APRN Major Roles & Core Competencies Essay

APRN Major Roles & Core Competencies Essay

I chose the CRNA role.
Four major APN roles and core APN competencies will be reported in this assignment via student-led presentations. Reports will provide a comprehensive overview of APN major roles through the lens of field practitioners. APRN Major Roles & Core Competencies Essay

You have been introduced to the four major advanced practice nursing roles (NP, CRNA, CNS, CNM) as well as numerous concepts in Advanced Practice Nursing.  Socialization into the advanced role through education and practice has been discussed as well as reviewed encounters in APN transition into the work environment. Other considerations for the APN practice include regulations and practice guidelines affecting advanced practice in institutional and independent practice arenas such as the standards and scope of practice in advanced practice nursing.



For this assignment, you are assigned to present a report on one of the APN roles. I choose CRNA. APRN Major Roles & Core Competencies Essay Information to be reported should include but not be limited to definition/description of role and role competencies; the scope of practice; models of practice; professional or legislative regulations including licensure, certification, specialties; education; practice settings; salaries or reimbursements; collaborative partners; etc. (See additional items listed below). APRN Major Roles & Core Competencies Essay

Develop APN role and competencies report/project per rubric:

Develop APN role and competencies report/project per rubric (outline and draft)
Prepare annotated summaries of at least 3 literature sources related to your assigned or selected APN major role and core competency.

APRN Major Role & Competencies Criteria & Rubric

The evaluator will score from zero to full value, the extent to which the response addressed each stated criterion: (5) Exceptionally addressed; (4) Mostly addressed; (3) Partially addressed; (2-1) Mostly not addressed; (0) Not addressed. APRN Major Roles & Core Competencies Essay

Score from zero to 5 on the extent to which the response addressed each stated criterion: (5) Exceptionally addressed; (4) Mostly addressed; (3) Partially addressed; (2-1) Mostly not addressed; (0) Not addressed.
Exceptionally Addressed (5)
Mostly Addressed (4)
Partially Addressed (3)
Mostly Not Addressed (1-2) APRN Major Roles & Core Competencies Essay
Not Addressed (0)


Definition & description of the APN role and competencies

Clear adequate explanation and description are provided. Information is current, relevant, and reflects understanding of key APN role concepts APRN Major Roles & Core Competencies Essay

Mostly adequate explanation and description are provided. Information is mostly current, relevant, and reflects understanding of key APN role concepts

Partially clear adequate explanation and description are provided. Information is partially current, relevant, and reflects understanding of key APN role concepts

Mostly unclear inadequate explanation and description are provided. Information is mostly not current, relevant, or reflect understanding of key APN role concepts APRN Major Roles & Core Competencies Essay

Inadequate explanation and description are provided. Information is not current, relevant, and does not reflect understanding of key APN role concepts
1 5

Scope of the APN role practice

Clear and appropriate description of the scope of role practice and competencies. Information is current, relevant, and reflects understanding of the APN scope of practice APRN Major Roles & Core Competencies Essay

Mostly clear and appropriate description of the scope of role practice and competencies. Information is mostly current, relevant, and reflects understanding of the APN scope of practice

Partially clear and appropriate description of the scope of role practice and competencies. Information is partially current, relevant, and reflects understanding of the APN scope of practice

Mostly unclear and inappropriate description of the scope of role practice and competencies. Information is mostly not current, relevant, nor reflect understanding of the APN scope of practice APRN Major Roles & Core Competencies Essay

Unclear and inappropriate description of the scope of role practice and competencies. Information is not current, relevant, and does not reflect understanding of the APN scope of practice

Related model/s or theory of the advanced practice role

Clear and appropriate description of related model for the advanced practice role. Information is current, relevant, and reflects understanding of the role and relevance of models in advanced practice and development APRN Major Roles & Core Competencies Essay

Mostly clear and appropriate description of related model for the advanced practice role. Information is mostly current, relevant, and reflects understanding of the role and relevance of models in advanced practice and development

Partially clear and appropriate description of related model for the advanced practice role. Information is partially current, relevant, and reflects understanding of the role and relevance of models in advanced practice and development APRN Major Roles & Core Competencies Essay

Mostly unclear and appropriate description of related model for the advanced practice role. Information is mostly not current, relevant, nor reflect understanding of the role and relevance of models in advanced practice and development

Unclear and inappropriate description of related model for the advanced practice role. Information is not current, relevant, and does not reflect understanding of the role and relevance of models in advanced practice and development APRN Major Roles & Core Competencies Essay



The APN role practice requirements/regulation

Clear and appropriate description of the requirements for advanced practice. Information is current, relevant, and reflects an understanding of advanced practice requirements.

Mostly clear and appropriate description of the requirements for advanced practice. Information is most current, relevant, and reflects an understanding of advanced practice requirements.

