Impact of Leadership Styles on Job Satisfaction of Nurses Essay.

Impact of Leadership Styles on Job Satisfaction of Nurses Essay.


Every day nurses have the responsibility for the health as well as the health of their patients and for that reason to ensure a continuity of the individual care and attention each every nurses on the product work tougher to ensure that they achieve the distributed goals. The cohesive team thus work diligently to market then patent health, basic safety and recovery and to achieve such unity medical administrator coordinates and supervises all the relationships that go on between all the team members he is in charge of (Longerich, et al 2003). Nurse market leaders may be nurses mangers who are in charge of one nursing unite or a nurse executive held in charge of all the in-patient nursing items. Nurse steam market leaders achieve their functions by applying the many medical leadership style such as: transformational, transactional as well as dynamic leadership. A combo greater than one leadership style is often considered far better but an individual type also will serve the intended purpose with regards to the situation that the leader is at (Mahoney, 2001).Impact of Leadership Styles on Job Satisfaction of Nurses Essay.



The nursing experts faces one of the biggest challenges of developing future leaders as powerful leadership skills are required all nurses i. e. those responsible for providing direct acre to those in the most notable management position for example anyone viewed upon as an power which range from a nurses taking care of a patient to people responsible for providing assistance to others. All are considered s market leaders. Another difficult that faces leadership for healthcare professionals is the fact most of the leadership ideas weren’t developed predicated on the healthcare framework but rather with available context then put on healthcare.

A clinical nursing leader is involved in direct patient good care as well as offers a continuing improvement of the care by influencing others. Leaders have skills, task that they utilize to as an frame of mind that inform habit leading to steady superior performance with long-term benefits to all those engaged. Innovator s not alloy control other but are more of visionaries who provide to helping employees to lead, plan, plan and control their activities (Jooste, 2004).Impact of Leadership Styles on Job Satisfaction of Nurses Essay.

In days gone by decade shelf life of market leaders in the health service has halved and instead of working in conditions that encourage creative thinking especially about the future of health care there is certainly one that includes vast paper tracks that are seen as a motions masquerading as activity. Thus the luxuries of personal lives for the senior personnel are tumbled after especially in some of the health care organizations where 60- hours working in per week has become quite normal. This example has made some healthcare staff to no longer be employed by patients but rather to be motivated by pronouncements from administration representatives, press expose an even on the latest scandal regarding misuse of general population money (Woolnough, 2002).

Health good care system has observed different parts of the health group focus on different things which is often marred with poor coordination across the various departments with goals being sandwiched between keeping costs down with attempts to increasing patient services. Such in-coordination as been sensed by the hospital administrators especially at times when demands for administrative services rises and therefore administrative jobs are cut.

Making options require certain levels of freedom, thought, activities, time for weighing options, as well as time for reviews of such decision, regrettably in health cares market leaders lack such luxuries as the reliable, easily accessible and relevant information they might need to make decision is often not unavailable. In addition resources and time that is essential for such duties is missing which affects a lot of the health care and attention market leaders who are influenced by gut sense which is linked to strong sense of personal values regarding what is right, just and reasonable(Outhwaite, 2003).Impact of Leadership Styles on Job Satisfaction of Nurses Essay.

Irrespective of the countries which healthcare market leaders operate they can be always likely to fulfill the pursuing roles: being truly a diplomat, a visionary, politician, discord resolver, coach, number head as well as a human being failing to which no leader can lay claim to the title. as a matter of known fact most leaders face the pressures of sharing a little bits of themselves with anyone that require it, in addition to that healthcare market leaders face real dilemmas regarding several issues like ways of radically changing their organizations without the guarantees of success regardless of the well planned changes and being able to accept the results of their activities, working with political agendas or legislations that they disagree with and also acknowledge the results, apportioning of resources of the available as quite as you possibly can while also accepting the consequences, saying no when they want to say yes and also acknowledge the consequences, trying to do something ethically yet sometimes leading to failures and understanding that despite their selfless work someone some how cries foul. Moreover healthcare market leaders are faced with challenges of earning decision like making choices regarding decisions on functioning on absolute process or creative several adaptable replies, to keep particular services or to discard them, possessing a open business and growing closer ties with the service users yet at same time having little or no control over the eventual effects, to continue to lead or not (Outhwaite, 2003).Impact of Leadership Styles on Job Satisfaction of Nurses Essay.

