Community Resettlement Pursuing Residential Care Essay.

Community Resettlement Pursuing Residential Care Essay.


Te Triti O Waitangi was authorized on 6th Feb 1840 at Waitangi. It significant to maintain the advantages of Maori people who residing in New Zealand. It is concluded 4 important principles which are collaboration, protection, contribution and permission. These 4 guidelines will be the basic necessary needs for Maori in term of living and culture. Therefore, while Maori people get engage into any interpersonal services, it is in charge of social workers to keep yourself updated and ensure that Maori clients have been treated with appropriate services.

Firstly, partnership identifies working collectively for agreed benefits. A a cultural service organisations must be sure providing regulations that the needs of Maori are considered into information when cooperating with Maori consumer and their family/ whanau. By building trust and rapport with Maori clients and their family/ whanau is the vital thing to consider bringing out yourself and learning greater detail of clients by making friendship. As well as involve clients in every processes of treatment plan such as let them hint the contract to ensure health & safeness support and totally inform have to be used.Community Resettlement Pursuing Residential Care Essay.


Secondly, protection focuses on client’s personal privacy and protection. The social staff may following Code of Rights and Code of Conducts to keep up client’s confidentiality while attending social service. As well as admiration the right of Maori to take pleasure from their taonga in cultural service configurations. To be able to make important decisions those are in their finest interests.

Thirdly, participation is focused on service ease of access for Maori to ensure that their needs are achieved by asking or allowing them to take part in their care plan until release from residential health care. Also family/ whanau engagement at all degrees of service is another way to practice participation principle.

Lastly, permission is very important to social personnel to be looked at while interesting to cultural service. Maori clients must be free to speak Te Reo Maori and participate in any Maori religious or culture methods.

To summarize, 4 concepts of Te Tiriti O Waitangi are using to maintain and promote Maori’s physical and mental well-being and basic safety. Therefore, social personnel have to provide as much as possible resources for Maori clients to make sure they needs are found and bi-cultural point of view by pursuing Te Tiriti.

Task 2

Manage the intake process of a person discharged from home care.

Context setting
Residential support to Mature(18-65yrs) with an intellectual disability
Individual Group Summary of reason home care and attention was required
SH Adult (23) A Maori lady has been discharged from a domestic care after she’s completed to six months stay. SH experienced identified as having Perthes Syndrome (Years as a child disease of hip joint) since she was created. But when she is growing up she started showing challenging behavior included physical and verbal hostility such as throwing, reaching, kicking, spitting, swearing and pinching. Therefore, her family/ whanau recommended transferring her in which to stay the residential attention facility to develop social skills and also to be indie in her environment.

Contribution to controlling intake process

Date Notes/ key of information provided to the person
01/03/14 Receiving and collecting information of SH.

Receiving and saving referrals for a gathering.

Contacted SH family/ whanau and other key people and gave them usage of the info for the conference.

02/03/14 Service co-ordinator, house innovator, CSW, Mother, GP, caregiver and healthcare professional have a meeting regarding to the improvement of SH.
03/03/14 All people were agreeable that SH is ready to get back to the community.
  • Summary of information provided to the person about the role, function, services and legal obligations of the communal worker and communal service provider.

The intake process helps to identify and evaluate a client’s current situation, issues and needs as well as to determine the most likely and effective means of helping your client. Social workers and social service agency have to concern about client’s safety and wellbeing first before making any decisions during the procedure for discharged. Therefore, gathering data (qualitative e. g. interview/ quantitative e. g. number) to get private information of client is necessary. It could come from your client, family’ whanau, friends, health care professional or other keys people who relevant to the care and attention plan. Also physical and mental health and fitness of client is important to make certain the client is preparing to get back to the community separately. Intake and Examination is a reverential, arranged procedure for gathering personal information of either clients or clients’ caregivers in order to facilitate service providers as well as clients to make prepared decisions about the provision of the programme and/ or services. Friendly service organisation should ensure that they have progress their own timeline for intake and analysis that suits their programs which lead in protected climate and suitable for the client/client’s caregiver.

  • Notes/ tips of how you completed intake steps according to the release plan, legislation, moral practice and relative to your workplace requirements/ requirements.
  • Roles and responsibilities
  • As a sociable worker should create suitable and centered on working with clients, taking into account individual differences and the cultural and social framework of the client’s situation such as understands the principles of culture, course, contest, ethnicity, spirituality, gender, age and impairment.
  • Allow client to take part in the operations by motivates and encourages participation.
  • Assists clients to gain their self-determination over their own surroundings. Provides choices for the client, provides accurate information by which the client can best decide.
  • In working with clients, the cultural staff member uses her/his personal characteristics appropriately. May attends supervision to build up best practice.
  • Written insurance policy and procedure
  • Admission requirements.
  • Intake and Analysis procedures.
  • Documents to be completed and maintained.
  • Procedures to follow when a client cannot be aided /referring on.
  • Information to be provided to clients.
  • Legislation highly relevant to the organisation.
  • Others records/ reflections on the intake process.

Client’s basic safety and wellbeing must be the first awareness of the cultural provider before completed intake procedures in line with the release plan.

Task 3

Contributions to supporting the person to control the changeover from house to the community

Date Notes/ tips of any appointment or other communication information on actions related to helping the person.
05/03/14 SH’s family/ whanau was consulted about the discharge from residential health care facility.
06/03/14 Discuss with SH about her pursuits and goals.
08/03/14 Support SH in term of decision-making in her interests and being freedom.
  • How did the assistance you provided encourage self-determination and discourage dependency on the communal service employee or social service provider?

