Abnormal Uterine Bleeding in Perimenopause Essay
Respond to your colleagues’ posts and explain how you might think differently about the types of tests or treatment options that your colleagues suggested and why. Use your learning resources and/or evidence from the literature to support your position. NEED 2 Scholarly Resources APA format.
Patient Information:
M.R. 45y/o, Female, white
CC (chief complaint): Pain on right breast for two weeks Abnormal Uterine Bleeding in Perimenopause Essay
HPI: M.R. is a 44-year-old female G2 P2, that came to the clinic with a CC variable menstruation cycle. Client indicates that her menstruation cycles are strange with variable and heavier flow. Client indicates that is been happening for the last six month with pre-menstrual symptoms, irregular menstrual cycles, hot flashes, night sweats, and she is always tired. Drink daily multivitamins. No other medical history.
Location: lower abdomen
Onset: six months
Character: heavy menstrual flows,
Associated signs and symptoms: abdominal pain, cramps, hot flashes, night sweats, and she is always tired.
Timing: menstrual cycle (every 26-40 days)
Exacerbating/relieving factors:
Severity: 5/10 pain scale
Current Medications: Multivitamins Abnormal Uterine Bleeding in Perimenopause Essay
Allergies: No allergies.
PMHx: immunizations are up to date. No previous medical history
Soc & Substance Hx: No smoke, no drink alcohol, never used illicit drugs. Client is a medical office operational manager.
Fam Hx: mother- HBP
Father- DM type 2
Sister- no medical hx
Daughters- no medical hx
Surgical Hx: Tonsillectomy when she was 8year old.
Mental Hx: No hx of depression or anxiety
Violence Hx: No Concern or issues
Reproductive Hx: LMP 2 weeks ago, Menarche start when she was 13 years. Her menstrual cycles are irregular, 26-49 days and last from 5-10 days. No other sexual concerns at the moment. She does not have a sexual partner right now.
GENERAL: No weight loss, fever, chills. Client is feeling tired all the time. She is having a hard time trying to sleep at night. Night sweat, hot flashes Abnormal Uterine Bleeding in Perimenopause Essay
HEENT: Eyes: She went to the optometrist appointment 3 weeks ago, No visual changes, no blurred vision, double vision, or yellow sclerae. Ears, Nose, Throat: No hearing loss, no sneezing, no congestion, no runny nose, or sore throat.
SKIN: No skin issue reported
CARDIOVASCULAR: No chest pain, chest pressure, or chest discomfort. No palpitations or edema.
RESPIRATORY: No shortness of breath.
GASTROINTESTINAL: No abdominal pain or blood. No anorexia, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea.
NEUROLOGICAL: Occasional headache before menstrual cycle starts, no dizziness, syncope, paralysis, ataxia, numbness, or tingling in the extremities.
MUSCULOSKELETAL: No muscle pain, back pain, joint pain, or stiffness.
HEMATOLOGIC: No anemia, Heavy menstrual blood flow.
LYMPHATICS: No enlarged nodes. No history of splenectomy.
PSYCHIATRIC: No history of depression or anxiety.
ENDOCRINOLOGIC: Reports of night sweating, hot flashes. No polyuria or polydipsia. Abnormal Uterine Bleeding in Perimenopause Essay
GENITOURINARY/REPRODUCTIVE: No Burning on urination. Pregnancy. LMP: 12/12/23. No Breast-lumps, pain, discharge. No reports of vaginal discharge, Client is not sexually active now of the visit. Indicate last sexual encounter last year.
ALLERGIES: No history of asthma, hives, eczema, or rhinitis.
H 5’4”, Weight 150lbs, B/P 124/86, P 90, R 22.
Physical exam: M.R. is a 44-year-old female G2 P2, that came to the clinic with a CC variable menstruation cycle. Client indicates that her menstruation cycles are strange with variable and heavier flow. Client indicates that is been happening for the last six month with pre-menstrual symptoms, irregular menstrual cycles, hot flashes, night sweats, and she is always tired. Drink daily multivitamins. No other medical history.
Diagnostic results:
Pelvic examination-
Pelvic ultrasound-
Serum FSH, LH, estradiol, TSH and prolactin- Abnormal Uterine Bleeding in Perimenopause Essay
Peri-Menopause (N95.1)- The menopausal transition is roughly divided into 2 phases, which were initially based solely on menstrual patterns, but these patterns appears to have endocrine correlations (Santoro et al, 2021, para 2)
Hypothyroidism (E03.9)- Thyroid disorders are significantly more common in women compared to men and increase in incidence with age (Frank-Raue & Friedhelm, 2023, para 3)
Anemia (D64.9)- Anovulatory cycles can be highly variable in their bleeding patterns. The definition of abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) is ‘flow outside of normal volume, duration, regularity or frequency (Goldstein & Lumsden, 2017, para 3)
Client has some irregular menses at age of 45 and should be evaluated to rule out any other medical condition.
CBC- Normal limits results. No anemia Abnormal Uterine Bleeding in Perimenopause Essay
Platelets 245×10/L
RBC 4.5×10/L
Pelvic examination- Vaginal dryness
Pelvic ultrasound- thickened and hyperechogenic endometrium and the ovaries are small, no evidence if follicular growth.
Serum FSH, LH, estradiol, TSH and prolactin-
FSH 35mIU/mL
LH 22mIU/mL
E2 80pg/mL
TSH 1.9mcIU/mL
Prolactin 18 ng/mL
This client is experiencing some life changes that can affect her mood, emotions, and mental health. This visit is an excellent opportunity to teach the client what to expect and what to do during these changes. Menopause can increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases and can also worsen some lipid profiles. Menopause can be diagnosed based on the clinical absence of menses for 12 consecutive months; in this case, the patient still has some irregular menses but has some pre-menopausal symptoms. The hot flashes, night sweats, and trouble sleeping are strongly associated with peri-menopausal dx. Abnormal Uterine Bleeding in Perimenopause Essay
The client needs to be evaluated and educated about depression symptoms because the rate of new-onset depression is higher in peri-menopausal clients. The client will benefit from hormone replacement therapy. A follow-up visit will be held in three months to follow up on the patient’s symptoms. If any abnormal bleeding or other concerning symptoms occur, the client can contact the clinics for an early evaluation.
As a result of low estrogen, client will need a vaginal lubricants or moisturizer and oral hormone therapy. Prior to prescribing HT, it is imperative that clinicians and their patients review any cautions or contraindications to hormone use (Likis &nSchuiling 2017 p. 283)
Recommendation to use a water-based lubricant and client will start with enjuvia 0.3mg daily. Follow up in three months. Abnormal Uterine Bleeding in Perimenopause Essay
Frank-Raue, K. &. (2023). Thyroid Dysfunction in Peri- and Postmenopausal Women-Cumulative Risks. Deutsches Ärzteblatt International, 120(18), 311-316.
Goldstein, S. R. (2017). Abnormal uterine bleeding in perimenopause. Climacteric, 20(5), 414-420.
Likis, K. D. (2017). Women’s Gynecologic Health. Burlington, MA: World Headquarters.
Santoro, N. R.-P. (2021). The Menopause Transition: Signs, Symptoms, and Management Options. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 106(1), 1-15.
CLASS Resources
As you review the following resources, you may want to include a topic in the search area to gather detailed information (e.g., breast cancer screening guidelines; CDC for zika in pregnancy, etc.).