Application of Community Health & Population-Focused Nursing Essay

Application of Community Health & Population-Focused Nursing Essay

Simulation in community health nursing has proven to be very critical in the field of nursing. Simulation activities are valuable because they afford students the chance to practice physical assessment as well as technical skills. Even though many of the most published instances have put much weight on the traditional medical spectra, the entry-level nurses are now being engaged outside this spectra. Application of Community Health & Population-Focused Nursing Essay. This practice requires sufficient simulated experience that significant on the community health concepts (Joyce, Harmon, Johnson, Hicks, Brown‐Schott, Pilling& Brownrigg, 2018). This review is going to explore the application of community health and population-focused nursing on the virtual Sentinel City community.

Assessment of Needs and Risks

Demographic Assessment

Sentinel City has a total population of 634, 265 populace. The city has four communities or neighborhoods that make the city population distribution including industrial park Heights, Acer Tech Center, Nightingale Square and Casper Park District (Nicksa, Anderson, Fidler, & Stewart, 2015).Application of Community Health & Population-Focused Nursing Essay.


Nightingale Square neighborhood has the highest household income with an average of $265,550.00 with a total population of 103, 974. Veterans make up 5, 326 portions of the community. Nightingale Square also has 0.7 percent of uninsured residents under the age of 65 years. The largest ethnic group in Nightingale Square is the Caucasian (white) at 81 percent and the second largest ethnic group is the Hispanic (Latino) at 3.7 percent. According to the demographic analysis of this square, the people over the age of 65 years form 13.9 percent of the population. People under the age of 18 forms 7.3 percent of the community and 2.4 percent of the under 18 population being under five years (Nicksa et al., 2015).

In Sentinel City, Acer Tech Center is the community with the second highest household income with an average household income of &166, 300 plus a 1.5 percent of uninsured people under the age of 65 years. It has a total population of 168, 390. The veterans in the community make up 6, 208 residence.  Application of Community Health & Population-Focused Nursing Essay.The largest ethnic group in this community is the Caucasian (white) with 70 percent and the second largest group is the Hispanic (Latino) with 13.7 percent of the population. 19.8 percent of the population is the elderly over the age of 65 years. 8.1 percent of the community population is under 18 years with 4.1 percent being under the age of 5 years and 6.7 percent are children under five years of age. The portion of the population that is considered to be made up of disabled people under 65 years is 6.7 percent (Nicksa et al., 2015). Application of Community Health & Population-Focused Nursing Essay.

On the other side, In the Casper Park District, the median household income is $80, 134 with a percentage of 22.7 of uninsured people under the age of 65 years. The total population here is 352, 643. The veterans form 2, 016 of this populace. The group that makes up the most considerable portion of the people in Casper District is the Caucasian (white) with 63 percent the second the largest group is the Hispanic (Latino) making 24 percent of the population. The people under the age of 65 years form 13.5 percent of the population. 44.7 percent of the population is made up of the people under the age of 18 years with 10.9 percent under five years of age. The disabled people are considered to form 6.8 percent of the population (Nicksa et al., 2015).

The fourth community in Sentinel City is the Industrial Height community. It has the lowest average household income of $24, 672. It has a total population of 38, 855. Veterans form 607 of the population while 37.5 percent of the people are uninsured against health complications. The largest ethnic group here is the Hispanic (Latino) making up 46.8 percent of the population of the Industrial Height population. The second largest group of people here is African American with a percentage of 13.1 percent. According to Sentinel demographics, the older adults over 65 years form 0.9 percent of the population. The population under the age of 18 years is 31.7 percent with 10.9 percent are those children under the age of 5 years. The disabled people are considered to form 12.9 percent of the Industrial Height community population (Nicksa et al., 2015). Application of Community Health & Population-Focused Nursing Essay.

Neighborhood/Community Safety Inventory

During my tour through the community, I made a wide-spanned observation, and I came up with a broad spectrum of findings. In my list, I realized that there were various hazards. Many of the Hazard I noticed within the Sentinel City are the Biohazards. There were rodents, bags and garbage containers across many parts of the city. There was much building that was exposed to open garbage containers and bags; this spanned from Sentinel City Park and Recreational shows among area in the city. Unfortunately, some of the mentioned hazards extended to near grocery stores and health facilities in the town. Casper senior center and some housing projects were as well exposed to the specified hazards. Industrial Heights was not left behind, and it also was affected by some of the dangers mentioned in this context. The risks especially the garbage and bags exposed public health at stake as well as the lives of those who are charged with the role of collecting them. The waste contains a living organism that has the potential to cause various diseases. They also attract rodents and other insects that can as well pause health risks. Another hazard worth mentioning in this context is the roaming, and barking dogs that were noted running near fresh fruits stand sitting outside the medical center. I also noticed a dog indicated a dog near a daycare at Casper Park. Another was also noted near the redevelopment housing project. I also saw the presence of a cat near a grocery. Application of Community Health & Population-Focused Nursing Essay. These animals can potentially attack those who near them and they also carry diseases that they can transfer to human beings. Among other hazards that I noted across the city are spilling pipes, gang violence, drug abuse, and debris covering significant parts across the city. Again, children across the city were also exposed to security issues since the passers-by were unidentified people.