Failure to do something in decisive manner by medical care leaders can lead to general delay action for instance insufficient medical and nursing action in the overview of wanted treatment in entrance leads to inaction for delivering the procedure. The pivotal role of the first choice may be overshadowed by concern with unjust critism which result to postponed decision which its ultimate result of having to deal with sense of inability and guilt.


Leadership can be explained as the procedure of influencing others, achieving goals by acquiring the co-operation from those around them and acquiring the resources to attain their goal. To be always a head you must decide to act; doing so requires skill, knowledge, energy, eyesight and self-confidence (Tappen, 2001). Alternatively, leadership may not be evident or visible procedure for influencing others, however the very leadership features within the individual may trigger other people to act regarding the best person. Carney (1999) defines leadership as persuading others to go after a typical goal by setting aside specific concerns, while Marquis & Huston (2000) states that “leadership comprises of authority and accountability. ” They define expert as the energy you have to direct the task of others and accountability as well as the moral responsibility that comes with the position of leadership. Most existent theories pays off focus on leadership as an individual feature which is more or less helpful when obtaining goals within the organization and not for individual goals. However, this paper work would focus on both parts as leadership in medical field requires the same amount of focus on the task of group and the individual as well. Quite simply, if adding all meanings alongside one another, we get the idea that leadership involve affect on others, specialist, accomplishment of goals through command work and the leader’s moral responsibility. The basic question is the way the leader arranges his / her priorities, the job of personnel, atmosphere, etc.

Leadership theories

Trait theory

Much has been discussed the differing leadership styles and ideas during the last seventy years. Many leadership theories have evolved during the last century starting with ‘Trait theory’. It is based on the assumption that some individuals possess personality traits which solo them out as natural market leaders and the ones who have such traits should be nurtured into leadership positions (Marquis& Huston, 2000). However, this theory was abandoned by the 1940’s as no set of consistent characteristics could be recognized and thus research focused on the action and attitudes of managers based on the assumption that leadership styles are based on specific habit. (Sellgren et al, 2006) Nowadays, many ideas of trait theory are declined as mindset studies provided information that leadership though looks as every individual’s feature isn’t that helpful when aiming to nurture it which means this theory now has only historical rather than practical importance.

Behavioral theory

Research on leadership has shifted concentration from leadership attributes to leadership behavior (Bass, 1981 cited in McNeese-Smith, 1996). Behavioral theories particularly focus on what a leader does indeed (Whitehead et al, 2007). This approach was used from the 1950’s onwards following two major studies by American universities. It viewed what a leader will and what they should do, what’s leader’s role when facing certain problems, the action exhibited by market leaders and the impact of leadership style on the group’s performance. Research into behavioral theory was based on the premise that all leader has a method predicated on their personality, they experience and education (Ekvall, 1992 cited in Sellgren et al, 2006). Also, the theory was interested on leader’s interaction in group work, and exactly how customers of the group respond to each other and especially, the best figure. For even more analysis, the leader’s habit can be sectioned off into three main leadership styles – Authoritarian, democratic and Laissez-faire (Tappen, 2001). Leadership style relates to the quantity of control or liberty which the innovator affords to the group (McCarthy, 1998).Impact of Leadership Styles on Job Satisfaction of Nurses Essay.


Authoritarian market leaders keep the majority of the expert and make almost all of the decisions without much consultation with the group. Autocratic leadership style does not allow group involvement and will not nurture creativity. This may have the result of de-motivating the associates in the long-term (Whitehead et al, 2007). In some cases it could even be said that autocratic head does not even ‘need’ a group work; all what counts is group’s capacity to follow the ‘purchases’. Authoritarian style can however, be useful in situations where group contribution would be counter-productive or where rapid decisions need to be made. Still, rapid decisions do not assure success, so this kind of leadership oftentimes is rarely satisfactory.