Respect the right of clients to self-determination and assist clients in their initiatives to recognize and clarify their goals. As well as giving a chance for clients to ask and ask for their passions or needs, but always have to be considered about protection and wellbeing of client and folks around. Social employees should use clear and totally advise clients of the purpose of the services, dangers, restrictions to services, relevant costs, sensible alternatives, clients’ to refuse or withdraw consent, and enough time frame covered by the arrangement. Then, social service worker or social service agency should be responsible to check out and review of client’s self-improvement after release from the domestic care.

  • What people does liaise with locally and how does this assist gatherings to the plan to donate to the person’s resettlement?

Disability service company is accountable to provide resources that suited to the customers by following client’s needs and demands. Also assisting connects your client with ideas and resources in order to help them manage. However, relevant factors may include client’s skills, her resources, her needs, client’s goals, and identify what is important to your client, also any risk factors.

  • What resources do you take care of, and what plans would have to be made for the transition from house to community?

-Safety is the most important and first thought for the communal service provider to be aware and ensure client’s physical and mental is safe.

-As a interpersonal service provider must be alert to “client’s ethnical needs” to practice as a Maori. Aswell as promoting religious practice to keep up client’s traditions and beliefs. Additional, cultural assistance should be provided to avoid of cultural conflicts.

-Disability needs of customer is another factor to be considered. To ensure client is moving into safeness and friendly environment with her disability. And maintain physical comfort in her daily routine.

-Health needs for consumer may assist by regular visited of healthcare pros and assist her with medication needs.

-Language and communication should be clear and understandable to customer and her family/ whanau. Additional, interpreter might provide if needed.

  • Other records/ reflections on the transition to community

As a cultural service provider makes sure the client is living in safe environment and surrounding with positive people and activities. Therefore, it could help client to boost her cultural skills and being independence in community.

Task 4

Assist the person to resettle in the community following residential care

Date Notes/ tips of any meetings or other communication information on activities related to the person
09/03/14 Provide alternatives and opportunities for SH in term of her hobbies.
10/03/14 Allow SH to make her decisions by ensure respectful and confidentiality.
11/03/14 Fully inform to SH family/ whanau regarding to her decisions. Then discuss how to provide service and make her needs to be found.
  • How performed you encourage self-determination and discourage dependency on the sociable service worker or social company?

Encouraging self-determination:

-Outlined agency’s targets and appropriate legislations, backing up agency requests/kaupapa.

Provided information and completely informed SH of the restrictions and possibility of the meeting, and allowed her to determine the best options and which issues I possibly could help her with.

Discouraging dependency on public services:

-Allow SH expressing her possible alternatives and choose her own best options.

-Where possible the organization would step away, so that SH could step up.

-Allowed SH to determine so called “emergencies”.

  • How do you assist the person to identify requirements for life in the community, i. e. establish aims and objectives?

Organised first reaching to provide intake assessment and referral accepted.

Then second appointment had setup to interview with SH to discuss her particular needs at this time with time. Ensure effective communication is being used and record her needs and prioritise what need to be done first into an action plan.

Lastly, arrange the key persons who be in charge to action each one of the itemised needs.

  • How does you assist the individual to judge their participation locally against their goals and objectives?

Identify progress against plan and review. Then asked scaling questions concerning where SH noticed she is at contract to her hopes and her pursuits.

  • How have you assist the person to determine a community lifestyle that focused on both their protection and the protection of others?

-We proven community facilitates before her changeover such as 24/7 emergencies call if need any help.

-Educate basic skills to her family/whanau how to approach her aggressive behavior while she actually is living in the community.

-We reviewed goals that will inspire her to gain her public skills and make more friends.

  • What progress resistant to the release plan was achieved?

Her mental health position was unstable, in line with the Epilepsy. Therefore, her seizures are maintained by medications and have to be observed by health care professionals at all time if possible.

  • What further options (if any) were diagnosed?

It is important to notice that staffs have to be familiar and regular with customer when giving her interpersonal services to avoid of challenging behavior and automobile accident that you can do.

  • Other notes/ reflections on the re-setting of the person

Avoid confrontations with customer, nor say “NO” to her. Do not say “Don’t do this” try to say “First you choose to do. . . (Something she might not exactly prefer to do), Then you can do. . . (Something she prefer to do)”.Community Resettlement Pursuing Residential Care Essay.

Task 5

Application of sociable service theory

  • Maori Style of Practice

-Maori style of practice within utilised communal work practise research and validated to provide best practise.

-Maori models of practise have alternative approach

-Wellness of whakapapa target opposed to specific focus.

For example -Te whare Tapa Wha (four cornerstones of Maori health) including:

i. )Taha tinana (physical health): healthy eating, sleep, physical activities, protection consciousness and proper hygine.

ii. )Taha wairua (religious health): values, culture faith.

iii. )Taha hinengaro (mental health): positive thinking, positive behavior and healthy lifestyle.

iv. )Taha whanau (family health): mental support, financial and obligations.

  • Social work knowledge, skills and worth (Te Kaiawhina Ahumahi 2000) was a good tool for the interpersonal workers to be utilized as a guide to work in appropriate way and proper practice while supplying services to the customers.
  • Social policy theory involves the analysis of the sociable relations necessary to promote individuals wellbeing and things that influence the varieties of life. It could be love and basic safety, employment and money.Community Resettlement Pursuing Residential Care Essay.