The Woman’s Center for Health Services Essay.

The Woman’s Center for Health Services Essay.


The Woman’s Center for Health Services or TWCHS (pronounced “TWITCHES”) of San Diego is a Home Health Care agency that offers a wide range of prenatal and birthing services to women in the comfort of their own home. Our company dedicates its resources to become the best companion and first choice provider of each woman’s pursuit to excellent health and individualized home-bound care.The Woman’s Center for Health Services Essay.



Our patients and clients are women who are currently confronted by a diversity of health problems. TWCHS of San Diego motivates its staff to be the forerunner of providing these women the best healthcare services with regards to prenatal, birth, puberty and menopausal conditions that includes physical examination and women’s health condition as well as access to certain medications such as birth control.

California has experienced a growing demand of health care services for the past three years. San Diego is a populated area that has a rapid spending growth in Medicare. Our market research has shown that the overall Medicare spending rose by 3.5% annually. San Diego is forecast to experience the largest growth rate of population in the 45-65+ age groups of either insured or uninsured population that grew 6.5% last year alone.The Woman’s Center for Health Services Essay.

While there are many health centers offering women’s health care in San Diego, the demand is still high because healthcare services cannot cope up with the rising population.

TWCHS of San Diego’s marketing strategy is to emphasize an individualized, comprehensive and tailored home-bound healthcare services provided by a trusted companion in the industry. These outstanding services are carefully plucked and pulled (hence the name “twitches” applied) for the client/patient’s well-being, health satisfaction and convenience.

Specialized health care services will be provided 24 hours a day by dedicated staff trained in women’s health care primarily in natal care. On start up we will have seven trained staff to provide home health services and expect to hire three more this year once financing is secured. As a start, a staff will be scheduling appointments and coordinating services but a plan to hire a full-time receptionist is being considered as well.

The management of TWCHS of San Diego consists of an experienced Nurse Practitioner with long decade of dedication on women’s pregnancy care that stands as the Program Director followed by six other nursing aid staff with the same credentials assigned in different services being offered. In addition, we have assembled a board of advisors to provide management and service expertise. These advisors are composed of a gynecologist and an obstetrician, doctors from a hospital with commendable reputation.

Based on the size of our market and our defined market area, our income projections for the first year are   $210,000.00. The annual salary for each staff will be $15,000.00. We are seeking an operating line of $100,000.00 to finance our first year growth.

Already we have service commitments from 21 existing clients and plan to aggressively build our client/patient list through newspaper, local television, direct mail advertising and Internet. The individualized, tailored and comprehensive home care services that TWCHS will provide is sure to gain trust and confidence from women who needs a personalized healthcare throughout San Diego, California.The Woman’s Center for Health Services Essay.