There are certain researchers nowadays who study the leadership and leader’s action of important historical figures. They draw a conclusion that many presidents, politicians and generals of days gone by were good authoritarian leaders as the lifestyle back then were predicated on social position and the power within the world (Whitehead et al, 2007). Education also played an important role and the nice leader was the one who could lead the complete nation to success by causing decisions by himself. Fortunately or not, nowadays this type of leadership is often cared for as unacceptable behavior rather than kind of leadership.


This design of leadership takes the views of the group into consideration. The decision making is distributed to the group watching every single critique and comment from other participants of the group. This style encourages group participation and exercises general, alternatively than close guidance. (Carney, 1999) Quite simply, it is all observed in the very word ‘democratic’; the leader within the group sometimes appears as more important physique than everyone else, but the innovator himself / herself is accountable for creating a sense of equality; work in such group usually would be accompanied by friendly and positive atmosphere as every specific in the group would be observed in many cases as more important figure than the problem these are solving. Possible drawbacks may be that democratic leaders are only strong when every individual seems strong in the group, but some leaders are not with the capacity of withstanding their view if it may ruin the atmosphere within the group. Even though, these circumstances are rarely reviewed as after such situations the power of the first choice may be ‘diminished’ and the group would be searching for other leading number.Impact of Leadership Styles on Job Satisfaction of Nurses Essay.

Laissez – faire

In this style the leader allows the group to ascertain their own way of working and does not provide much path, reviews or decision making. This type of innovator is passive and non-directive; he / she provide little support for the group and in simple fact may turn requests for support and help back again to the group generally speaking (Tappen, 2001). Some teams require ‘passive’ innovator, who in a way will had taken all responsibility, but actions and decisions would be produced by other folks in the group. It does not necessarily claim that this kind of command is provoked by group people; the leader should be conscious about the problem and recognize that. Some tendencies analysts and psychologists even highlights that this kind of leadership requires more subconscious knowledge and personal strength than others; not many people allows such freedom for the group without having to be afraid to simply accept full responsibility of these activities (Tappen, 2001).

In newer times, research completed by Kouzes & Posner (1988) and Bass (1995) confirmed interesting results about management behaviors. They examined over 1, 300 leaders and have identified five different command behaviors:

Challenging the process: these are leaders who are impressive and experimental; their work should be considered a challenge.

Inspiring a shared eye-sight: Intuitive market leaders who picture the future and enlist others to be involved;

Enabling others to act: these are empowered and supportive market leaders who build trust and team work;

Modeling just how: Leaders who become role models, preparing an example and training what they preach;

Encouraging the center: Leaders, who support their followers, recognize and prize their accomplishments, while some analysts nowadays questions ways of leading the group through rewards (especially materials).

These leadership behaviours are very useful and can be utilized as independent parameters to measure both manager’s opinion of their style of command and that which is perceived by those they deal with. This in turn can be used as an indication of employee’s satisfaction with their manager’s style.

Situational control theory

This management theory is dependant on the premise that control style should be dependant on the problem or the individuals included (Marquis & Huston, 2009). The differing leadership varieties of situational leadership suggested by Hersey et al (1997) are based on the maturity or readiness of the follower. They set out four levels of readiness ranging from low (unable or unwilling) to high (able, happy and proficient) and with regards to the degree of the follower the leader’s style is directive, training, supportive or delegate in procedure. There would be beneficial to present an example which would illustrate this theory better. For example, the leader who’s dealing with group of men and women which may him / her would follow absolutely different steps or provide different patterns whenever using other group of individuals which he / she has not met before. That is because new people would consciously or not question shown leader’s authority, their working methods may contradict the methods by which leader chooses to act, etc. In other words, this theory focuses on the new direction which was not discussed before – the discord between group users and leader when facing certain new issues, or anything at all what is impressive rather than known how to approach. Situational leadership strains out the value of leader’s actions in new situations where group work must be organized meticulously (Hersey, 1997).Impact of Leadership Styles on Job Satisfaction of Nurses Essay.

