Communication in Health and Social Care

Communication in Health and Social Care

I could have been in a quieter room with less noise so that just the three of the service users in my group do not get distracted as easily. I would not have put Tony in between Kim and Annie if I had known he would distract them from their painting. I could have given Kim a lighter brush to paint with rather than the thick one which I gave her, as she was not able to keep control or hold the brush at times. This led her to getting disappointed with her painting.Communication in Health and Social Care

I should have given Annie a mirror so it would be easier for her to paint herself and also she wouldn’t have to think and struggle as much, as she suffers from dementia. Telling the Service user’s to use more eye-contact with one another could have created a better interaction between them. They kept getting distracted by the other service user’s who were with their care workers in the same room as them but doing the different activities. If we had used more eye contact in the interaction, it would have allowed the interaction to flow easier.


If I had used promotion of rights towards the service users in both the one-to-one and group interaction I could have improved the interactions a lot more. In the group interaction I could have let them choose what they want to paint rather than me telling them and them finding it difficult to do and also for the one-to-one interaction I could have let Nicky chose the book himself, it would have made him more interested in the book whereas because I chose a book he had already read once before which could be the reason to why his was not interested in it as much as I thought he would be.Communication in Health and Social Care

I could have had my one-to-one interaction in a separate room away from all the other service users who were reading aloud, as this led to Nicky not concentrating properly and not hearing the feedback I was giving him during the reading and after the reading. I used verbal skills which could actually have been improved in the interactions and that were respecting diversity through the use of appropriate language. Even though I spoke English in both interactions, I could have used less complicated words to enable that the service users understand what I was saying at al times and try to decode the message.

I used words which I thought they would be able to understand and know the meaning of; instead I should have known about their level of English and understanding which would have depended on the words I was using with them. In the group interaction I could have offered the service user with the best paining a prize, as this would motivate them a lot more, they would show more interest in their painting rather than others around them and they would not get easily distracted by others around them. My tone of voice could have been improved in order to improve the interactions.

In both of my interaction I should used a higher pitched voice due to the level of noise in the background, so that the children could to hear and understand me more clearly. I kept the same volume of voice throughout the interaction, when the class was quiet or loud, I could have increased or decrease the volume of my voice to get my opinion across clearly. The problem with me using a normal tone of voice might have been the service users have problem with understanding what I am saying to them. I could have empowered the service users more to enable them to participate in the interactions and get a clear view of the subject.Communication in Health and Social Care

I should have taken into consideration, all of the service user’s different needs and try to understand and meet them. This way I will be promoting each of their rights and needs. Effective one-to-one communication is a skill that can be learned and involves the use of an orderly approach to running the come across with the patient or client. Effective communication in the work place has always been difficult as it involves hierarchies. The most important skill I used was the ability to listen. This goes beyond just giving the appearance of attention.

I was able to adopt the Nikcy’s perspective in order to understand fully the message being sent. Poor communication skills, disagreements and misunderstandings can be a source of anger and distance. I should have checked if Nicky had his hearing aid on before even stating the one-tone interaction with him. Nicky could have used a hearing aid as it provided an opportunity for people who have hearing loss to restore the ability of hearing to its original state. These are used by people with hearing impairment. I could have used signers for Nicky as they are for the deaf or hard of hearing.Communication in Health and Social Care


It offers a service of interpreting to and from a person who cannot hear and who uses sign language. It helps people who cannot understand sign language and those who cannot normal vocal language. Effective communication is vital in health and social care settings. For example if instructions are misunderstood or certain information is not shared properly then it is the service users who will suffer. Enabling service users to share information concerning their needs so that the car workers can carry out their roles in supporting them effectively is an example of the need for effective communication.

Communication between people enables ideas and information. It involves much more than simply passing on information to others. Communication enables people to feel safe, to make relationships and to develop self-esteem. Poor communication might make a service user feel vulnerable, worthless or emotionally threatened. If a service users feel that they are being ignored and their individual needs are not being met, this may result in aggression,Communication in Health and Social Care