweats
GI/GU: -ve for N/V/D, dysuria, and polyuria
MSK: -ve for muscle pain
Skin: -ve for skin rash
Endocrine: -ve for cold or heat intolerances
Vts: Temp 37.3 rectal P.78 RR: 20 SpO2 98% Wt. 17lb Ht. 66 cm. Head circumferences 40.2
General: he is well-developed, well-nourished, and appears well hydrated.
HENT: normocephalic and atraumatic. EOMI. PERRLA (Jarvis,2018).
CVS: Quiet precordium, no thrills. RRR.
Respiration: symmetric chest expansion
Abdomen: soft and non-tender. Bowels sound normoactive.
Genitalia: circumcised. Bilateral descended testes.
Extremities: Warm, no clubbing. Good skin turgor.
Neurological: normal clonus in both feet. Normal Gallant reflexes
Medication: Dtap, Hib, and PCV13 shots to be administered to the child through I.M. (Tiley et al.,2018).
Patient education: The mother should be advised to give her baby Calpol 100ml for pain at the injection site. She should be advised accordingly on possible side effects such as fever.
Follow-up: Patient to be returned to clinic as needed
Tiley, K. S., White, J. M., Andrews, N., Ramsay, M., & Edelstein, M. (2018). Inequalities in childhood vaccination timing and completion in London. Vaccine, 36(45), 6726-6735.
Jarvis, C. (2018). Physical Examination and Health Assessment-Canadian E-Book. Elsevier Health Sciences. SOAP Note: Immunization Assignment Paper