Applying a Code of Ethics Discussion
Organizational leaders are expected to manage people working under them and maintain a healthy and civil workplace. Ethical issues arise in the workplace, where a leader requires critical thinking and moral judgment. Organizations have codes of conduct and ethics that each employee should adhere to. However, the complex nature of human resource management presents organizational leaders with different ethical dilemmas when there is a clash between organizational policies, employee welfare, and ethical responsibilities (Jhamb & Carlson, 2020). This essay presents the case of an employee with multiple life challenges who has been using their departmental budget to pay for their child’s cancer treatment and how professional judgement, code of ethics, and personal philosophy can be applied to address the situation. Applying a Code of Ethics Discussion
As a leader, it is prudent to take time and evaluate the situation from multiple perspectives. Using my personal philosophy, I would demonstrate empathy and compassion towards the employee who is already facing a difficult situation. I would also endeavor to make an informed and ethical decision that would address the budget violation and honor the difficult situation being faced by the colleague. I would call the colleague in person for an open dialogue to understand why the employee decided to use the departmental budget and make them aware of the gravity of the situation and the possible consequences based on the organizational policies (Kancharla & Dadhich, 2021). I acknowledge that cancer treatment is expensive and has taken a financial toll on the employee, who is a single parent, after undergoing a painful divorce. Therefore, it will be prudent to use professional judgment to seek additional sources of funding for cancer treatment. Also, a hospitalized child requires a lot of time and support from the parent or guardian. A flexible working schedule would help the employee manage work responsibilities and offer support to the child. Applying a Code of Ethics Discussion
The principle of diversity will come into play by striving to understand how the employee’s current challenges may have impacted their actions and the situation at hand (Rabie & Malek, 2020). I would consider comprehensively the dimensions of diversity that may have contributed to the colleague’s action, such as family status, economic status, and stress handling capabilities. The employee may be emotionally unstable due to divorce, making it hard for them to speak out and seek help for fear of judgement. As such, the only idea that came to mind was the use of departmental budgets. Suggesting psychosocial therapy and support services for the employee would help in improving their emotional and social health and empower them to face their current life situation holistically. In the light of organizational policies and codes of ethics, I would leverage professional judgment to take appropriate disciplinary action, such as recovering the money from their salary for an extended period of time and cautioning them against a repeat of the same. Another strategy would be to transfer the employee temporarily to a section with minimal financial dealings. I would also maintain confidentiality when handling the matter to protect the employee’s reputation and dignity. Applying a Code of Ethics Discussion
Jhamb, S., & Carlson, K. W. (2020). Managing workplace ethical dilemmas, perceptual ethical leadership, accountability, and management outcomes: A critical review and future directions. The Journal of Applied Business and Economics, 22(9), 53-67.
Kancharla, R., & Dadhich, A. (2021). Perceived ethics training and workplace behavior: the mediating role of perceived ethical culture. European Journal of Training and Development, 45(1), 53-73.
Rabie, M. O., & Malek, M. A. (2020). Ethical leadership and employee ethical behavior: a moderated mediation mechanisms. SEISENSE Journal of Management, 3(2), 73-88.
What one society deems as inappropriate conduct may be acceptable in another. Think of yourself as a leader in your field. You have just learned that a recently divorced colleague has been using their departmental budget to pay for cancer treatment for their child. While this is a clear violation of your organization’s policy, you, as a leader, are very conflicted by the situation because you are aware of the multiple challenges your colleague has faced this past year. They are now not only faced with the struggles of being a single parent of a child with cancer, but they are also dealing with the negative emotional and financial toll of their recent divorce. Applying your personal philosophy, organizational ethical policies, your professional code of ethics, principles of diversity, and your professional judgment, describe how you would handle this situation. Applying a Code of Ethics Discussion
Read the following article:
Goyal, S. (2009, August). Diversity at workplace. HRM Review.
Review the code of ethics from the following resources:
American College of Healthcare Executive (ASHE) Code of Ethics and Ethics toolkit
Code of ethics for educators
Nursing Code of Ethics
Physical Therapy Code of Ethics
Occupational Therapy Code of Ethics
Athletic Therapy Code of Ethics Applying a Code of Ethics Discussion
Include two scholarly references with your response. Post your initial discussion by the end of Week 5, and two peer responses by the end of Week 6. For grading criteria, refer to the discussion rubric at the right. Applying a Code of Ethics Discussion