Charismatic Theory (Transactional and Transformational leadership styles)

New leadership styles are suffering from in more recent times and which involves the transactional management and transformational authority, both of which are part of Charismatic theory (Rafferty, 1993). In speedily growing health sector, these varieties of leadership are specially notable up to the present day. Transactional authority is characterized by bargaining, it stresses the organizations goals while recognizing the rewards that folks value. Once goals have been achieved the leader rewards those who helped to attain them (Lindholm et al 2000, Carney 1999). It appears as a very fair method – to focus on goals somewhat than rewards; the collection of actions is very strict, showing that work would be rewarded only when they were effective. Transformational command has charisma as its concentrate. The leader provides the vision, instilling a feeling of take great pride in in successes, while attaining trust and esteem from the group. Transformational management raises both leader and follower to a high level of determination and morality as both shares one common value according to Burns (1978) who coined the word. In other words, both leader and the follower are on a single level, the key differentiation is who leaded who to such level. To quickly summarize, this theory in essence was called charismatic as leader must have the ability to build up the strategy consciously and think means of how group can effectively be included into success of necessary goals.

Servant leadership

One of the more recent leadership principles is Servant leadership. This style is very different to traditional views of management where in fact the organizations needs take precedence. Servant command is concerned with service to the follower instead of engaging followers to aid organizational goals (Stone et al, 2004). Servant leaders take into account their followers needs first which in turn empowers them to achieve organization’s goal. This also sometimes brings issue of inequality in light as the leader’s needs and the follower’s would be of completely different level. Thus, one side could feel in a way ‘used’ however in many cases emotions would not be looked at that important as many problems are resolved in formal style and achievements of goals is really the only reasonable solution. This theory was called servant for various reasons very few literature provides the origins of such notion, as the actual fact that organization’s word is obviously the last, is quite natural itself (Carney, 1999).

To summarize these kinds of leadership ideas, the short development of authority studies it is seen that research provides numbers of exceptions, and ambiguities. Every theory and every type of control can be comprehended and interpreted diversely considering every person. Leadership is necessary in group work to attain certain goals, but little or nothing can ensure or provide a simple pattern to take action. However, following this discussion we have now would be concentrating on another part of this paper analysis; in what varieties leadership shows up in medical field and how leadership styles can help to achieve personal or institutional goals and bring satisfaction for the job.Impact of Leadership Styles on Job Satisfaction of Nurses Essay.

Leadership styles in Nursing

What is clear from the literature is that nobody design of management and control is consciously used within medical as a specific method to manage certain conditions that nurses and ward professionals are facing. However, what emerges is the fact that predominantly health care has migrated away for the traditional autocratic style and towards a combination of transactional and transformational management. A study of 71 Irish Health Managers carried out by Armstrong (1999) discovered that over 50 percent used transactional and transformational leadership. The reasons are quite obvious. The period of time shows that the research is quite new and nowadays autocratic authority is usually interpreted negatively. Transactional and transformational command, however are more effective in medical field therefore kind of authority revealed great success in institutional work (Avolio, 1988). Nurses in general, aims to supporting people, and both of these styles of leadership are highlight the co-operation with other folks; group work and look after others is really important to get successful results. Nowadays in nursing field other models are rarely seen as effective and though it can be said that democratic management is also very common, it usually shows up in the band of nurses excluding their direct leader – the workplace. Democratic command often occurs where leader is not the main one with higher status, but the one which is ‘chosen’ by the group as the most reliable roughly on (Bass, 1995).

In a study completed by Lindholm et al (2000) he discovered that more than half of professionals interviewed exhibited a combination of both transactional and transformational control styles and these professionals appeared to experience fewer management problems, less level of resistance to improve and better support from other professional categories within health care. What is not really acceptable is that these studies do not provide enough information about minorities, who are employing different leadership styles. Although, it is merely natural to state that leaders who uses different methods or have mixed characteristics, often are said to be better than those who can be applied and then one style.Impact of Leadership Styles on Job Satisfaction of Nurses Essay.

