Anthropology Exploration Essay

Anthropology Exploration Essay

In today’s world, the effects of the US culture on traditional diets and eating habits are really huge because of the increased food consumption, expansion of sales of soda pop and popcorn, fries, and burgers and other fast-food products, which are considered to be high energy food and drink. Anthropology Exploration Essay. These eating habits lead to obesity. One major international US fast-food company is McDonald’s, which operates in more than 37,000 locations worldwide. Currently, “McDonald’s has around 34,000 restaurants in 118 countries and territories across the world, serving more than 69 million people every day worldwide” (McDonald’s, Official Website). The company tried to adapt to the local diet of that other countries through the use of local ingredients and modification of menus. This fact means that the company considers local tastes and local traditions in food consumption to address the needs of consumers. Anthropology Exploration Essay.

Two common values shared by indigenous peoples throughout the world, as presented in the article “Being Indigenous in the 21st Century” by Mankiller include shared sense of responsibility for one another and caring deeply about the environment.Anthropology Exploration Essay.

It is important for indigenous culture to be preserved in the modern world because preservation and restoration of historic relics contribute to keeping heritage alive. Indigenous people should continue using their tribal languages and rituals to preserve and commemorate their history, as well as protect their rights.

The problems caused by economic development are few, including selling natural resources and lands by the government, the growth of economic inequality, and limited economic opportunities (Keating 227). Indigenous people have tried to resolve these problems through collaborative efforts which have already led to formation of the movements and organizations aimed at protesting against discriminative governmental policies, as well as through involvement in lawsuits to preserve their lands, and refusal “to give up their culture in order to engage another” (Sameshima & Stannard 224).

Works Cited

Keating, Neal. “Spirits of the Forest Cambodia’s Kui People Practice Spirit-Based Conservation” Annual Editions: Anthropology, 37e. 2012.

Kottak, Conrad. “The Biology and Culture of Overconsumption” in Cultural Anthropology,McGraw-Hill Education, 2014.Anthropology Exploration Essay.

Mankiller, Wilma. “Being Indigenous in the 21st Century” Cultural Survival Quarterly Magazine, March 2009.

McDonald’s, Official Website. About McDonald’s.

Sameshima, Sabrina & Stannard, Matt J. “We Belong to the Land: Samburu People’s

What is anthropology? This is a question that can be answered in numerous ways, but we are going to define it as simple as possible. If we break the word down into its two components it means the study of human beings. “Anthropo” means human beings or human kind and “logy” or “logia” is Greek for the study or knowledge of something. When we put it all together, it is the study of human beings which can be very broad. Anthropology can be broken down into four subfields: physical anthropology, archaeology, linguistic anthropology, and cultural anthropology. Physical anthropology is all of the physical aspects of being human like human evolution and human variation. People come in different heights, weights, and etc. The next subfield is archaeology which is the human cultures in the past. Examples of these are artifacts and architecture like pyramids and buildings. The third subfield of anthropology is called linguistic anthropology is the study of language. The last subfield is called cultural anthropology and it is focused on the study of cultural variation throughout the world. Cultural anthropology can also be called ethnology. Two of the subfields that I thought were evident in most of the movies we watched were cultural anthropology and linguistic anthropology. One of my favorite examples of cultural anthropology was from the beginning of the semester in the movie The Gods Must be Crazy. When Xi was venturing to the end of the earth to drop off the Evil Thing, he has 
I would’ve never imagined the endless careers that are available to anthropology majors, before taking Professor Sharratt’s Intro to Anthropology course. The things that I have learned in anthropology have opened my mind to a variety of different career paths that is possible with a degree in anthropology. Anthropology majors go off to a plethora of careers with their degrees in anthropology. Anthropology is “the study of humankind in all times and place”. Anthropology has four different subfields which include: Physical/Biological, Socio/Cultural, Linguistic, and Archeology. This wide range of a study allows for one to stand out to companies in a various amount of industries including law, health, and often times business. Some job duties
Forensic anthropologist document and investigate human remains from past experiences. Forensic anthropologists are also very helpful when mass disasters occur and a large amount of people die due to a certain event. Tersigni-Tarrant, Teresa, and Shirley state how forensic anthropology takes place during a mass disaster by stating “The staff working in the disaster morgue has several responsibilities: documentation and processing of remains, identification of the victim, examination of remains for medicolegal interpretations (e.g., cause of death), and documentation of the overall process” (444). Forensic anthropology can be very vital to a culture or country because it allows for one to understand how someone has passed away, which could possibly effect the same culture or country in the future.Anthropology Exploration Essay.  Forensic anthropologist take the time to examine the cause of one’s death and help a certain culture or country understand a particular outcome. There are forensic anthropologists employed by the FBI. Another possible career opportunity in anthropology that I ran across that intrigued me was an exhibit designer. Exhibit designers are mainly employed at museums. Their job duties include researching, educating, and designing in a museum setting. Exhibit designers are responsible for the preservation of anthropology related items such as human remains and past objects. In the search for an exhibit designer
Anthropology is a generic term which originates from the Greek word anthropo logos which means the “study of man.” Anthropology is the most comprehensive among the social sciences, covering every aspect of human behaviour, past, present and the future (Blanchard 1995:2). The anthropology of sports serves as a unique social scientific approach to understand and analyse sports alongside the practical application of results to real problems (Blanchard 1995:23) and like all other social sciences, operates within “paradigms, models, and theories” to provide a better understanding of the study of sports (Coakley and Dunning 2000:150). Anthropology Exploration Essay. The anthropological approach to the ways research methods, can utilise the understanding that, sports constitutes human action which highlight social issues in ways no other discipline can (Besnier and Brownell 2012; Coakley and Dunning 2000:151; Blanchard 1995:2). For example, the anthropology of sports focuses on the distinctive framework within which one may address specialised problems like gender and sports, sports and ritual, and violence in human society among others (Blanchard 1995:23). The anthropology of sports is primarily a behavioral science thus closely related to cultural anthropology (Blanchard 1995:23) and tied to the knowledge that sports is an institution and a component of culture (Coakley and Dunning 2000:151). The anthropological study of sports can add to the existing sociological and historical knowledge in sports field and. Anthropology Exploration Essay.