Nutrition Management Of Major Burn Injuries Essay Discussion

Nutrition Management Of Major Burn Injuries Essay Discussion

The article by Lang et al. (2019) focuses on the contemporary developments in the evaluation and the initial management of the major burn patient. It focuses on the fact that burn injuries, which are lethal, entail complex management plans that include fluid replacement, infection prevention, pain relief, and wound healing. The study also emphasizes the continuous search for other biomarkers like protein C and the effectiveness of natural colloid over crystalloid solutions. However, other factors such as imaging and surgical procedures have significantly contributed to burn treatment, with future innovations such as the use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy and skin substitutes promising much in improving burn treatment (Lang et al., 2019)Nutrition Management Of Major Burn Injuries Essay Discussion.


Nursing Intervention:

One nursing intervention for burn patients in the preoperative phase related to nutrition management is the provision of adequate caloric intake through enteral or parenteral nutrition. Given the increased metabolic demands due to hypermetabolism, ensuring optimal nutrition is critical to promote wound healing and prevent further deterioration of the patient’s condition (Shields & Nakakura, 2023)Nutrition Management Of Major Burn Injuries Essay Discussion.

Nursing Diagnosis

A relevant nursing diagnosis is “Imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements related to increased metabolic demands secondary to major burn injuries.” This diagnosis implies the need for careful and balanced calorie intake as an effort to manage high energy demands caused by severe burns. Addressing the diagnosis requires a comprehensive nutrition plan that includes high-protein and high-calorie foods essential to promote healing and tissue repair Nutrition Management Of Major Burn Injuries Essay Discussion.


Lang, T. C., Zhao, R., Kim, A., Wijewardena, A., Vandervord, J., Xue, M., & Jackson, C. J. (2019). A critical update of the assessment and acute management of patients with severe burns. Advances in Wound Care, 8(12), 607–633.

Shields, B. A., & Nakakura, A. M. (2023). Nutrition considerations for burn patients: Optimizing recovery and healing. European Burn Journal, 4(4), 537–547. Nutrition Management Of Major Burn Injuries Essay Discussion


Using a Library database, please find an article related to the care of a patient in the preoperative phase. Please summarize the article and provide at least one nursing intervention and one nursing diagnosis related to the topic of nutrition management of major burn injuries.

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