The Hay group, an international management consultancy company which carried out a study of command styles in seven NHS trusts in Brittan packages out six command styles that happen to be prevalent in medical (Kenmore, 2008):

Directive: A leader who instructs staff on what to do without appointment, this often seems as autocratic style, though can also be the transactional or transformational leadership style leader;

Visionary: The first choice who provides long-term guidance and eyesight for the future, the team work is important and especially the trust for a innovator;

Affiliative: This innovator creates tranquility within the team as other way the accomplishment of goals would be not as effective as needed; this style is especially good if the certain group is going to co-operate in the foreseeable future, they would find ways to achieve goals effectively jointly as a team;

Participative: A leader who produces ideas and produces staff dedication; it can be an active leader who also works in a group though he / she clearly ‘declares’ who’s the first choice;

Pace-setting: This innovator promotes high expectations and task accomplishments as he / she finds the pay back as the ultimate way to inspire his group; reports show that money as inspiration is not the main part for job satisfactory, but nonetheless this type of leaders are quite common;

Coaching: A innovator who promotes self-development and further education; it is sort of investment in group for facing future duties; also very effective if the team would work together for a long period of energy.

The Hay group discovered that the most effective ward managers are adaptable in their procedure and used a variety of these command styles in order to get the best performance from their employees (Kenmore, 2008). However there is absolutely no comparative research of control styles completed within Irish nursing on this range which identifies a chance for further research to be able to gain better understanding in the Irish framework.

In Ireland the Country wide Clinical Leadership Program (2008) was set up by the Office of the Nursing & Midwifery Services Directory site (ONMSD) to aid nurse managers to develop control skills which support the new and expanded ways of delivering quality patient attention. This program was followed from the Royal University of Nursing’s (RCN) Clinical Control Programme platform which aims to develop transformational leadership characteristics in members (Clinical Control Pilot Evaluation Survey, 2008). The theoretical framework targets:

Learning to home manage

Developing effective relationships

Patient focus


Political Awareness

This leadership program has since been developed further by the ONMSD to become the National Authority Development Job. This project has developed competencies which promote scientific market leaders. These, the ONMSD consider, are the key to providing better attention and developing control within medical. This pilot job commenced in March 2011 with the completion date set for 2012. (NLDP, 2010). Up to now, this project received positive reviews by many researchers of healthcare studies and the nurses themselves.

Defining Job satisfaction – record and current thoughts

Job satisfaction is described by Locke (1969) as: “a wonderful or positive psychological state caused by the appraisal of one’s job or job experience. ” It really is described as an optimistic affective orientation towards employment by Muller & McCloskey (1990). Job satisfactory is an essential factor which influences individual’s personal appearance in his / her work sphere which can cause increasing or reducing efficiency in job tasks.

As a formal part of research, job satisfaction did not really exist before middle 1930’s although there was a great deal of qualitative research and theorizing about the idea of job satisfaction. These included Freud (1922) who experienced that morale acted to suppress negative tendencies, motivating personal sacrifice and dedication to group goals. Janet (1907) theorized that repetitive work encouraged one to dwell on mental poison and cause obsessive thinking. Historically, analysts were interested in job satisfaction as a way of increasing efficiency. Scientific management theory assumed that above all things, employees value economic incentives and would be prepared to work harder for financial incentives. Taken these two opinions into consideration it is seen that the lack of personal or moral satisfaction still was not discussed greatly.

This led to the Hawthorne studies which were carried out by Teacher Elton Mayo from the Harvard Business University between 1927 and 1932. This analysis began by evaluating the result of physical conditions on output, yet, in the span of his investigations he became convinced that factors of a social character were affecting job satisfaction and efficiency. This study discovered that the thoughts and attitudes of workers influenced production rates and this resulted in him launching an interview program to assess the type of the partnership between ways of supervision and personnel attitudes. Due to these interviews it became noticeable that small changes in work conditions temporarily increase production but further investigations reveled that this increase resulted, not from the changes in conditions, but from the data that staff were being witnessed. In other words when interest was shown in personnel their production increased however when this interest was withdrawn, the output fell. This later became known as the Hawthorne result. This research provided strong research that people be employed by other purposes than pay as well and sparked a influx in research into other factors which influence job satisfaction.

