Advance Practice Regulatory Model And Major Professional Roles Essay

Advance Practice Regulatory Model And Major Professional Roles Essay

1. In this assignment, you will explore the world of advanced practice with self-awareness. You would use creative infographic mind map to examine major APN concepts associated with the Consensus and LACE model, APN Scope & Standards. See additional assignment overview and guideline below. Advance Practice Regulatory Model And Major Professional Roles Essay

2. Write a brief role identification statement responding to the following:

From the reading and literature search, write a statement to distinguish between advanced practice nursing (APN) and advanced nursing practice (ANP). Provide examples of specific APN & ANP roles to support your statements. Explain why you agree or disagree with the current professional role identification for APN and ANP. In this assignment, you’ll create a MIND MAP OF THE ADVANCED PRACTICE NURSE PROFESSION, UNDERPININGS, ROLES, HISTORY, AND REGULATIONS. This mind map will help you review and summarize your learning about Advanced Practice Nursing foundations including: Advance Practice Regulatory Model And Major Professional Roles Essay



Major historical trajectory of the profession
Advance practice regulatory model and major professional roles
Models that have helped shape the profession
APN scope and standards of practice
APN role and APRN identity
Where you fit in the continuum of advanced practice roles and evolution Advance Practice Regulatory Model And Major Professional Roles Essay
A MIND MAP is a non-linear representation of how you connect ideas and concepts. Mind maps are useful for creative thinking, brainstorming, and organizing your understanding of a topic. All maps have some things in common. They have a natural organizational structure that radiates from the center and use lines, symbols, words, colors, and images according to simple, brain-friendly concepts. Mind mapping converts a long list of information into a colorful, memorable, and highly organized diagram that works in line with your brain’s natural way of doing things. They illustrate associations between ideas or topics that radiate from a central theme, topic, or concept. Step 1: Start in the middle of a blank page, writing or drawing the idea you intend to develop. I would suggest that you use the page in landscape orientation. Advance Practice Regulatory Model And Major Professional Roles Essay

Step 2: Develop the related subtopics around this central topic, connecting each of them to the center with a line.

Step 3: Repeat the same process for the subtopics, generating lower-level subtopics as you see fit, connecting each of those to the corresponding subtopic.

Step 4: Check the chapter to make sure that you include all major terms and concepts.

Some more recommendations:

Use colors, drawings, and symbols copiously. Be as visual as you can, and your brain will thank you. I’ve met many people who don’t even try, with the excuse they’re “not artists”. Don’t let that keep you from trying it out! Advance Practice Regulatory Model And Major Professional Roles Essay
Keep the topic labels as short as possible, keeping them to a single word – or, better yet, to only a picture. Especially in your first mind map, the temptation to write a complete phrase is enormous, but always look for opportunities to shorten it to a single word or figure – your mind map will be much more effective that way.
Vary text size, color, and alignment. Vary the thickness and length of the lines. Provide as many visual cues as you can to emphasize important points. Every little bit helps engage your brain. Advance Practice Regulatory Model And Major Professional Roles Essay
Feel free to check the internet and review other Mind Maps for inspiration but make sure that your mind map is your own, unique work. Each mind map MUST be unique and reflect your thinking. Plagiarism will not be tolerated.
Here are some free tools to create Mind Maps. You can also use PowerPoint or Word. If you have clear handwriting and are creative, you can do it manually, snap a picture and upload it. Advance Practice Regulatory Model And Major Professional Roles Essay