Outline for Whitney Houston biography paper

Outline for Whitney Houston biography paper

Your outline must contain the following:

Outline the Introduction, Body, and Conclusion as separate sections. Looking at the sample outline will help you see how this looks.

Make sure your outline also has all the sections mentioned below. See the sample outline to see how the outline should look.

1. At the top of the outline, give: –Your Name —

Specific purpose:

Thesis Statement:


2. The Introduction should have at least 3 sections:

Attention Statement (a story, interesting fact, or statistic to grab the audience’s attention)

Credibility Statement (why you are qualified to discuss this topic)

Preview of ALL main points (tell the audience all the main areas you will cover in the speech)

3. The Body should have 3-5 main points indicated by Roman numerals written as complete sentences that statements of fact and supported by at least two subpoints from your research. (subpoints are represented by capital letters — A.B.C., etc.)

See the sample outline to see how the Body of the outline should be set up.

For the Biographical speech, your main points should be used in Chronological Order — from the person’s birth to present or to their death.

4. The Conclusion should have two sections:

Summary of all your main points — repeat your main points

Closing Statement (a sentence that ties the speech together, wraps up your topic, or gives a sense of closure)

7. At the end of your outline, you should put a complete Bibliography citing the sources used in the speech using MLA format, so I can judge what type of sources were used. There is a guide for MLA citations under this link.

** Two resources are required and must be sources that are NOT from the Internet, such as actual books, magazines, or newspapers, or articles from the online databases located on the Hinds library’s lrc.hindscc.edu database collection such as EBSCOhost, Wilson Biographies or MELO articles.

*You can add Internet sources only after you have found your two that are not from the Internet. If you add website, use credible ones — avoid social media sites, Wikipedia, and fan-created websites.

** You MUST use MLA format for your bibliography to cite your sources. You can find the correct form for MLA format by looking in the link below this assignment.

Be sure to type your outline in the correct format and save it as a Microsoft Word document. (Other formats won’t open on my computer.)

Outline for Whitney Houston biography paper