Annual Physical Examination SOAP Note Essay
SOAP note: Annual physical examination
Patient information
Patient initial: R.T. Age: 15. Sex: female Race: Caucasian
CC: Annual physical examination
HPI; R.T, a 15-year-old Caucasian female, showed up at the clinic unaccompanied for her routine physical. She declared that she had no medical conditions and that her most recent examination, which took place on May 6, 2021, had yielded typical tests and physical findings. She further claimed to perform BSE almost daily without noticing anomalous masses. Denies nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea Annual Physical Examination SOAP Note Essay
Medication: none reported
Allergy: NKFDA
PMH: no past medical/surgical history reported.
Immunization: up-to-date. Last received Tdap 5/7/2021
Family history: no significant family history was reported
Social history: The patient is her parents’ lone child. She is heterosexual, has a boyfriend, and has stated not using any contraceptives. She is currently in tenth grade. She lives with her mother in a safe neighborhood. Denies having ever smoked or used alcohol. Rarely exercise and wear a seat belt while driving. Eats a lot of fruits and veggies.
Reproductive history: Began menses at 12 years. LMP 5/7/2022. Follows a 28-day cycle. Nulliparous
General : denies fever, chills, and changes in weight.
HEENT: no issue with vision or hearing is reported.
CV: no chest pain or sudden changes in heartbeat
G.I.: denies nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
GU: denies dysuria and polyuria
Msk: denies muscle pain and any other orthopedic injuries.
Skin and breast: deny skin rashes, bruising, lumps, or breast pain.
Neurological: denies cold or heat intolerances Annual Physical Examination SOAP Note Essay
Vts: T 37.1, HR 80, RR 20, BP 128/66, SpO2 100% Wt. 126 lb. Ht. 5’2 BMI 20.4
General: A&Ox3. Well-hydrated and appears stated age.
Skin: no rashes or bruises noted.
HEENT: normocephalic, EOMI. PERRLA. Nares patent bilaterally. No buccal nodules were noted. No JVD
CV: RRR, no murmur or galops
Msk: symmetrical with ROM intact.
Resp: no cyanosis. Clear lung sound.
Neurological: balanced gait. Speech clear.
Psychiatric: oriented to place and time. Good Insight and judgment (Jarvis et al.,2018).
Encountered for a physical examination with no abnormal findings.
Due to her sexual history, she needs to be screened for STIs (Shafii et al.,2020).
Lab test and result
CBC: result pending
STD panel test: result pending
U.A.: result pending
Medication: no medication is recommended in her case.
Education: must be advised on the dangers of having unprotected sex. Be encouraged to take part in an exercise at least 3x a week.
Follow-up: schedule the subsequent annual physical examination for 6/7/2023 Annual Physical Examination SOAP Note Essay
Jarvis, C. (2018). Physical Examination and Health Assessment-Canadian E-Book. Elsevier Health Sciences.
Shafii, T., & Levine, D. (2020). Office-based screening for sexually transmitted infections in adolescents. Pediatrics, 145(Supplement_2), S219-S224. Annual Physical Examination SOAP Note Essay