Windshield Survey

Sentinel has several public locations and trees in many streets. There are two notable parks, one in Casper Park which is open to the public and is poorly kept, and had stray animals passing around it. The second park/school backyard is located in the lower income community of the Industrial Heights. The park is clean though many children are playing outside. There is no fence to protect the children for stray animals and passers-by who can abduct the children. It is located near a homeless shelter and soup kitchen. There is also a park and recreational center in Nightingale Square. High rates of crimes characterize this big facility. There is a large number of homeless families roaming around, stray animals and drugs being sold around this facility. Another prominent place in Sentinel city is Joe`s grocery with many people coming and going. This grocery is located near an area where street performers do their work and watched casually by a large population. There are also nearby open garbage and stray animals. There is also the Interfaith Church in the Industrial heights which is another popular location. Application of Community Health & Population-Focused Nursing Essay. This area is always frequented by a large population of homeless and hungry people. The city has abandoned buildings in the stages of disrepair. I also noticed several renovations going on. Improvement of construction was also seen in Nightingale Square as well as Acer Tech area. Acer Tech Community also has City Hall which is well-taken care off. The streets are well lit, people are well-dressed, and police could be seen patrolling.

Health Scavenger Hunt

There are many health-related facilities in the Sentinel city that can be evaluated to define the population health risk and possible interventions. Parks and recreation facilities are present in Sentinel city, but the largest one is located in Nightingale Square which offers several educational programs. There numerous problems that have occasioned the parks including budgeting and the matter of homeless people frequenting the park. There is also healthcare system-elderly services. The many services that are offered here include the community centers, meals on wheels, transportation, medical care advocates, and government entitlement assistance among others. Many living options for the elderly are available in the city. There are also community health centers that provide numerous health services. Soup Kitchen in the city also helps a large population of the needy people in the society. Sentinel City also has an affordable housing project that is pocket-friendly for the financially constrained people. There are also of matters concerning social spectra that have frequented the whole of Sentinel City; they include the advocacy against STDs and tobacco usage. There are also bullying in schools especially the High Schools. The city is also not culturally diverse. Application of Community Health & Population-Focused Nursing Essay.

Top Three Problem in Sentinel City

My study of Sentinel City figured out three major problems; Environmental Safety, Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) and Substance Abuse.

Environmental Problem

Despite the fact the Sentinel city`s two middle-upper-class towns are clean, there are parts throughout the city that are occasioned with open trash, garbage bags and rodents. Some of the construction sites throughout the city are also not adequately managed. The park and schools are also not adequately fenced exposing the safety of children there at stake.

According to Healthy People 2020 has its goals set to prove the health of the people through a healthy environment. The website for Healthy People 2020 proceeds to define the qualities of outdoor air, surface and groundwater quality, toxins, substances, and hazardous wastes, home and communities, infrastructure and surveillance, and Global environmental, as the main areas of focus. According to Healthy People, “2,200,000 deaths were caused by poor water quality, sanitation, and insufficient hygiene in 2004.” The main aim here to limit this figure to 2000.00. Healthy People 2020, “The nearly 25 percent of all deaths and the total disease burden can be attributed to environmental factors.” (Healthy People 2020, 2017).The data here shows that the combined averages Sentinel City is more than the national average.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)

In the Sentinel City, the highest percentage of the population diagnosed with STDs are the age group of 15-24 with gonorrhea making up 70 percent, chlamydia 63 percent and HSV-2 45 percent. Again, the highest percentage of population covered by people in the age of 25 and above were diagnosed with HIV (American Simulation Sentinel, 2015). Application of Community Health & Population-Focused Nursing Essay. Therefore, efforts have been made by different group to try to limit the number of people affected by STDs. Healthy People Website revealed that “7.4 percent of females aged 15 to 24 years, who attended family planning clinics in the past 12 months, tested positive for Chlamydia trachomatis infections in 2008.” This data shows that 7.4 percent is below Sentinel`s City average. However, it is above the national average that forms the 6.7 percent. The Healthy people website also revealed that “279.9 new cases of gonorrhea per 100,000 females…” and “216.5 new cases of gonorrhea per 100,000 males aged 15 to 44 years were reported in 2008.” The website also shows that 10.5% of young adults were positive for the HSV-2 upon testing. Once more, the national average is higher than the anticipated goal. The Healthy People Website has the aim of preventing HIV from attacking new people. The Healthy People 2020 website asserts, “4.6 new HIV infections were transmitted per 100 persons living with HIV in 2006.” This is lower than the Sentinel average but is higher than the anticipated average. The goal of Healthy People is to limit it to 3.5 new infections per 100 individuals living with (Healthy People 2020, 2017).

