Advanced Practice Nurse Assure Quality Clinical Outcomes Essay

Advanced Practice Nurse Assure Quality Clinical Outcomes Essay


Policy Analysis Response Paper (6 -8 pages excluding references, tables, charts, figures) All written work must be Times Roman 12 font double spaced (Page Layout “0” spacing). worth (25%) Advanced Practice Nurse Assure Quality Clinical Outcomes Essay


´ Cover Page
´ Primary headings are centered and bolded:
Policy Analysis & Core Competencies
Policy Relevance
Literature Review
Financial Considerations
Tables Advanced Practice Nurse Assure Quality Clinical Outcomes Essay

Using the National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialist (NACNS) Adult-Gero Core Competencies or American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP), depending on your focus, you will appraise a policy for its timeliness and congruence with NACNS or AANP, citing specific competencies within each sphere of influence and supplementing the written text with a table. Students will also appraise relevance to Healthy People 2030 goals and the IOM Future of Nursing Report. Student will search the literature for evidence-based information relating to the policy issue, read 2 refereed journal articles on the topic, and discuss in the appropriate sections within the paper. Headings for ALL major sections of the grading criteria below (except the introduction) should be included.
PLEASE NOTE: Papers will not be accepted if they are not properly organized using 7th ed APA formatting. They will be returned for rewrite with a 10-point deduction. Advanced Practice Nurse Assure Quality Clinical Outcomes Essay

Format and Grading Distribution for paper

´ 1. Introduction ( worth 10%): what is your paper about, in general? Guide the reader through its contents. (2-3 paragraphs) One paragraph about what the policy/bill/issue is about.
´ Give a opening statement that is impactful, usually containing data or statistics. A few general sentences about why this is important and a priority as health policy.
´ The next paragraph should inform the reader what to expect in the paper; a roadmap. “ This paper will identify…’,relevance, literature updates, stakeholders, financial impact, etc… The reader should know what to expect and the order. Advanced Practice Nurse Assure Quality Clinical Outcomes Essay

2. Policy analysis and Core Competencies – Describe the policy and its relevance to health care, specific populations, nursing, etc. Who are the stakeholders? How does it relate to the NP or CNS core competencies (refer to the table you will create)? (3-5 paragraphs) worth 20%
´ Describe the policy and its relevance to health care, specific populations, nursing, etc. Explain why. Who are the stakeholders? Do not just name the stake holders, give reasons why they are stakeholders and what they stand to gain or loose by this policy. Advanced Practice Nurse Assure Quality Clinical Outcomes Essay
´ How does it relate to the NP or CNS core competencies (refer to the table you will create). Do not restate what is simply in the table format, but explain how it relates. Remember to label the table and refer to it when you make the first comment regarding its relation. Remember to cite the reference for the Competencies.
´ Describe the policy and its relevance to health care, specific populations, nursing, etc. Explain why. Who are the stakeholders? Do not just name the stake holders, give reasons why they are stakeholders and what they stand to gain or loose by this policy. Advanced Practice Nurse Assure Quality Clinical Outcomes Essay
´ How does it relate to the NP or CNS core competencies (refer to the table you will create). Do not restate what is simply in the table format, but explain how it relates. Remember to label the table and refer to it when you make the first comment regarding its relation. Remember to cite the reference for the Competencies.
´ For those in the MS in Healthcare management program, you may use competencies related to your field. Please reference them so I can follow up. Advanced Practice Nurse Assure Quality Clinical Outcomes Essay

3. Policy relevance to HP2020 Goals and/or the STTI Global Initiatives (1-2 paragraphs) worth 15%
Policy relevance to:
´ HP2020 Goals
´ STTI Global Initiatives
´ CDC Guidelines
In this section, you are supporting that the policy/bill/issue you are writing about has relevance to a more national/global initiative/s. So, you are making a case for its importance, Advanced Practice Nurse Assure Quality Clinical Outcomes Essay

4. Literature updates (2-3 paragraphs) worth 10%
Ø Review the literature via database searches. Refer to library resources. (Cinahl, PUbMed, etc…).
Ø Look for recent publications unless there is a landmark study that still has significance. You references should relate to the public health issue, studies that were conducted, recent news worthy publications, databases containing statistics, and any other articles that are directly related to the policy. Advanced Practice Nurse Assure Quality Clinical Outcomes Essay
Ø Direct quotes must be limited and cited correctly. Rather than direct quotes, summarize the concept and elaborate.
Ø This is a Master’s degree course. Make sure this section reflects the level of studies you are engaging in. You should be writing to prepare for publication.
Ø Plagiarism is not tolerated.

5. Financial Impact of implementation and sustaining it (1-2 paragraphs) worth 15%
´ List direct and indirect costs
´ Quantify all resources and practices in dollars and cents
´ Quantify nursing care in dollars and cents, including root cause analysis
´ Are there costs that cannot be quantified? If so discuss
´ What are the primary & secondary benefits? Advanced Practice Nurse Assure Quality Clinical Outcomes Essay
´ Overall how would you evaluate this intervention? Is the cost worth the benefit? Is the cost effective?
´ How can an Advanced Practice Nurse assure quality clinical outcomes in this scenario?
Please note, give reasons and examples to support your financial considerations.

6. Summary conclusion (1 paragraph) worth 5%
This should be one to two well written, insightful paragraphs summarizing the ideas in your paper, providing some direction as to the importance of this and offering a conclusion.

7. Table: Create a table of the general core competencies this policy addresses and how it relates to each competency worth 10% Advanced Practice Nurse Assure Quality Clinical Outcomes Essay
8. References worth 5%
References: Make sure your references are properly cited in the text and are formatted correctly in the “reference’ section
Tables: The first is to embed tables in the text after each is first mentioned OR
The second is to place each table on a separate page after the reference list.
You can choose to do it either way, but make sure you refer to the table in your narrative.

9. APA format for manuscripts, grammar, spelling, neatness, clarity 10%

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