Overcoming Ineffective Leadership By Implementing a Team Approach to Decision-Making Essay

Overcoming Ineffective Leadership By Implementing a Team Approach to Decision-Making Essay

Discussion: Leadership Style and its Effect on Change

Change has become one of the constant things in different fields and organizations, including the health industry. According to Rogers (2022), leadership styles vary from one leader to another as well as in terms of effectiveness, style, qualities, and skills. Change is instrumental to the growth of an organization. No organization can afford to remain static in today’s healthcare and business environment. However, one factor determining the success of the change process within an organization is the leader in charge and the adopted leadership style.

While different leadership styles exist, they serve in different scenarios or settings. However, in the wake of change management and implementation, transformational leadership has become a mainstay in leading successful organizational changes. Morgan (2022) regarded transformational leadership as a leadership style where the leader inspires and encourages his followers with vision, empowering them to achieve it while serving as the primary role model. Different skills define successful and influential leaders regarding change implementation. These include; being an active listener, effective communication, strategic thinker, and ability to foster collaboration and teamwork among followers (Harden et al., 2021). In terms of qualities, the leader possesses aspects such as being a model of fairness and integrity, providing support while setting high expectations, and being a great motivator or ability to inspire people. Overcoming Ineffective Leadership By Implementing a Team Approach to Decision-Making Essay



My leadership style can be regarded as an integration of transformational and innovative forms of leadership. This approach allows research on how to succeed in times of unprecedented circumstances and ways to bring all stakeholders on board and participate in the intended change. Essential skills include researching new ways to overcome challenges, strategic thinking, and effective communication. In terms of qualities as a leader, I possess the desire to work with and inspire others, fair and precise in setting goals.

A leader’s approach or style can foster or hinder an organization’s effectiveness. A leadership style provides a blueprint in which an organization follows its leader to adopt and implement change or navigate the change process (Sistare, 2022). A leader can create a shared vision with his followers through a leadership approach or style. More so, the style defines communication among stakeholders involved, resolving any resistance to the change process. Finally, leadership style helps to align the change process with the intended achievement of goals. When the leadership approach fails to connect the process with the intended achievements, the change process is regarded as a failure. Overcoming Ineffective Leadership By Implementing a Team Approach to Decision-Making Essay




Harden, E., Ford, L. R., Marshall, P., & Lanier, P. (2021). Understanding organizational change management: The role of micro and macro influences. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 42(1), 144-160. https://doi.org/10.1108/LODJ-01-2020-0031

Morgan, K. L. (2022). Overcoming ineffective leadership by implementing a team approach to decision-making (Order No. 29161928). Available from Publicly Available Content Database. (2658561080). https://www.proquest.com/dissertations-theses/overcoming-ineffective-leadership-implementing/docview/2658561080/se-2

Rogers, T. A. (2022). Authentic leadership, trust in leadership, and employee emotions of frustration and optimism: A correlational study (Order No. 29170787). Available from Publicly Available Content Database. (2665527436). https://www.proquest.com/dissertations-theses/authentic-leadership-trust-employee-emotions/docview/2665527436/se-2

Sistare, S. C. (2022). Overcoming resistance through organizational change models and leadership strategies (Order No. 29168142). Available from Publicly Available Content Database. (2662853249). Overcoming Ineffective Leadership By Implementing a Team Approach to Decision-Making Essay 

Discussion: Leadership Style
How does leadership style affect change?

No two leaders are the same, and no one leader can be effective for all issues. Leadership can be described by style, skills, and qualities. One leader may be incredibly effective in dealing with one issue or environment and struggle with a different issue or in a different environment. This struggle does not make the leader a poor leader, rather this illustrates that the style, skills, and qualities needed for a leader can vary based on the issue, environment, stakeholders, or other factors.

For this Discussion, you will consider your leadership style and the impact of this style on the implementation. Consider what leadership style, skills, and qualities are needed for the implementation, and evaluate how your particular style aligns with the needs of the implementation. Overcoming Ineffective Leadership By Implementing a Team Approach to Decision-Making Essay

Photo Credit: sea and sun / Adobe Stock

To Prepare
Review assessment of leadership sources from the previous course NURS 8504.
Explore the Learning Resources concerning leadership styles.
Identify the leadership style, skills, and qualities needed to implement the change.
Identify your leadership style, skills, and qualities.
Consider how leadership style affects change. Overcoming Ineffective Leadership By Implementing a Team Approach to Decision-Making Essay