Substance Abuse

The people of Sentinel City are also exposed to substance abuse, and these include cannabis at 16 percent, alcohol at 26 percent, and tobacco at 24 percent. There are also other drugs that are being abused; even though, they take smaller percentages. Healthy People 2020 objectives are to limit the impacts of tobacco such as illness, disability, and deaths.Application of Community Health & Population-Focused Nursing Essay.  Health people Website also reveal that 7.9 percent of youth ranging from 12-17 years of age had never used tobacco before. The aim is, therefore, to reduce the number to 5.8 percent. Again, in 2019, a staggering 19.5 percent of the fresh adolescent students through senior years of high school, abused cigarette in their last 30 days. The website also reveals that 58.5 percent of the freshmen youths tried to halt smoking through their senior years in the year 2009. The aim is to increase this figure to 64 percent. (Healthy People 2020, 2017) According to the Healthy People Website data, the comparison of tobacco consumers is not accurate since the national figure was dedicated to minors while that for Sentinel city in general.

Available Resources

According to Sentinel City Demographic, the city has a health clinic and indeed a better one. Some of the services provided in these health facilities are cancer screening, contraceptive services, STD counseling, pregnancy testing and counseling among other services. The clinic aims at enhancing preventive services as the main focus of health advocacy. The adequate health facility is situated in the lower income area region of the Industrial Heights and serves both the lower class and middle class. The community located in Acer Tech have OB and gynecology docket for in-patient needs, although it lacks outpatient OB and gynecology department. (America Sentinel Simulation, 2015). Per Friedman (2017), “San Antonio’s STD rates have surpassed state averages. From 2014 to 2015, HIV increased 8 percent, chlamydia increased by 15 percent, and gonorrhea increased by 22 percent.” (pg.1). Therefore, I bestow a lot of efforts to intervene in the incidences of STDs. Application of Community Health & Population-Focused Nursing Essay.

Major Prevention Topic

My main topic based on the Sexual Health and prevention of the STDs. The average of national and Sentinel City STD rates are higher. “According to the most recent data from the state Department of State Health Services, 2015 was a record year for chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, and HIV infections across the county.” Zielinski (2017).

Application of Learning from Simulation to Future Community Assessment Plans

My study in Sentinel City regarding the given tools has allowed me to evaluate community health issues and how to apply critical thinking sufficiently. I can now authoritatively establish pertinent quantitative data, as well as using the date to assess the healthcare matters both at the national and city level. I was able to construct three main topics within Sentinel City and used the data to come up with my argument. The skills gained through my walk in Sentinel city will be applied to model my main topic which is the prevention of STDs; I will find health facilities that would be willing to dedicate their efforts in combatting STDs. I will also use the data gained to understand and think widely about community health, and I would use it to help my community as well. Application of Community Health & Population-Focused Nursing Essay.



Friedman, C. (2017, April 20). San Antonio STD rates surpass state average; Metro Health using Fiesta to raise awareness. Retrieved May 9, 2017, from

HIV. (2014). Retrieved May 8, 2017, from

Joyce, B. L., Harmon, M., Johnson, R. G. H., Hicks, V., Brown‐Schott, N., Pilling, L., & Brownrigg, V. (2018). Community/public health nursing faculty’s knowledge, skills and attitudes of the Quad Council Competencies for Public Health Nurses. Public Health Nursing, 35(5), 427-439.

Nicksa, G. A., Anderson, C., Fidler, R., & Stewart, L. (2015). An innovative approach using interprofessional simulation to educate surgical residents in technical and nontechnical skills in high-risk clinical scenarios. JAMA surgery, 150(3), 201-207.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases. (2014). Retrieved May 8, 2017, from

  1. (2015). American Sentinel City. Retrieved May 9, 2017, from

Zielinski, A. (2017, April 29). Bexar County Sees Record STD and HIV Rates. Retrieved May 9, 2017, from .Application of Community Health & Population-Focused Nursing Essay.