Health Promotion Interventions Paper
As more people these days are getting older, it comes with it the learning that there are special joys and triumphs that the aging years offer. There is the leisurely pace, opportunities to embark on travels, pursue long postponed projects or hobbies, and therefore remaining active and involved as much as possible.Health Promotion Interventions Paper
It is estimated that as more people have lengthier life spans, by year 2030 approximately 71 million older adults or 20% of the population will comprise of older adults (Bryant, Altpeter, & Whitelaw, 2006). This research done by Bryant’s team reveals that chronic illnesses and degenerative diseases replaced acute illnesses and infectious diseases as leading causes of death to the elderly; however, much of the health promotion interventions today are tailored to meet these challenges that accompany increased life expectancy (Bryant, Altpeter, & Whitelaw, 2006).
The limitations in this particular stage of development in human individuals include physical and cognitive decline and illnesses that easily beset them. It is therefore at these levels that many of the interventions developed by man are addressed concerning the older adults’ difficulties and more possible limitations that can be prevented or delayed as much as possible. Health care promotion and interventions refer to programs that are especially tailored to a certain group of individuals and their needs and unique challenges. In the aging years, the limitations just mentioned are important issues to consider where these programs are concerned. Are they effective and realistic, and are they affordable and reachable as well?Health Promotion Interventions Paper
Health Care as one of these strategies include the incorporation of Senior Games, Promoting Health behaviors and Disease Prevention, Reducing the Need and Demand for Medical Services in the Older population, Eating and Nutritional Support in the Nursing Homes, Alcohol and Drug problems and their interventions, the Influence and impact of Spirituality among the Older adults and Social Support from various sectors of Society (Acree et al., 1995). Many of these abovementioned essentials are contributing to the overall mental health of the older adults thus, making them more enthusiastic and hopeful as they face the remaining years of their lives. They seemed more fulfilled and needed as they are less dependent and more participative of their milieu.Health Promotion Interventions Paper