Issues In Clinical Nursing Research Paper
The instrument used was not pilot-tested for accuracy and reliability since There is no reliability when asking open-ended questions; you will get different answers from every person, giving only the person answering the reliability. Depending on the way the questions were asked, the answers could have been different from one patient to another, for example a question like “Can you tell me what it is like to have chest pain and can you tell me how chest pain influences your everyday life?” (Jerlock, Johansson, & Danielson, 2005). However, the unstructured interview sheets used for this study are reliable because they can be repeated on the same respondents or different respondents with similar characteristics thus accurate for eliciting information on the patients’ experience of chest pain.Issues In Clinical Nursing Research Paper
Predictors of Vascular Complications Post Diagnostic Cardiac Catheterization and Percutaneous Coronary Interventions
In order to avoid any risk of research bias, in regards to interpretation of the qualitative data, there was precise rules for coding; both authors analyzed the text individually without each other’s input, (Jerlock, Gaston-Johansson, & Danielson, 2005 p. 963). The interviews were transcribed word for word by first author before analysis, (Jerlock, Gaston-Johansson, & Danielson, 2005, p.958). Information was given to the patients about the study in verbal and written form, the patient was informed that participation was voluntary, information was confidential, and patient could drop out of the study any time; informed consent was received as in Agreement between authors was very good otherwise further analysis would have been done,( Jerlock, Gaston-Johansson, & Danielson, 2005, p. 958).
There were major limitations in this study because of the use of a retrospective analysis, a second database, and the inability for reliability testing for the data that was stored in the database. The influence of medication/anti-coagulates was unavailable per the database as well as Variables such as lack of cooperation and provider error need more addressing. (Dumont et al, 2006, p. 141). Issues In Clinical Nursing Research Paper