History And Background Commerce Essay.

History And Background Commerce Essay.


Tawam Hospital is a JCIA approved hospital and considered to be a training and research hospital associated with UAE University, Faculty of Treatments and Health Science. Tawam Hospital was exposed officially on 17, Dec 1979 under the guidelines of the late H. H Sheikh Zayed who possessed chosen its location. The hospital is managed by Abu Dhabi Health Services (SEHA) which is complied with the Health Power ” Abu Dhabi (HAAD).History And Background Commerce Essay.


Tawam Clinic is a Midsection East Centre of Excellence for oncology treatment, Neonatal Intensive Attention, and general ICU services in addition to spectacular patient treatment delivery programs in other specialties including the home health care services for elderly in addition to the baby friendly services that is regarded internationally (Docstoc, 2010). Tawam works to provide a quality healthcare services that meets the expectations of the patients because they assure to treat patients within their own families as stated in their objective and perspective (Tawam Clinic, 2010).History And Background Commerce Essay.

The managerial practices

At Tawam, the CEO office maintain a weekly meeting for the A-Team participants to negotiate the entire performance and issues related to all or any the hospital departments. Medical issues and concerns are reviewed to seek a remedy and assistance. Administrative issues are also negotiated like deals, policies exchanges and re-structuring. The hospital overall strategy is provided to allow all the departments to do the necessary actions to adhere to it. Before 2 years, the primary objective of the A-Team conferences was to make a deal the strategies and objectives on the construction of the new medical center building and the alternatives till the job finish.

Current problems and difficulties

The major difficulty that encounters Tawam Hospital is the integration of the new Clinic Information System (HIS) with having less technology of the professional doctors. A thorough and planned training program for IT and computer basics was given to all the doctors prior to the execution of the HIS that led to the success of the initial implantation of the job. Another major problem at Tawam is the discord with SEHA regarding the internal insurance policies at Tawam that prevent Tawam from taking independent decisions about the healthcare systems or the IT infrastructure.History And Background Commerce Essay.

The new evolving role of HRM is the tactical management that is aligned with the organization mission and goals in addition to accomplishing the basic functionality of HRM. Quite simply, decisions related to employees should be analyzed to consider their influence on the organization’s objective and goal accomplishment (U. S. Office of Employees Management, 1999).

What is manpower planning?

According to BusinessDictionary. com, manpower planning is thought as estimating the mandatory skilled personnel to perform work responsibilities overtime and specifying how and when they must be acquired. People are considered the most valuable assets for any firm, therefore; financial and scientific belongings can’t give organizations a competitive advantage without individuals capital.

For our case, Tawam Hospital which is a healthcare business, planning the individuals resource is classified based on the job context where there will vary classifications like health professionals or health care specialists, lab technicians and administrative staff. Mainly, for medical care organizations, the manpower market is comparable to other organizations’ labor market which is based on demand and supply.History And Background Commerce Essay.

Healthcare organization requirements for workforce are based upon the population demand for health care. Careful things to consider of the populace size and framework in addition to patients’ expectation of healthcare services and the modern culture income and living requirements should be considered while planning the workforce for any clinic (Bloor & Maynard, 2003).

Many factors affect the labor source in health care organizations. Most healthcare specialists expect high incomes and have a particular perceived social position in the population. Also the relationship among healthcare experts can be handled by the skill blend they adhere and their use of complements and substitutes in their work; which make a difference the supply of healthcare professionals predicated on the existing available experts in the field hospital (Bloor & Maynard, 2003). Other factors may impact the resource in UAE like the labor laws and the government regulations.

At Tawam Hospital, the manpower planning is damaged by the guidelines and regulations of SEHA where the all the departments must post their business plan to HR and then HR transmits those to SEHA for analysis, endorsement and budget estimations. When SEHA approves the business plans and the near future positions, it sends them back to Tawam Finance to allocate the costs for each new positions then the HR Director approves the program, the manpower planning maintain the new positions in the databases of the HRIS for each department.

The employing process can not be processed unless there is a vacant position for your requesting division. Sometimes the necessity for the positioning forces the manpower likely to find a way to create the positioning even if the department does not have a vacant position in the database. Sometimes they divided/merge available positions to produce the mandatory position. For the medical departments, manpower planning used to suggest borrowing positions from section to department under the approval of both gatherings and the HR Director to cover the need for the new position.History And Background Commerce Essay.

Manpower planning offers organizations a value in controlling workforce diversity; and also brings an important effect in recruitment, worker retentions and development. In addition, proper planning for workforce increases the quality of the corporate staff and hence improves the end result products achievement (U. S. Office of Personnel Management, 1999).

At Tawam Clinic, the manpower planning provides a monthly review that identifies the amount of loaded/vacant positions within each section and division in the organization. Also the regular monthly article analysis the labor force diversity predicated on the number of nationwide and non-national employees in each section. This survey is delivered to SEHA monthly to get ready the program for the workforce yearly or help made adjustment to the current plan.

HR office is really the only department in virtually any organizations that affect all employees in every the different levels, therefore, Individual resource planning is considered to be important since it can help organizations be more profitable and cost-efficient. Human tool planning can help organizations to forecast their future needs of employees and also the expenses; where tactical programs are set predicated on long term forecasting that is aligned with commercial technique to determine the mandatory skills at the right time with the expected costs. Planning workforce helps also to reduce the corporate expenses to cut needless jobs that may be accomplished by the available employees. The hiring process can be advanced if HR plans well the recruitment process predicated on the forecasting and needs evaluation, also the communication between HR team and line managers can help a great deal in creating a good arrange for what skills are required to accomplish the organization goals (Schwartz, nd). HR planning helps organizations to estimate the types of KSA (Knowledge, Skills, Expertise) with their workers and how to work with them effectively. Also, good labor force planning helps organization to keep their workers by providing the nice career development pathways (Vareta, nd).History And Background Commerce Essay.

