Amlodipine Profile Essay.

Amlodipine Profile Essay.


Amlodipine drug profile

1. Begin your drug profile the chemical name, generic name, and the Australian trade names for your chosen drug.
Amlodipine is drug that is used as blocking agent for calcium in the body. Amlodipine chemical name is 3-enthyl 5-mehtyl 2-(2-aminoethyxomythyl)-4-(2-chlorophynel)-1, 4-dihydro-6- methylperidine-3, 5-dicarboxylate monobenzenesulfonate (Alan Xu & Maiden, 2011.Pg. 34.). The generic name of Amlodipine drug is atorvastatin or amlodipine (Opler, Barnes &Noble books, 2005). Amlodipine’s Australian trade names are Norvasc and Perivasc (Upfal, 2008.Pg. 524.).Amlodipine Profile Essay.


A) List the approved indication for your drug

Lehne (2004.Pg. 25.) states that Amlodipine is approved for the following indications;
Essential hypertension
Angina pectoris
Abdominal pain
E dma
B). Determine whether your drug is approved for paramedic use in South Australia, and if it is, identify the approved paramedic indications for your drug in South Africa.
Amlodipine drug is approved for parademic use in South Australia by the administration of theuraptic goods (Staff, 2003.Pg.123.). The approved indications for the Amlodipine drug in South Australia include;

Aortic stenosis.

Unstable angina
Cardiogenic shock
Complications in breast feeding
SECTION 4: Over -the- Counter & Complementary and Alternative Medicines
Add to your drug profile:
A list of conventional over-the-counter (OTC) medicines, complementary alternative medicines (CAMs) and prescription medicines that are known or suspected to undergo clinically relevant interactions with your profile drug in humans
List the source(s) of information you have used and indicate the strength of the evidence (e.g. anecdotal report, clinical case, clinical trial, etc) for each of the interactions that you have identified
1. The following is a list of over-the-counter drugs, complementary alternative medicines and prescription medicines that are known to undergo relevant interactions with Amlodipine drug in humans (Staff, 2003.Pg. 123.);
Lovenox. This a drug that is easily available from chemist and a patient can buy without a medical officer prescription. The drug prevents blood clotting but can cause bacteria endocarditis (Staff, 2003.Pg. 123.).Amlodipine Profile Essay.