Leadership Style of the Nurse Manager Essay

Leadership Style of the Nurse Manager Essay

Nurse Manager

Include your nurse facilitator’s credentials, position, scope of responsibilities, length of time as a manager, etc. Describe his or her participation in professional organizations, which professional journals he or she typically reads, and other pertinent information related to ongoing professional development.



Provide specific examples of communications interactions upward, downward, as well as peer communication. How effective or ineffective is the manager in various roles, and what recommendations do you have that would help him or her to be a more effective communicator?

Leadership Style of the Nurse Manager Essay

Nurse Leader

Describe the leadership style of the nurse manager with supportive references cited. Provide specific examples of how he or she handles responsibilities and indicate whether you believe the responsibilities were handled effectively or ineffectively. Provide at least two specific examples of leadership skills in practice, and critique the effectiveness/ineffectiveness for the identified situation. (Examples may include situations related to use of power, conflict management, managing personnel, crisis management, effective delegation, team building, etc.)

N4455 Nursing Leadership and Management


Module 4 Assignment 1: Organizational Analysis – The Nurse Leader

Name: Date:

Overview: Organizational Analysis – The Nurse Leader

The major assignment for this course is analysis of your organization. In this assignment, you will analyze your nurse leader’s characteristics and behaviors regarding others in managing, leading, and communicating. By respectfully, but critically, critiquing these attributes of the nurse leader you have been “shadowing,” you can identify the attributes that you consider most and least effective, and most and least similar to the way you see yourself managing, leading, and communicating. Leadership Style of the Nurse Manager Essay

Complete this document to record your analysis of your nurse leader.


· Explain how organizations function.

· Compare and contrast characteristics of leadership and management.

· Apply trends, issues, theories, and evidence as guidelines for management decisions.

· Evaluate effectiveness of communication patterns using specific management situations

Expected elements of scholarly writing:

· Ensure correct grammar and spelling

· Assignment should be submitted as an APA Paper, including title page and references.

· Title page is required for this Assignment and the UTACON version is expected format.

· 1-inch margins, 12 size Times New Roman font.

· Please provide all references used to support your opinions and clarify positions in the paper. The reference list begins on a separate page from the content.

· Headings are expected and must be connected to the assignment criteria following APA style. An introduction is expected providing a brief look at what is planned within the body of the paper. However, no heading is used over the introduction in APA format. A Summary is used and should have a heading over it.

· For all other style questions refer to the American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.) Washington, DC: Author. Leadership Style of the Nurse Manager Essay


Use this rubric to guide your work on the Week 4 Organizational Analysis-The Nurse Leader.

Tasks Target Acceptable Unacceptable
Use correct grammar, punctuation, and American Psychological Association (APA) format in writing professional papers.

(max 10 points)

(9-10 points)

APA format and style are correct and clear. Areas of focus include syntax, appearance, organization, and grammatical correctness. References and literature citations are correct. (0-2 errors)

(5-8 points)

APA format and style are mostly correct. Areas of focus include syntax, appearance, organization, and grammatical correctness. References and literature citations are correct. (3-5 errors)

(0-4 points)

APA format and style are minimally correct. Areas of focus include syntax, appearance, organization, and grammatical correctness. References and literature are cited but contain mistakes. (>5)

Nurse Manager

(max 30 points)

(21-30 points)

Specific, well-organized description of credentials, position, responsibilities, experience, etc.

(11-20 points)

General description of credentials, position, and responsibilities or experience

(0-10 Points)

Important information unclear or missing

Specific references to professional organizations, journals, other professional development List of professional organizations or journals Little or no reference to professional development
Nurse Leader

(max 30 points)

(21-30 points)

Clear identification and description of leadership style with references cited

(11-20 points)

General description of leadership style

(0-10 points)

Vague or missing description of leadership style

At least three specific examples of how nurse leader handles responsibilities with detailed evaluation of effectiveness of each. Leadership Style of the Nurse Manager Essay At least two examples of how manager handles responsibilities with evaluation of effectiveness Poorly-worded or missing examples of how manager handles responsibilities or no evaluation of effectiveness
At least two specific examples of leadership skills with detailed critique of effectiveness of each At least one example of leadership skills with critique of effectiveness Poorly-worded or missing example of leadership skills or no critique of effectiveness

(max 30 points)

(21-30 points)

At least three specific examples of identified types of communication

(11-20 points)

At least two examples of identified types of communication

(0-10 points)

One or no examples of identified types of communication

Well-written evaluation of effectiveness of communication for each example General evaluation of effectiveness of communication Statement of effectiveness of communication or no mention of effectiveness
Specific, pertinent recommendations for better communication in each example General recommendations for better communication Minimal or missing recommendations for better communication

Nurse Manager

Include your nurse facilitator’s credentials, position, scope of responsibilities, length of time as a manager, etc. Describe his or her participation in professional organizations, which professional journals he or she typically reads, and other pertinent information related to ongoing professional development.

The nurse facilitator that I was following is Director of Telemetry Unit, , RN, BSN, MSN. He worked many ears as supervisor at ER. The director has been employed for over a year , telemetry unit. His responsibilities include day to day unit management and administrative leadership including operational optimization and minimalizing costs within the unit, assisting in assessing, planning, coordinating, implementing and evaluating nursing practice. Part of his responsibilities is developing and implementing departmental policies and procedures within this unit that monitors critically ill patients in need of consistent monitoring and care. he Nurse Director Telemetry Unit oversees and organizes the activities of the telemetry program and complete all care plans. Furthermore, nurse Director Telemetry Unit also conducts performance evaluations of unit leadership staff. Also he participates in all facility in-services regarding management and leadership. His day begins with receiving report on significant changes that happened over night, check on all hemodynamics on the floor, participated in morning report run by supervisory personnel, participated in all care plans meeting that scheduled for today. He is part of American Heart Association. He is subscribed to journal of Cardiovascular Nursing which is specific evidence based practice Journal helping to promote excellence in cardiac nursing and health care. Leadership Style of the Nurse Manager Essay

Nurse Leader

Describe the leadership style of the nurse manager with supportive references cited. Provide specific examples of how he or she handles responsibilities and indicate whether you believe the responsibilities were handled effectively or ineffectively. Provide at least two specific examples of leadership skills in practice, and critique the effectiveness/ineffectiveness for the identified situation. (Examples may include situations related to use of power, conflict management, managing personnel, crisis management, effective delegation, team building, etc.)

I describe his leadership style as transformational leadership because he inspires others nurses with the idea of what can be accomplished. He possesses a positive outlook on life. He promotes individual consideration as a form of constant feedback, he is open to communication. (Nebiat Negussie1 and Asresash Demissie, 2013). He also motivates nurses by providing positive feedback and establishing cooperative relationship. The director never loses temper and he is always supportive and tactful. Intellectual stimulation


Provide specific examples of communications interactions upward, downward, as well as peer communication. How effective or ineffective is the manager in various roles, and what recommendations do you have that would help him or her to be a more effective communicator?


Negussie, N., & Demissie, A. (2013). Relationship between leadership styles of nurse managers and nurses’ job satisfaction in Jimma University Specialized Hospital. Ethiopian journal of health sciences23(1), 49–58.

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Leadership Style of the Nurse Manager Essay