At Tawam Clinic, the manpower planning works many activities that serve the organization. One of those activities is named “Reporting Framework Hierarchy” which is designed to recognize who reviews to whom using the HRIS database to assist in transferring or promotions activities. Another activity is called the “Position Expert Change – PMC” where requests for changing the positioning titles will go under the endorsement of HR to be reflected in the business hierarchy in the HRIS. Promotions at Tawam should be determined initially by the manpower planning where they check if there is a vacant position for the office requesting the campaign and when there is a posture, the manpower planning approves the promotion to go into the offers committee; normally, the campaign is rejected. If the promotion is declined, the merging/splitting positions may be a solution if the requesting department has other vacant positions or they can borrow positions from other office within the same section under their endorsement.History And Background Commerce Essay.

Approaches for manpower planning

Rationalized approach

Organization Strategy & Targets

Organization Procedures & Methods

Manpower Review and Analysis






Adjust to Balance




Chart 1: The Rationalized Method of Manpower PlanningPlanning is thought as the outcome of group of processes to find a solution to an issue. Rationalizing HR planning is done to provide methods to be followed to take decisions about selections of available alternatives prior to the implementation. Rational considerations of the problems surrounding the organization are the basic for the rational style of manpower planning. In this process, the organization strategy along with the implemented routines and solutions to achieve the goals are believed when studying the manpower supply and demand based on the internal and external factors that impact the business performance. SWOT evaluation to determine the corporate durability and weakness and the surrounding market opportunities and risks helps in this approach to forecast future needs. Based on that research, decisions related to future recruitment, retention or even reducing the manpower can be studied easily to adjust the total amount of the skills available(Bratton & Gold, 2007).

Diagnostic approach

Chart 2: The Diagnostic Approach to Manpower Planning

Manpower programs and policies


Monitored through

Qualitative & Quantitative techniques

Understanding of causes

Plan of action to control

The diagnostic procedure for manpower planning is based on the rationalized approach that aims to recognize problems related to workforce using quantitative and qualitative techniques and also identify the causes for those problems. The perfect situation of manpower needs and offer doesn’t can be found in the true life where constant imbalance between what skills needed and the marketplace supply faces the organizations. Diagnostic procedure of manpower planning can identify such problems with their triggers. As illustrated in chart 2, identifying manpower problems is done through monitoring the procedures using qualitative and quantitative ways to understand their triggers and put together action plan to solve those problems (Bratton & Gold, 2007).

As mentioned earlier, the manpower planning will get the approved planned positions following the authorization of SEHA, Funding division and HR director to start the positions in the HRIS only without creating a clear plan on the demanded manpower for the hospital. SEHA prepares the manpower designs based on the business plan produced by all departments of Tawam and following the analysis, they send their endorsement to the funding team of Tawam for budget allocation and process.

Stages for individual resource planning

The planning for an organizational workforce requires a systematic technique to be put in place that will assure getting the goals of the manpower planning which is at the end supporting the organization to achieve its goals using useful individual capital and resources. Regarding to Bratton & Yellow metal (2007), the planning process for recruiting involves four periods.

Evaluation of existing manpower resources

Estimation of the percentage of currently utilized manpower resources that were likely to be within the firm by the forecast date

Assessment of labor requirements

Measures to guarantee the needed resources are available when required

The process defined by Bratton & Platinum, 2007 involves the procedure of forecasting the supply in the first two periods, and forecasting the demand in the third stage and then producing the plan to work with the real human capital when needed before stage. Priyadarshini (2009) acquired suggested another manpower planning process that has four different stages:

Analyzing the existing manpower inventory

Making future manpower forecasts

Developing work programs

Design training programs

According to Priyadarshini (2009), the demand forecasting for new skills of workforce should be achieved after analyzing the entire organization business dynamics, its department and employees’ skills and volumes within each division. After examining the available human resources and future forecasts, steps for job programs can be resolved through the prober selection and position strategies. Training programs will be designed and planned based on the new market movements in technology and also based on the available skills that need to be improved or developed in line with the analysis consequence of the first level.

At Tawam, the manpower planning produces regular monthly reports that help SEHA to analyze the business plan of a healthcare facility to plan the mandatory workforce for the next calendar year. At 2008 a full research of the manpower planning was developed by one staff of the manpower section as an assignment for the probation period analysis. The plan was on the medical departments to examine the amount of patients in each medical center and just how many consultants or doctors available and needed in the approaching calendar year. Indeed, that was a person effort it doesn’t reflect the actual practice because the manpower forecasting and planning is handled by SEHA not the hospital.

Internal & exterior factors influencing healthcare human tool planning

Healthcare supply and demand processes for human resources are influences by two factors: the first factor is its narrow approach in its focus that leads to focus only on doctors ignoring the fact of the inter-relations or the substitutions likelihood of other medical fields like the medical. The next factor is the fact that it had a mechanistic procedure with supply part motivated (Bloor & Maynard, 2003).

Healthcare resource organizers estimate the way to obtain medical practitioners graduated from medical academic institutions or migrated to the united states overlooking the behavioral changes of the career paths.

Chart 3: Healthcare practitioners resource factors

Tawam clinic manpower planning is affected externally by the labor low that enforces the authorization of the private sector medical center of the new hires to work at Tawam. Also the planning at Tawam is afflicted internally by the departmental business plans which know what is requires and by the available allocated budget from SEHA that forces a healthcare facility to freeze the recruitment for a while.