After these studies and thoughts about job satisfactory, numbers of tools for measuring job satisfaction look. One of the most frequently used is Maslow’s theory of individual needs (1954). Maslow asserted that individuals needs emerge sequentially matching to a hierarchy of five need levels: physiological, security, affiliation, achievement and esteem and self-actualization. Maslow argued that the satisfied need had not been a motivator of habit and therefore the value of higher needs increases as lower needs are satisfied. This is followed by Herzberg et al (1959) who went on to develop a theory of job satisfaction predicated on Maslow’s hierarchy and figured not all factors increase satisfaction. They conclude that there is a marriage between job satisfaction and certain work manners as well as between job dissatisfaction and other work behaviours. Hertzberg figured satisfaction and dissatisfaction were two totally different phenomena which develop from distinct sources and got differing preliminary and permanent effects on action. Hertzberg also discovered that the factors related to good thoughts towards one’s job were accomplishment and recognition, the nature of the task itself, responsibility, improvement and salary. The bad feelings towards the work stemmed from company policy and administration, technical guidance, the question of payment, interpersonal connections with supervisors and working conditions. Hertzberg’s basic proposition is the fact that workers are influenced by two different facets; hygiene and drive factors. Hygiene needs related to the physical and internal environment in which the work is done while motivational factors relate to the nature and the challenge of the work itself. However, there has been severe criticism of Hertzberg’s theory because of its lack of empirical support as well as the very idea of job satisfactory did not provide examples of quite different job spheres.Impact of Leadership Styles on Job Satisfaction of Nurses Essay.

The job satisfaction of nurses

There is a wealth of literature relating to job satisfaction generally management literature also to a lesser amount, in nursing literature. From the moment when job satisfaction became a field of mental interest, numbers of considerable studies has been done on various areas of job satisfaction. Probably one of the most notable studies was carried out by the Hay group and it would be pointed out further.

Job satisfaction is not easily described mostly since it means various things to differing people. Job satisfaction is multifaceted and can be influenced by both inner and exterior factors. Atchison (2003) lists pay as the most important exterior factor but says that interior factors such as a good manager, professional development and a nurturing work place are even more important. That is borne out by the comprehensive study carried out by the Hay group (1999) of over 500, 000 employees in 300 locations where they discovered that employees rated pay and benefits in only 10th position in the reasons for employee satisfaction. Corresponding to Atchison (2003), pay checks are entitlements rather than motivators. The sole time a pay check is motivating is when there is a threat of loss of the pay check. Atchison (2003) states, that job satisfaction to nurses is exclusive as what motivates nurses is not really much pay and conditions but instead the well-being of the patient and a sense of “a job well done”. What is more, not payment, however the patient is one of the most important figures in nurses’ job. Even though the patient outcome is not positive a nurse may feel a sense of satisfaction having achieved the patients needs spiritually, literally and psychologically. This is described by the Hay group (1999) as “Meaningful work, making a difference” and it is cited as another most frequent reason distributed by employees for wanting to stay with an organization. Pay ranked of them costing only 10th place as a reason for being, though this may vary in other countries depending on medical conditions, market, etc. This research lists ten reasons overall (Hay group, 1999):Impact of Leadership Styles on Job Satisfaction of Nurses Essay.

  1. Career progress, learning and development
  2. Exciting work, challenging
  3. Meaningful work, making a difference
  4. Great people
  5. Being part of an team
  6. Good boss
  7. Recognition for job well done
  8. Autonomy, sense of control over one’s work
  9. Flexible work hours and dress code
  10. Fair pay and benefits

This is re-iterated by Lebbin (2007) who says that lots of people who work in health care are determined by improving medical and well-being of their patients. He goes on to convey that staff dissatisfaction cannot be set by increasing pay and benefits but by the business addressing its primary goal which is ‘caring’.

Blegin (1993) discovered that factors affecting worker satisfaction were: employer dedication, communication with supervisors, autonomy, recognition, and peer communication. This research also discovered that stress and routinization adversely afflicted employees satisfaction. Essentially, if a worker meets constant stress in work place or the work becomes as a regime, the changes are necessary, and the repayment is rarely a remedy for these types of problems.

