New Health Care Facility» Essay Paper

New Health Care Facility» Essay Paper


As the new Chief Executive Officer (C.E.O) of new full-service two hundred-bed for-profit health care organizations, a proper and well-deliberated organizational structure will be put in place. Indeed, twenty-four hour emergency room services provided will require an elaborate facilitation mechanism that must be in tandem with the health care organization’s mission and vision. Through the employment of globally renowned physicians for their highly successful treatment rate in the most difficult cancers will help us to have a competitive advantage over the non-for-profit teaching hospital that has just been developed about five miles away. Since our competitors provide exemplary adult care services, we shall embark on a well-improved adult care service in order to counter this influence.New Health Care Facility» Essay Paper


Healthcare referral facilities offered will include short-term rehabilitation services for both in-patients and outpatients. Surgical operations will be performed in our healthcare organization by our globally accredited medics. We shall also offer ward services. Consultancy services by our professional doctors will be offered.  Patients seeking other services will be advised on where to seek medical referral (National Fire Protection Association, 2005).New Health Care Facility» Essay Paper




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Since our health care organization is profit-driven, we shall endeavor to effectively and efficiently manage and organize our health care institution. We shall then use the Group Purchasing Organizations (GPOs) in order to manage expenses. Despite the level of inflation being relatively fair in the general economy, the costs for medical supplies and pharmaceuticals are gradually skyrocketing over time. GPOs will enable us to leverage the purchasing power of all the joint members in the group that we are going to join. This choice is highly advised since of late GPOs are now gaining traction by health care providers. These are some of the trends we cannot ignore as an organization (Stahl, 2004).New Health Care Facility» Essay Paper

Our mission will be to provide affordable health care services while our vision will be to provide global Medicare. The organization shall be headed by a Chief Executive Officer (CEO). Below him/her will be the Chief Medical Officer, Assistant Medical Officer, a Management Assistant, investigators and a (morgue) Forensic Pathology Technician. Quantity discounts will therefore be given to us through third-party vendors. Since our health care organization is profit motivated, these quantity discounts will be very instrumental in increasing our collection of revenues (Damp, 2006).

The management or mismanagement of our health facilities’ physical assets affects the efficiency, quality as well as sustainability of health facilities. In primary healthcare, simple facilities are used for safe treatment as well as effective diagnosis of patients. The equipments ought to be well functioning and the personnel should be competent. Technical guidance, practical tools and clear policy are essential.

Since all health care facilities would like to get maximum revenues from their investments, proper management of health service facilities will be integral to our organization’s success. Efficient and optimal utilization of these health care facilities ensures quantity and quality of health care that is delivered without any incremental costs. This will be done through the Healthcare Technology Management (HTM) computer system. Therefore, the emergence of technologies relating to healthcare, such as HTM, is important to the organization and management of health care institutions. This will help us to grow our reputation as a health care organization (Damp, 2006).New Health Care Facility» Essay Paper

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In the storage of medical information for patients, the development of varied databases has been instrumental in enabling physicians to keep up with up-to-date information regarding their patients. Computer Stored Ambulatory Record (COSTAR) is a computer system that helps in creating and storing an electronic record of the patient’s information. This has significantly improved health care and reduced costs.

For medical management in health care institutions, the use of Health Evaluation through Logical Processing (HELP) computer system has been instrumental in provision of Decision Support Systems (DSSs) through integration of the clinical informatics and business health care. We are therefore going to employ the emerging trends in the health care industry (Einbinder, 2010).

Negligence and Liability in Health care

In health care, negligence is omission or act of the health care provider to offer medical treatment which falls way below accepted standards of medical practice. When the treatment causes either the patient’s death or injury, this is called medical negligence. Regulations and standards in the medical fraternity must be adhered through due care by medical professionals. Medical error caused by professional negligence culminates to professional liability that should be borne by the medical professionals (Einbinder, 2010).

To offset risk arising from professional negligence, medical professionals obtain liability insurances. This would also assist them to minimize the costs of the innumerable lawsuits arising from medical malpractice. To lodge successful malpractice claim, some legal duty of care by health care provider on the patient must exist. Whenever health care fails to conform and therefore breaches the relevant duty of care and consequently the breach goes ahead to cause injury, then the breach of care becomes the proximate cause for injury. Lack of proof of any pecuniary or emotional loss or/and damage renders the required damages for the claim unwarrantable. The negligence tort must possess the elements aforementioned. It is also important to note that the burden of proof lies with the plaintiff. This has to be done through preponderance of the evidence (Einbinder, 2010).


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Peer Review and Its Relationship to the Medical Staff Privileges

The process through which a certain committee of physicians goes ahead and examines the work done by a peer is known as medical peer review. This committee determines if the physician being reviewed has satisfactorily met standards of health care in his rendering of medical services. We shall embark on a medical review process in our organization and management of healthcare facilities. This will enable the globally accredited medics to uphold professionalism in their work. We shall put mechanisms to inhibit any sham medical peer review to prevent our staff from any personal or even non-medical reasons. This is because we do not want our staff to view the exercise as endemic on any background whatsoever.New Health Care Facility» Essay Paper

We shall adequately prepare both our medical and hospital staff for the peer review practice. Performance reviews will be done. We shall educate our staff of the existing protection mechanisms so that they will embrace the peer review process. Any information that will be gathered from this process will eventually be evaluated in order to bolster both professional and personal relationships in our healthcare organization.

There has been extensive use of technology and information resources on research issues in healthcare policy, law and ethics. There exist various controversial ethics fuelled by medical and biological advances. The study of these typically controversial ethical issues is known as bioethics. Through technological advances, such as gene therapy, kidney dialysis, surrogacy, transportation of organs end-of-life care as well as the development of respirators has fuelled controversy globally. These topics ought to be approached in varied dimensions (Einbinder, 2010).New Health Care Facility» Essay Paper

Morality of all actions should always be upheld. The scope of this bioethics will expand with the advent of technology. Since medical ethics involves the judgments and moral values, as applied in medicine, we shall seek to educate the society on the merits of technology in the health care organizations. Proper management of information resources will be done by using tight security procedures and policies as applied in the Management Information Systems (MIS). The inevitability of technological growth and informational resources has consequently raised innumerable ethical and legal issues.New Health Care Facility» Essay Paper

Furthermore, there have been extensive health care policies, laws as well as ethics. Since as an organization we understand centrality of the law in health care organization, we shall uphold the law at all levels in our activities. Law is very vital tool in public health. This will help us to reduce chances of premature deaths as well as reduce illnesses. Improvement of the health of the citizenry shall be our primary goal which maintains societal norms and limits. We shall be cognizant of the expectation of the local community through the policy of social responsibility.  This is because there exist numerous public health impacts of other related legal practices (Einbinder, 2010).New Health Care Facility» Essay Paper