Partially clear and appropriate description of the requirements for advanced practice. Information is partially current, relevant, and reflects an understanding of advanced practice requirements. APRN Major Roles & Core Competencies Essay

Mostly unclear and appropriate description of the requirements for advanced practice. Information is mostly not current, relevant, nor reflects an understanding of advanced practice requirements.

Unclear and appropriate description of the requirements for advanced practice. Information is not current, relevant, and does not reflect understanding of advanced practice requirements. APRN Major Roles & Core Competencies Essay

Creativity of Presentation

Creativity is clearly exhibited in all aspects of the presentation. Information is current, relevant, and reflects understanding of style and creativity

Creativity is exhibited in most aspects of the presentation. Information is mostly current, relevant, and reflects understanding of style and creativity

Creativity is partially exhibited in all aspects of the presentation. Information is partially current, relevant, and reflects understanding of style and creativity

Creativity is mostly not exhibited in all aspects of the presentation. Information is mostly not current, relevant, and nor reflect understanding of style and creativity

Creativity is not exhibited in all aspects of the presentation. Information is not current, relevant, and does not reflect understanding of style and creativity APRN Major Roles & Core Competencies Essay

Evidence of Preparation/Teamwork Approach including interviewing

Information and ideas of the presentation are well organized, logical, well-sequenced, makes good use of time; Shared information, handout, and other visuals were available on time and helpful; Presenter shows evidence of teamwork, coordination, and rehearsal when relevant; Information is current, relevant, and reflects understanding and skill APRN Major Roles & Core Competencies Essay

Information and ideas of the presentation are mostly well organized, logical, well-sequenced, makes good use of time; Shared information, handout, and other visuals were mostly available on time and helpful; Presenter mostly shows evidence of teamwork, coordination, and rehearsal when relevant; Information is most current, relevant, and reflects understanding and skill

Information and ideas of the presentation are partially well organized, logical, well-sequenced, makes good use of time; Shared information, handout, and other visuals were partially available on time and helpful; Presenter partially shows evidence of teamwork, coordination, and rehearsal when relevant; Information is partially current, relevant, and reflects understanding and skill APRN Major Roles & Core Competencies Essay

Information and ideas of the presentation are mostly not well organized, logical, well-sequenced, makes good use of time; Shared information, handout, and other visuals were mostly not available on time and helpful; Presenter mostly does not show evidence of teamwork, coordination, and rehearsal when relevant; Information is mostly not current, relevant, nor reflects understanding and skill

Information and ideas of the presentation are not organized, logical, well-sequenced, makes good use of time; Shared information, handout, and other visuals were not available on time and helpful; Presenter does not show evidence of teamwork, coordination, and rehearsal when relevant; Information is not current, relevant, nor reflect understanding and skill APRN Major Roles & Core Competencies Essay

Discussion/ Class Participation/ Response to Questions.

Presenter is audible, makes eye contact, and responds appropriately to questions or comments; Presents a professional image in language and appearance. Demonstrate leadership in managing responsibility; Information is current, relevant, and reflects understanding and skill.

Presenter is mostly audible, makes eye contact, and responds appropriately to questions or comments; Mostly presents a professional image in language and appearance. Mostly demonstrate leadership in managing responsibility; Information is mostly current, relevant, and reflects understanding and skill. APRN Major Roles & Core Competencies Essay

Presenter is partially audible, makes eye contact, and responds appropriately to questions or comments; Presents a partially professional image in language and appearance. Partially demonstrate leadership in managing responsibility; Information is partially current, relevant, and reflects understanding and skill.

Presenter is mostly not audible, makes eye contact, and responds appropriately to questions or comments; Mostly does not presents a professional image in language and appearance. Mostly does not demonstrate leadership in managing responsibility; Information is mostly not current, relevant, nor reflect understanding and skill. APRN Major Roles & Core Competencies Essay

Presenter is not audible, makes no eye contact, or responds appropriately to questions or comments; Does not presents professional image in language and appearance. Does not demonstrate leadership in managing responsibility; Information is not current, relevant, nor reflect understanding and skill.

Organization, Formatting, & Style

Appropriate use of APA formatting for citations and presentation of information. At least 3 literature sources support various aspects of the middle range theory reported. APRN Major Roles & Core Competencies Essay

Mostly appropriate use of APA formatting for citations and presentation of information. At least 3 literature sources mostly support various aspects of the middle range theory reported.

Partially appropriate use of APA formatting for citations and presentation of information. Partial literature sources – two or three, support mostly aspects of the middle range theory reported.

Mostly inappropriate use of APA formatting for citations and presentation of information. Insufficient literature sources two or less, support aspects of the middle range theory reported.

Inappropriate use of APA formatting for citations and presentation of information. Lacks literature sources to support various aspects of the middle range theory reported. APRN Major Roles & Core Competencies Essay