APN Role in Transition Essay Assignment
Three significant stages characterize a successful transition into an NP’s role. The first phase, a successful transition, occurs when NP have completed their studies but have not commenced their first NP position (MacLellan et al., 2015). Secondly, an incomplete transition occurs within the first few months after becoming an NP. Strong feelings of insecurity characterize this phase of NP transition since the NP struggles to cope with the demands of the new role and meet management’s expectations (MacLellan et al., 2015). Lastly, a successful transition from the RN to the NP role occurs six months into the NP position. The NP becomes confident at this stage and copes with challenges attributed to the NP role (MacLellan et al., 2015). Additionally, NP is introduced to new duties in this final transition phase to extend their roles. APN Role in Transition Essay Assignment
The first element of role transition involves laying the foundation. It involves the completion of NP studies. The second concept is launching. This element involves becoming an NP and practicing in the new position for a few months (MacLellan et al., 2015). The last element of NP role transition is broadening. It is characterized by practicing as an NP for at least six months and becoming confident in handling duties in the new position. As a result, an NP is assigned more duties, which extends the new role.
Currently, I am in the first stage of the RN-NP role transition. This stage involves acquiring the knowledge, skills, and experience needed for the NP position. I am pursuing a master’s degree program, which will enhance my knowledge and competence, preparing me for a future role as an NP.
A successful transition into an NP role requires educational experiences and practice skills. Experience enhances nursing practice skill acquisition and competency development (Barnes, 2015). Thus, I need to acquire procedural knowledge via practical problem-solving, such as systems thinking to prepare for the NP position. NP apply their knowledge in evolving circumstances. Thus, I should acquire a wide range of practical skills, including meta-cognitive and cognitive skills such as creative thinking, critical thinking, and self-regulation skills; practical and physical skills; and emotional and social skills such as empathy, and collaboration, and self-efficacy to enhance my transition into an NP role. APN Role in Transition Essay Assignment
Potential barriers hinder the successful transition from RN to APN role. The most significant barrier is work-related distress due to the shift from an experienced registered nurse to an inexperienced NP role (Latham & Fahey, 2006). Additionally, the new role is attributed to a change in professional identity and impaired NP position development, exposing an individual to work-related distress. Failure to meet the management’s expectations also results in stress. Strategies for preventing work-related stress among new NPs include acquiring experience, skills, and knowledge and receiving a formal orientation within the first few months after transiting into the new position. APN Role in Transition Essay Assignment
Barnes H. (2015). Exploring the Factors that Influence Nurse Practitioner Role Transition. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners: JNP, 11(2), 178–183.
Latham, C. L., & Fahey, L. J. (2006). Novice to expert advanced practice nurse role transition: guided student self-reflection. Journal of Nursing Education, 45(1), 46–48.
MacLellan, L., Levett‐Jones, T., & Higgins, I. (2015). Nurse practitioner role transition: A concept analysis. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, 27(7), 389–397. APN Role in Transition Essay Assignment