The resources of nurse’s satisfaction include working conditions, interactions, remuneration, self growth, praise and recognition, control, job security and authority styles matching to Lu et al (2005) having completed an extensive books review. However, Tovey & Adams (1999) found off their research that scientific grade distinctions of nurses represent differing resources of job satisfaction and dissatisfaction. They point out that job satisfaction and dissatisfaction is often treated in a different way within each band of nurses and especially within individuals. That’s the reason they go to suggest that different dimension tools are had a need to accurately reflect as much differences as you possibly can.

Not surprisingly, the job satisfaction usually has an effect on service user’s satisfaction, patient results, staff turnover and morale. According to McNeese-Smith (1996) caregivers provide better care when they are satisfied and committed to their employer. When a nurse profits satisfaction from the task she / he does, when the stress would become absent, careers would be achieved in no rush and patient needs would become a goal as the caretakers who are facing the strain would not be able to pay that much attention to the patient as otherwise. Determination to the workplace is also very important. Company is normally viewed as the leader for group of nurses, so successful teamwork and positive atmosphere is essential to be designed for staff members.Impact of Leadership Styles on Job Satisfaction of Nurses Essay.

Measurement tools for job satisfaction

The way of measuring of job satisfaction is a hard system of collecting data, reactions of nurses, questionnaires, etc. Through the period when job satisfaction became a field of interest, numbers of way of measuring tools were invented. Mostly they may be helpful to gather statistics that ought to lead to better job conditions, though not absolutely all of these tools are quite effective. For instance, the Job-in Standard Scale (JIG) originated by Smith et al (1990) to assess job satisfaction. It contains 18 responses for employees to spell it out their feelings towards the work. Reactions include: positive replies such as “makes me content” or “worthwhile” to negative reactions such as: “waste materials of time” to “rotten”. There, each response is given a report of 1 1 if positive, 2 for a question mark or 3 if negative. This allows the auditor to rate the overall satisfaction of the respondent numerically. This tool was later criticized for obscure and not detailed data; also it will not consider reasons why nurses find their job satisfactory or not.

There are numerous different procedures of job satisfaction and they change greatly but matching to Zangaro & Soeken (2005) the Index of Work Satisfaction (IWS) current is considered the most well suited for measuring nurses’ job satisfaction. This tool uses 5 parameters to evaluate job satisfaction therefore far the results using this specific tool supply the most complete information:

Pay: remuneration and periphery benefits received;

Autonomy: the quantity of freedom, independence and initiative allowed or required (although, it will not be forgotten that commitment to company is also very important);

Task requirements: the amount of activities that must definitely be completed as part of the job, nurses’ tasks;

Organizational plans: policies and procedures set out by administration;

Interaction: The quantity of opportunities for both formal and casual appointment during work amount of time in the task place.

However, the earlier brought up Hay group uses a lttle bit different solution to evaluate job satisfactory. A couple of no rigid or fixed factors presented, although studying specific literature, it was discovered that Hay group gives more attention to company affectivity and individual’s emotions, without speaking much about repayment, for example. The Hay group highlights that the most crucial thing for each nurse in their job is the sensation of personal improvement (2008). So, if assessing Hay group’s view to these 5 parameters offered by the Index of Work Satisfaction, autonomy, task requirements and interaction may be the crucial point which represents positive attitude for the nursing job and other factors would be looked at of slight importance.Impact of Leadership Styles on Job Satisfaction of Nurses Essay.

Moumtzoglou (2010) conducted a books review prior to building a satisfaction size for Greek nurses and found the sources of job satisfaction to be similar throughout the books and common elements devised includes: connections and reputation, leadership styles and organizational plan, self growth and responsibility, remuneration and lastly the task itself.

Leadership skills and the skills of nurse manger have long being recognized to make critical contribution to smooth procedure of the inpatient unites as well as to contribute to the success of serious care clinics. Thus their leadership is increasing attaining attention especially when it comes to their contribution to staff attitudes and connections. since that first lines nurse managers are positioned in a close proximity to the wok itself as well regarding the nurse employed in the patient care make rests critical in the way the supervisor implements the leadership tasks which are bound to have significant effect on the working environment and organizational. Therefore nurse manger that influence the task environment positively fosters the organization’s commitment of the staff stimulating greater achievements at the machine level hence enhancing the organizations competitive benefits.Impact of Leadership Styles on Job Satisfaction of Nurses Essay.